Mo. Code Regs. tit. 5 § 20-100.125

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 1, January 2, 2025
Section 5 CSR 20-100.125 - Missouri School Improvement Program

PURPOSE: This rule implements an accountability system for Missouri public school districts and is designed to stimulate and encourage continuous improvement in student performance. An assessment of school districts' practices and educational outcomes will enable the State Board of Education to classify districts as required by state law.

(1) The following definitions will be used in administering this rule:
(A) Academic Success: Academic Success is defined as a compilation of Standards TL1 -Success-Ready Students, EA1 - Academic Achievement which lead to success in the next grade level or chapter in a student's life;
(B) Educational Equity: Educational equity exists when there is an intentional focus on learning outcomes and the allocation of resources ensure that each student is purposefully engaged and is provided rigorous instruction, meaningful supports, and relevant educational experiences;
(C) School System: School system includes a local board and a school district or charter school. Standards used for measurement in each type of system have been noted in Appendix A;
(D) Students: Students include all children age 3-21 who are enrolled in the school system;
(E) Student Groups: Identified student groups refers to all traditional student groups including: Asian/Pacific Islander, black, Hispanic, American Indian, white, multi-racial, students with disabilities, English language learners, and low-income students. Other demographic groups may be developed for reporting; and
(F) Well-being: Well-being includes the physical (safety, environmental), social-emotional, and intellectual needs of students.
(2) Pursuant to section 161.092, RSMo, this rule is to be effective two (2) years from the date of adoption of the proposed rule by the State Board of Education (board). The Missouri School Improvement Program (MSIP) 6 Standards and Indicators, Appendix A, included herein, is comprised of quantitative and qualitative standards for school districts and charter schools.
(3) School district and charter school performance will be reviewed annually by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (department) in accordance with this rule, including the standards, using the appropriate scoring guide, forms, and procedures outlined by the department. Review of these data will guide the department in determining school districts in need of improvement, in determining the appropriate level of intervention necessary for significant and sustained improvement in student achievement, and in evaluating charter sponsors. Decisions will be made using multiple years of data.
(4) The board will assign school district classification designations of unaccredited, provisionally accredited, accredited, and accredited with distinction.
(5) Districts identified through MSIP as needing improvement must submit a continuous school improvement plan for approval by the department.
(6) A classification designation based on the standards of MSIP will remain in effect until the board approves another classification designation. The board may consider changing a district's classification designation upon its determination that the district has -
(A) Failed to implement any required school improvement plan at an acceptable level;
(B) Demonstrated significant change in student performance over multiple years;
(C) Employed a superintendent or chief executive officer without a valid Missouri superintendent's certificate in a K-12 school district, or employed a superintendent or chief executive officer without a valid Missouri superintendent's or elementary principal's certificate in a K-8 school district;
(D) Experienced significant change in the scope or effectiveness of the programs, services, or financial integrity upon which the original classification designation was based; and/or
(E) Failed to comply with a statutory requirement.
(7) A local board of education (local board) that is dissatisfied with the classification designation assigned by the board shall request reconsideration within sixty (60) calendar days of notice received of the original classification. The request for reconsideration shall be submitted to the commissioner of education and state the specific basis for reconsideration, including any errors of fact to support reconsideration. Review by the board shall be scheduled within sixty (60) calendar days of receipt of the request for reconsideration and shall be based upon the materials submitted with the original classification, the request for reconsideration, and any materials offered by the commissioner of education or requested by the board.

Department of Elementary and Secondary Education - MSIP 6

Standards and Indicators

Appendix A


Leadership (L)

School Board Leadership

L1* - The local board and superintendent/chief executive officer engage in ongoing professional learning and self-evaluation in order to strengthen governance practices.
A. The local board ensures that the district is guided by a vision, mission, and limited number of focused goals, all of which are the basis for the district's continuous improvement process.
B. Local board members complete all legally required board training within the mandated timeframe.
C. The local board and the superintendent/chief executive officer engage in professional learning designed to improve governance practices.
D. The local board and the superintendent/chief executive officer regularly evaluate governance team strengths and opportunities for improvement.


