Rule 37.97.159 - YOUTH CARE FACILITY (YCF): YOUTH RIGHTS(1) A YCF shall develop and maintain a youth's rights policy that supports and protects the fundamental human, civil, constitutional, and statutory rights of all youth. These rights shall include but are not limited to the following: (a) freedom from abuse, neglect, and unnecessary physical restraint;(b) educational services in accordance with Montana state law, if the YCF operates during the school year;(c) recognition and respect in the delivery of services;(d) receive care according to individual need;(e) personal privacy, when it is not contrary to the treatment and safety of the youth;(f) family contact by mail and phone, as long as the contact is not contrary to the treatment and safety needs of the youth; and(g) consideration of the youth's opinions and recommendations when developing the youth's case plan with documentation of the youth's input.(2) The YCF shall have a youth grievance policy and procedures.(3) The program shall review the youth's rights policy with the youth at the time of admission. The youth and staff reviewing the policy shall sign a statement acknowledging the review. The statement must be maintained in the youth's record.