Rule 37.97.185 - YOUTH CARE FACILITY (YCF): ANIMALS AND PETS(1) The YCF may keep household pets and a youth or staff may have a service animal as defined in ARM 37.40.1487, and permitted by local ordinance, subject to the following provisions: (a) pets must be clean and disease-free;(b) the immediate environment of pets must be kept clean;(c) birds must be kept in appropriate enclosures, unless the bird is a companion breed maintained and supervised by the owner; and(d) pets that are kept at the facility shall have documentation of current vaccinations, including rabies, as appropriate.(2) The administrator or designee shall determine which pets may be brought into the facility. Upon approval, family members may bring pets to visit, if the pets are clean, disease-free, and vaccinated as appropriate.(3) Facilities that allow birds shall have procedures that protect residents, staff, and visitors from psittacosis, ensure minimum handling of droppings, and require droppings to be placed in a plastic bag for disposal.(4) Prior to admission of companion birds, documentation of the import, out-of-state veterinarian health certificate, and import permit number provided by the pet store or breeder must be provided and maintained in the owner's records. If the health certificate and import permit number are not available, or if the bird was bred in-state, a certificate from a veterinarian stating that the bird is disease-free is required prior to residency. If the veterinarian certificate cannot be obtained by the move-in date, the resident may keep the bird enclosed in a private single occupancy room, using good hand washing after handling the bird and bird droppings until the veterinarian examination is obtained.(5) Pets may not be permitted in food preparation, storage, or dining areas during meal preparation time or during meal service or in any area where their presence would create a significant health or safety risk to others.