L2 - The local board and administration conduct school system business in an ethical, legal, and transparent manner.
A. The local board adopts and administration enforces all policies related to legal and professional ethics for all employees.
B. The local board adopts and adheres to its policy on legal and professional ethics for school board members.
C. The local board and administration conduct business in compliance with the Missouri Open Meetings and Records Act.
D. The superintendent/chief executive officer ensures that individual requests from local board members are considered by the local board as a whole.

Continuous School Improvement

L3* - The local board adopts, monitors, and annually reviews the implementation and outcomes of the Continuous School Improvement Plan (CSIP) that focuses on district performance and improvement.
A. The CSIP, developed in meaningful collaboration with internal and external stakeholders, is the product of and based upon a data-based needs assessment.
B. The local board ensures that the CSIP focuses on the academic preparation and well-being of each student.
C. The CSIP contains:
1. Clear statements of mission and vision;
2. Limited number of focused goals and objectives;
3. Evidence-based action steps and strategies;
4. Timelines for implementation and monitoring;
5. Persons responsible for implementation and monitoring;
6. Funding sources; and
7. Any other information needed to implement the plan.
D. The local board regularly monitors the implementation and outcomes of the CSIP.
E. The CSIP guides the development and implementation of other plans (Building Improvement Plan, Professional Development Plan, Facilities Plan, etc.).

Operations and Resource Management

L4 - The school system manages school operations and resources to promote each student's academic success and well-being in accordance with priorities established in the CSIP.
A. The school system deliberately allocates both fiscal and non-fiscal resources to align with CSIP priorities and matters of equity.
B. The local board and administration regularly and systematically engage in long-range financial, facilities, and infrastructure planning.
C. The budget is developed through a transparent process that complies with law and is approved by the local board.
D. The local board establishes budget parameters, including minimum fund balances, to guide budget development.
E. The local board and administration follow sound financial practices and follow all laws and regulations regarding audits, bids, contracts, and purchases.

School Board Policy

L5 - The local board establishes and implements policies that provide a framework within which the school system operates and ensures legal compliance.
A. The local board and administration have a systematic process for establishing, adopting, and revising policies so that they are clear, current, and legally compliant.
B. The local board, administration, and staff implement and enforce policy when conducting school system business.
C. The local board approves documents and reports as required by policy and law.
D. The school system's policies and handbooks are posted on the system's website or are otherwise available to the community.

Superintendent Roles, Responsibilities, and Evaluation

L6 - The local board(s) employs and evaluates the job performance of an appropriately certificated superintendent/chief executive officer to manage school system operations.
A. The local board(s) delegates operational decisions to the superintendent/chief executive officer and administration.
B. The local board(s) conducts a performance-based superintendent/chief executive officer evaluation process based upon clear, written, and measurable targets that are aligned with professional educator leader standards and school system performance measures.
C. The superintendent/chief executive officer's evaluation process is implemented in accordance with the Essential Principles of Effective Evaluation and 5 CSR 20-400.375.
D. The local board(s) establishes and follows a clear timeline for the superintendent/chief executive officer's evaluation process, contract decisions, and salary determination.

Personnel and Program Evaluation

L7 - The local board and administration ensure the use of an effective evaluation process for all employees and a systematic program evaluation process for the school system's programs, practices, and procedures for the attainment of the vision, mission, and goals.
A. The local board and administration consistently use data to make decisions.
B. The local board and administration ensure the implementation of performance-based evaluations that are aligned to 5 CSR 20-400.375 for certificated staff and to appropriate job descriptions and duties for non-certificated staff.
C. The local board ensures that personnel evaluations are comprehensive, performance-based, and aligned with state standards.
D. The local board regularly reviews goals, objectives, and the effectiveness of all programs and services, which support the mission and vision of the district.
E. The local board annually approves the Professional Development Plan and other plans as required by statute and local board policy.
F. The local board approves the leadership development plan to ensure continuity for staff turnover and succession.


