Mont. Admin. r. 37.106.3036

Current through Register Vol. 1, January 10, 2025
(1) An EDC must develop and maintain a rights policy that supports and protects the fundamental human, civil, constitutional, and statutory rights of all clients. These rights must include:
(a) clients are admitted to treatment without regard to race, color, creed, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, age, or disability, except for bona fide program criteria;
(b) clients are reasonably accommodated in case of sensory or physical disability, limited ability to communicate, limited English proficiency, or cultural differences;
(c) clients are treated in a manner sensitive to individual needs and which promote dignity and self-respect;
(d) all clinical and personal information is treated in accordance with state and federal confidentiality regulations;
(e) clients can review their own treatment records in the presence of the administrator or designee;
(f) clients are fully informed of fees charged, including fees for copying records to verify treatment and methods of payment available; and
(g) clients are protected from abuse, harassment, and exploitation by staff or from other clients who are on agency premises.
(2) The EDC must post a copy of client rights in a conspicuous place in the facility accessible to clients and staff.
(3) These rights must be explained at the time of admission to the client and/or legal representative in terms that the client can understand.
(4) The EDC must develop a written client grievance policy that includes:
(a) a procedure for the submission of the client's written or verbal grievance to the EDC;
(b) time frames in which the EDC must review a grievance and reach a decision;
(c) a process for providing the client with written notice of the grievance decision that contains:
(i) the name of the EDC's contact person;
(ii) the steps taken on behalf of the client to investigate the grievance;
(iii) the results of the grievance process; and
(iv) the date of completion.
(d) clients will receive a copy of client grievance procedures describing the submission and disposition of complaints by the client and right to appeal without threat of reprisal; and
(e) client consent must be obtained for each release of information to any other person or entity.
(5) The grievance policy must be explained at the time of admission to the client in terms that the client and/or legal representative can understand.

Mont. Admin. r. 37.106.3036

NEW,2018 MAR p. 2214, Eff.11/3/2018

AUTH: 50-5-247, MCA; IMP: 50-5-247, MCA