Mont. Admin. r. 32.12.302

Current through Register Vol. 1, January 10, 2025
(1) The quality factor of albumen firmness must be determined by the broken-out score, measured in Haugh units. The condition of the yolk shall be observed during such tests. The break-out test must be made every other week unless the break-out records indicate a variation in individual eggs or averages beyond that normally expected for this program, in which case the break-out must be made weekly. The test must be accomplished at the assembly plant or at the farm in the event the eggs go directly from the farm to the store. Eggs which do not meet the requirements of AA quality with respect to shell texture or shape may not be selected as part of any sample that is to be broken out and scored. Sampling, break-out testing, and maintenance of records of break-out tests must be done by or under the immediate supervision of a licensed grader.
(2) The internal temperature of the eggs may not be lower than 45°F. or higher than 60°F. at the time of making the break-out test. Eggs must be placed under refrigeration at a temperature not to exceed 50°F. and a relative humidity of approximately 70% promptly after packaging.
(3) A flock may become eligible for entry under the program when a sample of 25 eggs, drawn at random, averages 76 Haugh units or higher; or when 2 samples of 25 eggs, each drawn at random (1 sample per week for 2 consecutive weeks), each averages 74 Haugh units or higher. Notwithstanding the foregoing, a flock may not be eligible if any sample contains more than 1 egg measuring less than 60 Haugh units. The yolk of all eggs in the sample must have well-rounded appearance with a reasonably uniform color.
(4) A flock may remain on the program, provided:
(a) A moving average of 74 Haugh units or higher is maintained;
(b) The yolks of all eggs have a well-rounded appearance with a reasonably uniform color;
(c) Not more than 1 egg in any sample of ten eggs or more measures less than 60 Haugh units.
(5) The biweekly or weekly average must be computed by averaging the results obtained when testing eggs in accordance with either part (a) or (b) of this paragraph. Samples must be drawn at random from each flock from a single shipment every 2 weeks (or weekly when required).
(a) A sample of 10 eggs must be tested when the moving average is below 80 Haugh units and not more than 1 egg in the sample may measure less than 60 Haugh units.
(b) A sample of 5 eggs may be tested when the moving average is 80 Haugh units or above and the sample contains no eggs which measure less than 60 Haugh units. If only 1 egg measures less than 60 Haugh units, an additional 5 eggs must be tested. If this second 5-egg sample contains no eggs below 60 Haugh units, the average of the 10 eggs must be used in determining the biweekly or weekly average.
(6) The moving average must be computed by averaging the results of the latest 2 biweekly or 4 weekly (when required) Haugh unit entries of a flock.
(7) Any flock which has been on the program and is excluded for failure to meet the requirements may be reinstated by the same procedures used to originally enter a flock on the program.
(8) Eggs with clean, unbroken, practically normal shells from flocks which meet the provisions of this rule may be packaged and officially labeled as Fresh Fancy Quality or Montana Consumer Grade AA after removal of eggs containing blood and meat spots and loss eggs.
(9) Packages or sealing tapes shall bear in distinctly legible form a date stated as the "month" and "day", or the number of the "month" and "day" (i.e. "4-3" for April 3), preceded by the letters "Exp." (for expiration), or a statement such as "Not to be Sold After". The expiration date may not exceed 10 days from the date the eggs are packed, excluding the day of pack. The eggs must be packed within 6 days from the time they are received at the plant (not counting the day received), or that shipment must be tested again for Haugh units and other factors to determine their eligibility for packing. Notwithstanding the foregoing, other systems of dating may be approved which accomplish the purpose of this paragraph, providing application for such system is made in writing by the applicant and concurred in by the administrator.
(10) Graders shall examine samples of packaged product as determined by official directives of the administrator. A tolerance of 5% is permitted in any combination of eggs that are of B quality or C quality with respect to shell, C quality with respect to meat or blood spots and checks. Dirties, leakers and loss eggs are not permitted.

Mont. Admin. r. 32.12.302

Eff. 12/31/72.

Sec. 81-20-207 MCA; IMP, Sec. 81-20-207 MCA;