L8 - The school system provides for two-way, reliable, and representative communication with all stakeholders.
A. The school system implements and annually reviews a communications plan that outlines multiple methods for two-way, reliable communication with all stakeholders.
B. The school system regularly communicates to all stakeholders the progress in attainment of the systems mission, vision, and goals.


L9 - The local board and administration provide sufficient staffing of qualified and highly effective personnel to achieve the school system's vision, mission, and goals.
A. Administration manages personnel resources, both professional and support staff, to address each student's learning needs.
B. The school system maintains a system of recruitment and support to ensure a high-quality, student-centered staff.
C. The local board employs sufficient additional administrators to provide for the leadership and management of the district.

Recommended Associate/Assistant Superintendent Ratios:


Certificated Staff Members (FTE)















7, etc.

701-800, etc.

Principal/Building Ratios:

































School Safety

L10 - The school system actively addresses school safety and security in all facilities.
A. The school system, in consultation with public safety officials and stakeholders, develops, implements, and reviews annually a comprehensive school emergency operations plan for the school system and each school or site as applicable.
1. The plan broadly addresses safety, crises, and emergency operations.
2. The plan addresses prevention, preparation, operations, and follow-up.
3. The plan includes consideration of supporting mental health needs of all involved in any crisis.
B. Local board policy requires the school system to employ a designated safety coordinator who demonstrates knowledge of all federal, state, and local school violence and prevention programs and resources that are available to students, teachers, and district staff.
C. The school system annually conducts a physical security site assessment at each facility, utilizing nationally accepted methodology.
D. The school system ensures emergency preparedness drills are performed in compliance with state statute and local ordinance.
E. The school system implements a cyber/privacy security plan, utilizing nationally accepted standards.
F. The school system ensures access to Missouri's school violence anonymous reporting tip line.
G. All school system staff participate in relevant school safety and violence prevention training.

Effective Teaching and Learning (TL)

Success-Ready Students

TL1** - Students and identified student groups demonstrate on-track performance on multiple measures of success by meeting or exceeding the state standard and/or demonstrating significant measurable improvement.
A. Students demonstrate readiness for school entry in alignment with the Missouri Early Learning Standards.
B. Beginning in elementary school, students demonstrate regular school attendance.
C. Beginning in elementary school, students demonstrate on-track performance through department designated measures of literacy and numeracy.
D. No later than eighth grade, students have developed Individual Career Academic Plans (ICAP) that are based on career exploration experiences.
E. Beginning in middle school, students demonstrate collaboration, leadership, and communication skills through participation in curricular, co-curricular, extra-curricular, community-based activities, or service learning.
F. Students demonstrate work ethic and character.
G. Beginning in high school, students demonstrate academic readiness by scoring proficient on at least two required End-of-Course Assessments.
H. Beginning in high school, students may demonstrate employ-ability skills through participation in Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSO) and/or a Seal of Biliteracy.
I. Students in high school progress through academic work on a schedule appropriate to graduate.
J. Beginning in high school, students demonstrate postsec-ondary readiness through any of the following:
1. A combination of a career readiness assessment score that meets the state standard combined with an Industry Recognized Credential (IRC) or Career and Technical Education Certificate (CTEC).
2. A combination of a college readiness assessment and an IRC or CTEC.
3. A combination of a college readiness assessment score that meets the state standard and advanced credit that meets the state standard.
4. Successful completion of an advanced professional studies program, Registered Youth Apprenticeship, department-approved internship, or other department-approved work-connected experience.
5. Participation in the Pre-Employment Transition Services Program through Vocational Rehabilitation.
6. Confirmed postsecondary employment, college application, other postsecondary training, or military commitment.
7. Completion of early college or associates degree or the CORE 42.
8. Completion of stackable credentials.
9. Other department-approved work readiness measures.

High-Quality Early Learning

TL2* - The school system ensures the birth through prekinder-garten population has access to high-quality early learning experiences.
A. The school system informs family and community members about the importance of early learning experiences.
B. The school system provides the Parents as Teachers program for early learning experiences.
C. The school system identifies well-rounded, developmentally-appropriate preschool opportunities available to children.
D. The school system measures the effectiveness of early learning experiences (e.g., self-assessments using Environmental Rating Scale, Classroom Assessment Scoring System, other department-approved classroom environmental assessment, or Parents as Teachers National Center Quality Endorsement and Improvement Process).

