Mont. Admin. r. 17.30.1351

Current through Register Vol. 1, January 10, 2025
(1) All permits must specify:
(a) requirements concerning the proper use, maintenance, and installation, when appropriate, of monitoring equipment or methods (including biological monitoring methods when appropriate);
(b) required monitoring including type, intervals, and frequency sufficient to yield data which are representative of the monitored activity including, when appropriate, continuous monitoring;
(c) applicable reporting requirements based upon the impact of the regulated activity and as specified in ARM 17.30.1344. Reporting may be no less frequent than specified in that rule.
(2) The department may require monitoring of storm water discharges at a facility or activity covered under an MPDES general permit. Such requirements may include storm water sampling, analytical testing, evaluation of monitoring results, recording, and reporting. Monitoring requirements identified by the department must be stated in the MPDES general permit, except that the department may require a discharger to comply with monitoring requirements in addition to those in the general permit.
(3) For storm water discharges that are associated with industrial, mining, oil and gas, and construction activity and that are subject to an effluent limitation guideline, the department shall establish case-by-case requirements to report monitoring results. Such reporting must have a frequency dependent on the nature and effect of the discharge, but the frequency may in no case be less than once a year.
(4) For storm water discharges that are associated with industrial, mining, oil and gas, and construction activity with construction-related disturbance of five acres or more of total land area and that are not subject to an effluent limitation guideline, the department shall establish case-by-case requirements to report monitoring results.
(a) Such reporting must have a frequency dependent on the nature and effect of the discharge, and the permit for the discharge must, at a minimum, require that the discharger:
(i) conduct an annual inspection of the facility site to identify areas contributing to the regulated storm water discharge and to evaluate whether measures to reduce pollutant loadings identified in a storm water pollution prevention plan are adequate and properly implemented in accordance with the terms of the permit;
(ii) maintain for a period of three years a record summarizing the results of inspections; and
(iii) certify that the facility is in compliance with the plan and the permit, or identify any incidents of non-compliance.
(b) Reports and certifications required under this rule must be signed in accordance with ARM 17.30.1323.
(c) Permits for storm water discharges from inactive mining operations may, if annual inspections are impracticable, require certification once every three years by a registered professional engineer that the facility is in compliance with the permit, or alternative requirements.
(5) Permits that do not require the submittal of monitoring result reports at least annually must require that the permittee report at least annually all instances of noncompliance not reported under ARM 17.30.1342(12).

Mont. Admin. r. 17.30.1351

NEW, 1989 MAR p. 2060, Eff. 12/8/89; TRANS, from DHES, 1996 MAR p. 1499; AMD, 2003 MAR p. 220, Eff. 2/14/03.

75-5-201, 75-5-401, MCA; IMP, 75-5-401, MCA;