Mont. Admin. r. 10.58.313

Current through Register Vol. 1, January 10, 2025
(1) The provider:
(a) demonstrates that the development of candidate quality is the goal of educator preparation and provides support services in all phases of the program;
(b) develops and implements plans and efforts to know and address local, state, regional, and national needs for hard-to-staff schools and shortage fields. The goals and evidence show progress toward a high-quality candidate pool that reflects the diversity of Montana's P-12 students;
(c) sets admissions requirements, gathers data to monitor the applicants and selected pool of candidates and designs the selection to completion policy that includes multiple assessment measures to determine admission, continuation in, and completion of programs, including data points that are valid and reliable predictors of candidate success and demonstrate that the standard for high academic achievement and ability is met through multiple evaluations and sources of evidence;
(d) monitors dispositions beyond academic ability that candidates must demonstrate at admissions and during the program using valid and reliable measures;
(e) creates criteria for program progression and monitors candidates' advancement from admissions through completion; ensures candidates demonstrate the ability to teach to college- and career-ready standards; and presents multiple forms of evidence to indicate candidates' developing content knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge, pedagogical skills, and the integration of technology in all of these domains;
(f) prior to recommending any completing candidate for licensure, documents that the candidate understands the expectations of the profession, including ethical conduct, professional standards of practice, and relevant laws and policies; and
(g) implements a system for effectively maintaining records of candidate formal complaints and resolution documentation.

Mont. Admin. r. 10.58.313

NEW, 2014 MAR p. 2936, Eff. 12/12/14; AMD, 2023 MAR p. 86, Eff. 7/1/2023

AUTH: 20-2-114, MCA; IMP: 20-2-121, MCA