High-Quality Career Education

TL3* - The school system is intentional in providing relevant, high-quality career technical education and/or advanced professional studies based on students' ICAPs.
A. The school system implements department-approved career technical education program(s) leading students to attain an industry-recognized credential or CTEC, a postsecondary degree, or entry into the workplace with a skill set conducive toward career advancement.
B. The school system provides access to career-connected experiences that include solving authentic problems, working in professional environments, and engaging in curriculum developed with industry professionals.
C. The school system implements broadly-based elementary and middle school career awareness and exploration programs, which align with high school and career center curriculum.
D. The school system ensures the career technical education program has a written curriculum for each course with a balance among classroom/laboratory instruction, leadership, professional competency development, personal learning, and assessment of technical skill attainment.
E. The school system ensures the appropriate CTSO is affiliated with the state and national organizations and is an intra-curricular element of the associated program.
F. The school system uses a system of data collection and evaluation to provide the necessary information for program review and development.

Intra- and Interpersonal Skills

TL4* - The school system prepares students through the development of essential intrapersonal and interpersonal skills.
A. The school system ensures opportunities for students to develop initiative and engage in collaborative problem solving.
B. The school system ensures opportunities for students to be part of one or more co-curricular, extracurricular, or leadership opportunities and CTSOs.
C. The school system ensures that social-emotional skills aligned with the Missouri Early Learning Standards, the Missouri Learning Standards, and the Missouri Comprehensive School Counseling Program are integrated into the teaching process.

Teacher/Leader Standards

TL5* - The school system implements board-adopted teacher/leader standards to ensure effective instructional staff for each student.
A. The school system uses professional educator standards when making decisions on employing, evaluating, and retaining instructional staff and administrators.
B. The school system implements an educator evaluation process aligned to the Essential Principles of Effective Evaluation for all instructional staff and administrators.
C. School system and building-level leaders provide leadership development opportunities for all educators.
D. The school system provides an effective induction and mentoring process for all instructional staff and administrators.

Effective Instructional Practices

TL6* - Evidence-based instructional practices are implemented to ensure the success of each student.
A. Students receive literacy instruction throughout all grades using a variety of evidence-based methods.
B. Building leaders monitor and provide feedback on the use of effective evidence-based practices.
C. Instructional staff design and use appropriate, meaningful, and rigorous learning tasks for each student.

Multi-Tiered System of Support

TL7 - The school system provides a comprehensive multi-tiered system of support that addresses the academic, emotional, behavioral, social, and physical needs of each student.
A. The school system establishes learning and behavioral supports that are identified, coordinated, and implemented with fidelity at the classroom, building, and system level.
B. The school system monitors the implementation of these supports through observation, program evaluation, and data analysis.
C. The school system implements a written process for the early identification of students' needs and implements differentiated learning and behavioral supports for each student.
D. The school system uses targeted student assessment and data collection to monitor, evaluate, and inform decision-making to identify and implement successful learning and behavioral supports.
E. The school system collaborates with community partners to provide information and resources to students and parents/guardians to address barriers impacting student success.
F. The school system implements methodologies to support social-emotional learning, culturally responsive teaching, and trauma-informed practices based on student need.

Professional Learning

TL8 - Professional learning activities support effective instructional practices in the school system.
A. The school system ensures all instructional staff participate in scheduled, ongoing, job-embedded, and content-appropriate professional learning focused on evidence-based instructional practices, staff growth goals, and student performance goals outlined in the CSIP.
B. The school system provides time and resources for the professional learning of each staff member.

Use of Technology to Improve Instruction

TL9 - The school system ensures that technology effectively supports teaching and learning.
A. The school system supports curricular and assessment needs by providing adequate technology infrastructure, connectivity, personnel, and digital resources.
B. The school system provides access to current technologies, digital resources, and ongoing professional learning for all instructional staff.
C. The school system provides access to virtual learning experiences, programs, and courses.
D. The school system evaluates the impact of information and communication technology on teaching and learning.

