Mont. Admin. r. 37.40.307

Current through Register Vol. 1, January 10, 2025
(1) For nursing facility services provided by nursing facilities located within the state of Montana, the Montana Medicaid program will pay a provider, for each Medicaid patient day, a per-diem rate determined in accordance with this rule, minus the amount of the Medicaid recipient's patient contribution.
(2) Effective July 1, 2020, and in subsequent rate years, the reimbursement rate for each nursing facility will be determined using the flat-rate component specified in (2)(a) and the quality component specified in (2)(b).
(a) The flat-rate component is the same per-diem rate for each nursing facility and will be determined each year through a public process. Factors that could be considered in the establishment of this flat-rate component include the cost of providing nursing facility services and Medicaid recipient access to nursing facility services. The flat-rate component for state fiscal year (SFY) 2025 is $278.75.
(b) The quality component of each nursing facility's rate is based on the five-star rating system for nursing facility services, calculated by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). It is set for each facility based on its average five-star ratings for staffing and for quality. Facilities with an average rating of three to five stars will receive a quality-component payment. The funding for the quality-component payment will be divided by the total estimated Medicaid bed days to determine the quality component per Medicaid bed day. The quality component per bed day is then adjusted based on each facility's five-star average of staffing and quality-component scores. A facility with a five-star average of staffing and quality component scores will receive 100% of the quality-component payment, a four-star average will receive 75%, a three-star average will receive 50%, and one- and two-star average facilities will receive 0%. Funds unused by the first allocation round will be reallocated based on the facility's percentage of unused allocation against the available funds.
(c) The total payment rate available for the period July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025, will be the rate as computed in (2), plus any additional amount computed in ARM 37.40.311 and 37.40.361. Copies of the department's current nursing facility Medicaid reimbursement rates per facility are posted at, or may be obtained from the Department of Public Health and Human Services, Senior and LongTerm Care Division, P.O. Box 4210, Helena, MT 59604-4210.
(3) Providers who, as of July 1 of the rate year, have not filed with the department a cost report covering a period of at least six months' participation in the Medicaid program in a newly constructed facility will have a rate set at the flat-rate component as computed on July 1, 2024. Following a change in provider as defined in ARM 37.40.325, the per diem rate for the new provider will be set at the previous provider's rate, as if no change in provider had occurred.
(4) For nursing facility services provided by nursing facilities located outside the state of Montana, the Montana Medicaid program will pay a provider only as provided in ARM 37.40.337.
(5) The Montana Medicaid program will not pay any provider for items billable to residents under the provisions of ARM 37.40.331.
(6) Reimbursement for Medicare coinsurance days will be as follows:
(a) for dually eligible Medicaid and Medicare individuals, reimbursement is limited to the per-diem rate, as determined under (1) or ARM 37.40.336, or the Medicare co-insurance rate, whichever is lower, minus the Medicaid recipient's patient contribution; and
(b) for individuals whose Medicare buy-in premium is being paid under the qualified Medicare beneficiary (QMB) program under ARM 37.83.201, but are not otherwise Medicaid eligible, payment will be made only under the QMB program at the Medicare coinsurance rate.
(7) The department will not make any nursing facility per-diem or other reimbursement payments for any patient day for which a resident is not admitted to a facility bed that is licensed and certified as provided in ARM 37.40.306 as a nursing facility or skilled nursing facility bed.
(8) The department will not reimburse a nursing facility for any patient day for which another nursing facility is holding a bed under the provisions of ARM 37.40.338(1), unless the nursing facility seeking such payment has, prior to admission, notified the facility holding a bed that the resident has been admitted to another nursing facility. The nursing facility seeking such payment must maintain written documentation of such notification.
(9) Providers must bill for all services and supplies in accordance with the provisions of ARM 37.85.406. The department's fiscal agent will pay a provider the amount determined under these rules upon receipt of an appropriate billing which reports the number of patient days of nursing facility services provided to authorized Medicaid recipients during the billing period.
(a) Authorized Medicaid recipients are those residents determined eligible for Medicaid and authorized for nursing facility services as a result of the screening process described in ARM 37.40.101, 37.40.105, 37.40.106, 37.40.110, 37.40.120, and 37.40.201, et seq.
(10) Payments provided under this rule are subject to all limitations and cost settlement provisions specified in applicable laws, regulations, rules, and policies. All payments or rights to payments under this rule are subject to recovery or nonpayment, as specifically provided in these rules.

Mont. Admin. r. 37.40.307

NEW, 1991 MAR p. 2050, Eff. 11/1/91; AMD, 1992 MAR p. 1617, Eff. 7/31/92; AMD, 1993 MAR p. 685, Eff. 4/30/93; AMD, 1993 MAR p. 1385, Eff. 7/1/93; AMD, 1995 MAR p. 1227, Eff. 7/1/95; TRANS, from SRS, 2000 MAR p. 489; AMD, 2000 MAR p. 492, Eff. 2/11/00; AMD, 2000 MAR p. 1754, Eff. 7/14/00; AMD, 2001 MAR p. 1108, Eff. 6/22/01; AMD, 2002 MAR p. 1767, Eff. 6/28/02; AMD, 2003 MAR p. 1294, Eff. 7/1/03; AMD, 2005 MAR p. 1046, Eff. 7/1/05; AMD, 2006 MAR p. 1638, Eff. 7/1/06; AMD, 2007 MAR p. 1100, Eff. 8/10/07; AMD, 2008 MAR p. 1320, Eff. 7/1/08; AMD, 2009 MAR p. 1411, Eff. 8/14/09; AMD, 2010 MAR p. 1520, Eff. 7/1/10; AMD, 2011 MAR p. 1375, Eff. 7/29/11; AMD, 2012 MAR p. 1674, Eff. 8/24/12; AMD, 2013 MAR p. 1103, Eff. 7/1/13; AMD, 2014 MAR p. 1517, Eff. 7/11/14; AMD, 2015 MAR p. 824, Eff. 6/26/2015; AMD, 2016 MAR p. 1071, Eff. 7/1/2016; AMD, 2017 MAR p. 1670, Eff. 9/23/2017; AMD, 2018 MAR p. 1419, Eff. 7/21/2018; AMD, 2018 MAR p. 1735, Eff. 8/25/2018; AMD,2018 MAR p. 2241, Eff.11/3/2018; AMD, 2019 MAR p. 973, Eff.7/6/2019; AMD, 2019 MAR p. 2252, Eff. 12/7/2019; AMD, 2020 MAR p. 1330, Eff. 7/25/2020; AMD, 2021 MAR p. 1139, Eff. 9/11/2021; AMD, 2022 MAR p. 1012, Eff. 7/1/2022; AMD, 2023 MAR p. 1032, Eff. 9/9/2023; AMD, 2024 MAR p. 2269, Eff. 9/21/2024

AUTH: 53-2-201, 53-6-113, MCA; IMP: 53-6-101, 53-6-111, 53-6-113, MCA