Rule 37.106.815 - LICENSE DENIAL(1) The department may deny an application for a specialty hospital as a result of an adverse impact study or for any reason as outlined in 50-5-207, MCA.(2) If an application for a specialty hospital is denied for any reason, the department will issue a written denial of the license, the grounds for denial, and the right of the applicant to an appeal pursuant to 50-5-208, MCA.(3) A decision to deny an application or to impose conditions upon an applicant or licensee may be appealed by the applicant by filing a request for a hearing, in writing, to the department's Office of Fair Hearings.(4) Hearing requests must be received by the Office of Fair Hearings at P.O. Box 202953, 2401 Colonial Drive, Third Floor, Helena, MT 59620-2953, within 30 days after the date of mailing of notice of the department's decision.