Comprehensive School Counseling Program

TL10 - The school system provides school counseling services to support the career, academic, and social/emotional development of all students.
A. The school system ensures a system-wide school counseling program, consistent with the Missouri Comprehensive School Counseling Program framework, is fully implemented in every building.
B. Beginning no later than 7th grade, building leaders ensure each student participates in an individual planning process designed to assist in a successful transition to postsecondary experiences (e.g. college, technical school, the military or the workforce, etc.).
C. Individual Career and Academic Plans (ICAPs) are developed and annually reviewed for each student starting no later than 8th grade and continuing through 12th grade.
D. Each student has equitable access to responsive services and resources to assist them in addressing issues and concerns that may affect their academic, career, and social-emotional needs.
E. The school system monitors system supports as a crucial component in the full implementation of a comprehensive school counseling program.
F. The school system provides student support in the form of school counseling and additional supports such as school psychologists, social workers, nurses, and therapists based on local context and student need.
G. The school system implements an evaluation system for school counselors that provides feedback based on school counselor standards and indicators.












































2.00, etc.


2.00, etc.

+American School Counselor Association

Library Media Services

TL11 - The school system provides high-quality library media resources that effectively serve learners and educators.
A. The school system establishes library media services that support, enhance, and enrich the curriculum.
B. Library media staff collaborate with instructional staff to integrate library media resources into the instructional program.
C. The school system develops and maintains a diverse collection of digital, informational, and reading resources appropriate to the curriculum, learners, and instructional practices and programs.

Library Staffing Ratios:












































2.00, etc.


2.00, etc.

Class Size and Assigned Enrollments

TL12 - The school system ensures class-sizes are consistent with grade-level and program standards.

The school system ensures individual class enrollment is consistent with the following guidelines:

Student - Teacher Ratios:




Prekindergarten (PK)















A. The school system ensures that PK class sizes meet the requirements of 5 CSR 20-100.320 Prekindergarten Program Standards.
B. The school system ensures full-time elementary special (e.g., art, music, physical education, computers, library, etc.) teachers serve no more than seven hundred fifty (750) students per week (duplicated count).
C. The school system ensures that other alternative class size limits are met for the following exceptions: Student enrollment in a classroom may increase by as many as ten (10) students for any period that a paraprofessional assists the classroom teacher full-time, or by as many as five students when a paraprofessional assists the teacher half-time (paraprofessionals paid for with Title I and special education funds cannot be used to increase class size).
1. Multi-grade classrooms will not exceed standards for the lowest grade enrolled. High schools can combine sections of the same subject in beginning and advanced levels (e.g., Spanish I and Spanish II or Spanish III and Spanish IV). Total combined enrollment in such classes should not exceed twenty-five (25) students.
2. Enrollment in performing arts and physical education classes may exceed regular class-size limits if adequate supervision and facilities are provided for safe and effective instruction.
D. Adequate self-directed planning time, at least two hundred fifty (250) minutes per week, is provided to certificated and licensed educators who provide instruction to students on a full-time basis (prorated as appropriate). Plan time is based on local context and is aligned to best practice guidelines.

Collaborative Climate and Culture (CC) Safe, Orderly, and Caring Environment

CC1 - The school system provides a safe and caring environment that supports teaching, learning, and student success.
A. The school system implements trauma-informed methodologies, implements youth suicide awareness and prevention practices, and provides responsive services based on student need and local context.
B. The school system provides staff, teachers, parents/guardians, and students access to the school system's written code of conduct, which specifies unacceptable student behavior and consequences for that behavior.
C. The school system's code of conduct is equitably and consistently enforced during any school related activity whether on or off school property.
D. The school system promotes respect for individual differences (e.g., diversity training, diversity awareness, policies, and procedures).
E. The school system provides training on and ensures the implementation effective practices on violence-prevention instruction, including information on preventing and responding to harassment and bullying, for each student and staff member.

