PURPOSE: This amendment puts ratio and group size limitations in a table format to make the rule easier to read and understand, adds group size limitations for children three (3) years of age and older, and clarifies when staff/child ratios and group sizes apply throughout the day.
Ages of Children in Group | Description for the Purpose of this Rule | Minimum Staff/ Child Ratio | Maximum Group Size |
Infants, toddlers, and 2-year-olds | Birth to 36 months | 1:4 | 8 |
2-year-olds | Groups composed solely of children 24 to 36 months | 1:8 | 16 |
3 through 4-year-olds | Groups composed solely of children 3 to 4 years old | 1:10 | 20 |
5-year-olds and up | Groups composed solely of children 5 years or older | 1:16 | 32 |
Mixed ages (Type 1) 2-year-olds and older, with a maximum of four (4) 2-year-olds | A mixed group of children consisting of no more than 4 children ages 24 to 36 months, and at least one child older than 36 months | 1:10 | 20 |
Mixed ages (Type 2) 2-year-olds and older, with more than four (4) 2-year-olds | A mixed group of children consisting of more than 4 children ages 24 to 36 months, and at least one child older than 36 months | 1:8 | 16 |
5 CSR 25-500.112