# ___________, for the purpose of securing, negotiating and procuring the placement of the following described insurance coverages and to assist the undersigned in the preparation of any and all applications, underwriting data, and other information required by an insurer for the purposes of issuing an insurance policy within this state. The insurance coverage requested is: (Here describe in detail the coverage to be effected.)
______________ for the above-stated coverage(s). (If multiple contracts of insurance are to be procured for the same insured or prospectiveinsured, a separate maximum may be stated for each contract covered by this agreement.)
The undersigned insured agrees to pay as compensation to the insurance producer, above and in addition to the commission received from the insurer, for the various services of the insurance producer a fee of not more than $ ________________________ . (If multiple contracts ofinsurance are to be procured for the same insured or prospective insured, a separate producer fee may be stated for each contract covered by this agreement.)
This agreement is in furtherance of section 375.116, RSMo, and Regulation 20 CSR 700-1.100.
Dated: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Dated: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
(Insurance Producer)
Tit. 20, div. 700, ch. 1, exh. A CSR
*Original authority: 374.045, RSMo 1967, amended 1993, 1995 and 375.071-375.136, see Revised Statutes of the State of Missouri, 2000 and Cumulative Supplement, 2007.