Culture of High Academic and Behavioral Expectations

CC2* - The school system establishes a culture focused on learning, characterized by high academic and behavioral expectations for each student.
A. Leadership develops a systematic process for establishing and maintaining a positive learning climate.
B. Staff and students share in the responsibility for learning by being actively engaged in learning and demonstrating appropriate standards of behavior and attendance.
C. The school system gathers and analyzes data on student violence, substance abuse, and bullying, and modifies programs and strategies to ensure safe and orderly schools.

Collaborative Partnerships

CC3* - The school system creates and maintains collaborative opportunities and relationships with school districts, business, industry, postsecondary institutions, and other entities to create or maintain well-rounded educational opportunities for students and educators.
A. The school system develops reciprocal partnerships with postsecondary institutions, businesses, industry, charitable organizations, non-profit organizations, cultural organizations, and commercial entities for the benefit of students and educators.
B. The school system maintains strong collaborative relationships with parent organizations, industry-based programs, stakeholders, and other entities within the larger community to support students and educators.

Parent/Guardian Involvement

CC4* - The school system intentionally engages parents/guardians to create effective partnerships that support the development and achievement of their students.
A. The school system incorporates formal strategies that include parents/guardians in the educational process.
B. The school system ensures parent/guardian education activities take place as required by the Early Childhood Development Act (ECDA).
C. The school system actively cooperates with other agencies, parents/guardians, and community groups (e.g., parent teacher organizations) to provide information related to child development and/or parenting skills.
D. Each school building implements processes and strategies to create a welcoming environment for all families.

Data-Based Decision Making (DB)

Data Submission

DB1 - The school system submits data required by the department in an accurate and timely manner.
A. The school system ensures the annual tax rate calculation and forms are submitted in an accurate and timely manner.
B. The school system meets the requirements for an independent audit and submits the audit to the department on time.
C. The school system ensures the Annual Secretary of the Board Report is submitted in an accurate and timely manner.
D. The school system ensures the underlying data used to generate accountability reports are accurate, and that corrections/appeals are submitted in a timely manner.
E. The school system ensures that any other required data are submitted in an accurate and timely manner.

Continuous and Innovative Improvement

DB2* - School system and building leaders are intentional agents of continuous and innovative improvement to provide relevant learning experiences that promote academic success so each student can meet the changing demands of the world around them.
A. School system and building leaders use a variety of data (e.g., longitudinal, demographic, diagnostic, and perceptual) to support and inform system-wide decisions.
B. School system and building leaders establish a cycle of continuous improvement that includes reflection, data collection, analysis, planning, feedback, and evaluation.
C. School system and building leaders use an intentional feedback system to improve and refine performance.
D. School system and building leaders facilitate analysis of individual student data to improve the instructional process and student growth.

Climate and Culture Data

DB3* - The school system gathers school climate and culture data from all stakeholder groups, analyzes and shares the results, and implements strategies for improvement.
A. The school system uses evidence-based methods of collecting data (e.g., surveys, observational methods, and behavior reports) that recognize the range of factors which shape school culture and climate.
B. The school system assures student voices are heard and respected.
C. The school system establishes procedures for using culture and climate findings to develop and revise systemwide improvement goals and implementation strategies.
D. The school system provides school culture and climate data and reports periodically to all stakeholders.

Collaborative Teams

DB4* - School-based collaborative educator teams, inclusive of all educators, are operational and focus on effective practices.
A. Educator teams collaboratively develop common purposes and goals for improved student outcomes that embrace continuous school improvement.
B. Educator teams effectively implement group processes in collaborative meetings.
C. Educator teams collaboratively analyze student data to provide appropriate interventions for students' instructional and behavioral needs.
D. Educator teams engage in data-informed decision-making.
E. Educator teams act reflectively.
F. Educator teams design lessons collaboratively.
G. Educator teams examine student work and assessments.
H. Educator teams develop curriculum collaboratively.
I. Educator teams address positive classroom learning environments.

