Mont. Admin. r. 32.3.401

Current through Register Vol. 1, January 10, 2025
Rule 32.3.401 - DEFINITIONS
(1) The "administrator" is the individual as defined in 81-1-301, MCA, or that individual's designee.
(2) An "animal" is any quadruped of a species which can become infected with brucellosis. The term includes, but is not limited to a member of the bovine, porcine, canine, ovine, bison (wild or domestic), caprine, or feline species, or the genus cervidae.
(3) An "approved brucella vaccine" is a brucella product approved by and produced under license of the United States Department of Agriculture for injection into cattle or bison (wild or domestic) to enhance their immune response to brucella.
(4) "Bison" are all animals in the genus bison.
(5) A brucella ovis free ram flock is:
(a) The Department of Livestock will designate a ram flock as brucella ovis free for one year when:
(i) all rams eight months of age and older are subjected to an approved brucella ovis serologic test and all rams are found to be negative; and
(ii) a second test of these same rams is performed 45 to 60 days after the first test and all rams are again found to be negative.
(b) The Department of Livestock will renew the designation of this flock on an annual basis when all rams eight months of age and older are once officially tested negative for brucella ovis; and if
(i) while this flock is recognized as brucella ovis free, all reactor rams on the premises are castrated or identified as prescribed by the department and removed to slaughter; and
(ii) all additions of rams to the flock except for natural increase progeny are officially tested negative for brucella ovis and retested 45 days later and prior to entry into the flock or originate from another brucella ovis free flock.
(c) All official tests used for qualifying rams for interstate shipment must be done by a deputy state veterinarian. The blood samples must be submitted to an approved laboratory for testing. Individual identification of tested rams must be recorded and accompany the blood samples to the laboratory. Costs for veterinary service and laboratory test fees are to be borne by the owner.
(6) "Brucellosis" is the contagious, infectious, and communicable disease of animals and humans caused by bacteria of the genus brucella, brucella abortus, brucella suis, or brucella melitensis, which are referred to in these rules collectively as brucella organisms or individually as a brucella organism.
(7) A " brucellosis prevention and surveillance herd management agreement (management agreement)" is a document outlining brucellosis mitigation and surveillance practices that will be or have been instituted by an individual designated surveillance area producer or DSA production unit.
(a) To reflect these practices, a " management agreement" may also outline variances to Montana brucellosis requirements.
(b) A " management agreement" is mutually agreed upon by the producer and the Department of Livestock and should be reviewed every five years or earlier if requested by the herd owner or DOL.
(8) "Cattle" are all animals in the genus bos.
(9) A "Designated Surveillance Area (DSA)" is a geographically defined region as specified in ARM 32.3.434 in which cattle or domestic bison may be exposed to brucellosis from wildlife.
(10) A "Montana approved livestock market" is a livestock market that is approved by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and/or the administrator. The animals must be secured within the market facility.
(11) An "official adult vaccinate" (AV) is a sexually intact animal of the genus bos or domestic bison vaccinated with an approved brucella vaccine, using approved procedures, and of an age older than that permitted for official calfhood vaccination.
(12) An "official brucellosis test" (test) is a laboratory protocol for the brucellosis classification of animals as approved by the administrator.
(13) An "official calfhood vaccinate" (OCV) is an animal vaccinated at an official calfhood vaccination eligible age with an approved brucella vaccine using approved procedures.
(14) "Official calfhood vaccination eligible animals" (OCV eligible) means sexually intact female cattle or domestic bison of the age, as designated by the administrator, which may be vaccinated with an approved brucella vaccine to become an official calfhood vaccinate.
(15) "Official Individual Identification" is the unique individual identification of cattle or domestic bison as approved by the administrator.
(16) "Official vaccination" for ram epididymitis is the inoculation of the male sheep at weaning age or older, by a deputy state veterinarian, with a ram epididymitis vaccine approved for use by the state veterinarian.
(17) "Ram epididymitis" is an infectious disease of sheep caused by a bacteria variously called brucella ovis, brucella melitensis ovis, or ram epididymitis organism (R.E.O.).
(18) A "recognized slaughtering establishment" is any slaughtering establishment operating under the provisions of the Federal Meat Inspection Act ( 21 U.S.C. 601 et seq.) or a state meat inspection act.
(19) "Test eligible animals" means sexually intact cattle or domestic bison twelve months of age or older.
(20) "Vaccinate" (as it pertains to ARM 32.3.433 through 32.3.437) refers to Official Adult Vaccination or Official Calfhood Vaccination.

Mont. Admin. r. 32.3.401

Eff. 12/31/72; EMERG, AMD, 11/4/75; AMD, Eff. 4/4/77; AMD, 1977 MAR p. 262, Eff. 8/26/77; AMD, 1978 MAR p. 1395, Eff. 9/29/78; AMD, 1980 MAR p. 582, Eff. 2/15/80; EMERG, AMD, 1980 MAR p. 3017, Eff. 12/12/80; AMD, 1988 MAR p. 85, Eff. 1/15/88; AMD, 1988 MAR p. 2394, Eff. 11/11/88; AMD, 1996 MAR p. 2300, Eff. 8/23/96; AMD, 2010 MAR p. 2974, Eff. 12/24/10; AMD, 2011 MAR p. 147, Eff. 2/11/11; AMD, 2011 MAR p. 2541, Eff. 11/26/11; AMD, 2017 MAR p. 492, Eff. 4/29/2017; AMD, 2017 MAR p. 1296, Eff. 8/5/2017

AUTH: 81-2-102, 81-2-103, 81-2-104, MCA;IMP: 81-2-101, 81-2-102, 81-2-103, 81-2-104, 81-2-105, 81-2-110, 81-2-111, MCA