Rule 24.121.410 - INSPECTIONS(1) Department inspectors conduct annual on-site inspections of all licensed premises during business hours, with or without advance notice. (a) Licensees must respond to inspection violations within ten days of receiving notice of violations.(b) Noncompliance will be subject to the department's standard compliance process.(2) Sanitizing and disinfecting agents must be available for inspection and clearly labeled to disclose contents and manufacturer's directions.(3) Inspectors may seize and remove prohibited items or products per ARM 24.121.1517 that are discovered during an inspection. Licensees are responsible for and must pay for any disposal costs within 30 days of being notified of the costs.(4) Premises applicants, except for school applicants, meeting all licensure requirements except passage of the initial inspection may receive a temporary operating permit per 37-31-312, MCA. (a) Following inspection, applicants must respond to and correct inspection violations per 37-31-312, MCA, or the temporary permit will terminate.
Mont. Admin. r. 24.121.410
NEW, 2021 MAR p. 1773, Eff. 12/11/2021; AMD, 2024 MAR p. 2007, Eff. 8/10/2024