Rule 24.174.508 - NONROUTINE APPLICATIONS(1) For the purpose of processing nonroutine applications, the board incorporates the definitions of routine and nonroutine at ARM 24.101.402 by reference.(2) Nonroutine applications must be reviewed and approved by the board before a license may be issued. (3) A new application submitted by a business entity is nonroutine when the specific business or facility location applying for licensure, not the entire corporation or parent company, meets any of the nonroutine criteria established by ARM 24.101.402. (a) A change of ownership application is nonroutine when the new owner listed on the application meets any of the nonroutine criteria established ARM 24.101.402.(b) A change of location application is routine, provided the applicant meets the requirements in ARM 24.174.803, ARM 24.174.1004, or ARM 24.174.1207.Mont. Admin. r. 24.174.508
NEW, 2021 MAR p. 556, Eff.5/15/2021AUTH: 37-1-131, MCA IMP: 37-1-101, 37-1-131, MCA