Mont. Admin. r. 12.6.1525

Current through Register Vol. 1, January 10, 2025
(1) The department will perform an environmental review under the Montana Environmental Policy Act (MEPA) on all applications for game farm licenses. The review will consider the peak number of animals identified in the application. The department may also perform a review of cumulative phases identified in an application.
(2) The department or its representatives shall discuss with the applicant the environmental impacts of the proposed action and potential mitigation measures or stipulations identified in the department's initial review prior to the issuance of a draft environmental assessment (EA) or environmental impact statement (EIS).
(3) The department may conduct a supplemental environmental review of a game farm operation, including modifications to licenses, under any of the following conditions:
(a) there are substantial changes in the proposed action that are relevant to environmental concerns; or
(b) there are significant new circumstances or information relevant to environmental concerns and bearing on the proposed action or its impacts.
(4) A supplemental environmental review must include, but is not limited to, a description of the following:
(a) an explanation of the need for the supplement;
(b) the proposed action; and
(c) any impacts, alternatives or other items required by ARM 12.2.432 for an EA, by ARM 12.2.436 for a draft EIS, or by ARM 12.2.438 for a final EIS that were either not covered in the original environmental review or that must be revised based on new information or circumstances concerning the proposed license modification.
(5) The renewal or transfer of a license pursuant to 87-4-412, MCA, is a ministerial action under the provisions of ARM 12.2.430(5)(e) and is not subject to an environmental review.

Mont. Admin. r. 12.6.1525

NEW, 1999 MAR p. 79, Eff. 1/15/99.

87-4-422, MCA; IMP, 87-4-409, 87-4-426, MCA;