Alignment of Standards, Curriculum, and Assessment (AS)

Viable Curriculum Aligned to Missouri Learning Standards

AS1 - Instructional staff implement a comprehensive, rigorous, guaranteed, and viable curriculum for all instructional courses and programs aligned to the Missouri Learning Standards where applicable.
A. The school system's curriculum aligns externally to all Missouri Learning Standards and the English language development standards and internally between grade levels and courses.
B. Building leaders and instructional staff ensure the written, taught, and assessed curriculum are aligned.
C. The school system develops written procedures to ensure the written curriculum is implemented and is evaluated. Prekindergarten instructional staff are included when the program is offered by the system.
D. The school system implements a systematic plan for developing and/or revising the curriculum for all content areas.
E. The school system provides opportunities for each student to excel (e.g., gifted and/or enrichment, at-risk, special education, etc.).
F. Educators provide learning opportunities that are aligned to the district curriculum and have clearly identified and communicated learning targets.

Assessments Aligned to Missouri Learning Standards

AS2* - The school system implements a comprehensive assessment system including state required and locally selected assessments.
A. Instructional staff administer assessments required by the Missouri Assessment Program to measure academic performance for each student.
B. The school system has a local board-approved comprehensive written student assessment plan that includes all assessments administered and the purposes for which the assessments are used.
C. The school system regularly reviews performance data, for all students and disaggregated by student groups, to effectively monitor student academic achievement.
D. Instructional staff use disaggregated data to adjust instruction for identified student groups and has criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of these adjustments.
E. Adjustments to curriculum, instruction, and intervention strategies are made based on interim, formative, and summative assessment data and other student work.
F. Instructional staff ensure classroom assessments include the use of higher order thinking and problem-solving skills, as well as complex reasoning skills.
G. Building leaders and instructional staff provide timely, descriptive, and constructive feedback from assessments to students and parents/guardians.
H. The school system develops and conducts reliable local assessments for standards currently not assessed on the MAP.

Equity and Access (EA)

Academic Achievement

EA1** - The school system administers assessments required by the Missouri Assessment Program (MAP) to measure academic achievement and demonstrates improvement in the performance of its students over time.
A. The performance of all students on each required assessment meets or exceeds the state standard and/or demonstrates the required growth or improvement.
B. The performance of each student on each assessment and students in identified student groups meets or exceeds the state standard and/or demonstrates the required growth or improvement.
C. The percentage of students and identified groups of students tested on each required MAP assessment meets or exceeds the state standard.

Graduation Rate

EA2** - The school system ensures all students successfully complete high school.
A. All students and identified student groups complete an educational program, which meets the graduation requirements as established by the local board and meets or exceeds the state standard and/or demonstrates the required improvement.

Follow-Up Rate of Graduates

EA3** - The school system prepares all students and identified groups of students for postsecondary success.
A. All graduates and identified groups of graduates, who after graduation are successfully-
1. enrolled in a college/university,
2. enrolled in a trade/technical school (or program),
3. employed, or
4. in the military, and meet or exceed the state standard and/or demonstrate the required improvement.
B. The school system analyzes five (5)-year follow-up data on their graduates and uses the results to inform-
1. program evaluation,
2. strategic planning, and
3. other decision making.

Equity of Educational Experiences

EA4 - The school system intentionally focuses on educational outcomes and the allocation of resources to ensure that each student is purposefully engaged and is provided rigorous instruction, meaningful supports, and relevant educational experiences.
A. The school system ensures each student, particularly low-income and minority students, has equitable access to qualified, experienced, and effective teachers, learning experiences, academic and social supports, and other resources necessary for success in all content areas.
B. The school system implements policies to address student misconduct in a positive, fair and unbiased manner.
C. The school system initiates and promotes collaborative relationships with community partners, agencies, and institutions that promote open dialogue and respect for multiple perspectives.
D. The school system monitors equity gaps between student groups (e.g., gifted and/or enrichment, at-risk, special education, etc.), applies strategies to reduce barriers between student groups, and implements strategies to address equity gaps between student groups.

* Measured for continuous improvement report

** Measured for student performance report

5 CSR 20-100.125

Adopted by Missouri Register May 1, 2020/Volume 45, Number 9, effective 6/30/2020