Mo. Code Regs. tit. 20 § 2200-8.001

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 1, January 2, 2025
Section 20 CSR 2200-8.001 - Definitions

PURPOSE: This amendment adds and amends definitions to keep language within the Minimum Standards for Programs of Professional Nursing internally congruent.

(1) When used in 20 CSR 2200-8, the following terms mean:
(A) Accredited-The official authorization or status granted by an agency for a program or sponsoring institution through a voluntary process;
(B) Administrator-Registered professional nurse with primary authority and responsibility for administration of the program regardless of job title;
(C) Approved-Recognized by the board as meeting or maintaining minimum standards for educational programs preparing practical nurses;
(D) Annual report-Report submitted annually by the administrator of the program that updates information on file with the board and validates continuing compliance with minimum standards;
(E) Appeal policy and procedure-An established procedure for processing complaints; may also be known as a complaint procedure, due process, appeals procedure, or problem resolution;
(F) Blended format-Model of course design that combines traditional, face-to-face class time with online and out-of-class work;
(G) Board-Missouri State Board of Nursing;
(H) Campus-A specific geographic program location with a distinct student body and coordinator at which all appropriate services and facilities are provided;
(I) Certificate of approval-Document issued by the board to Veteran's Bridge Programs of Practical Nursing which have met minimum standards;
(J) Clinical experience-Faculty-planned and guided-learning activities designed to meet course objectives or outcomes and to provide a nursing student with the opportunity to practice cognitive, psychomotor, and affective skills in the delivery of nursing care to an individual, group, or community;
(K) Clinical simulation-Any activity that models direct patient care in a controlled environment, led by a qualified facilitator with oversight by nursing faculty. Activities include assessment, competencies, terminology, evaluation, and debriefing, based on standards of best nursing practice. The purpose of simulation as a teaching pedagogy is to mimic and practice competencies not able to be acquired in a clinical setting or to augment direct patient care experiences;
(L) Clinical skills laboratory-Designated area where skills and procedures can be demonstrated and practiced;
(M) Cohort-A discrete group of students admitted to a nursing program, designed to begin a course of study together on a specific date and to graduate together on a specific date;
(N) Conditional approval-Status of a program that has failed to meet or maintain the regulations or requirements, or both, set by the board. This status is subject to the program conforming to the requirements and recommendations within a time period set by the board;
(O) Cooperating agency-A corporation, hospital, or other organization which has a written agreement with the program to provide clinical education opportunities;
(P) Coordinator-Registered professional nurse with authority and responsibility for a campus nursing program as delegated by the administrator of the nursing program;
(Q) Course objectives-Measurable statements that guide experiences and activities that help learners meet established requirements for a specific course;
(R) Curriculum-Planned studies and learning activities designed to lead students to graduation and eligibility for application for licensure;
(S) Debriefing-An activity that follows a simulation experience that encourages participant's reflective thinking, and provides feedback regarding the participant's performance;
(T) Direct care-A clinical experience in which patient care is given by the student under the direction of the faculty member or preceptor;
(U) Distance education-Education that uses one (1) or more technologies to deliver instruction to students who are separated from the instructor and to support regular and substantive interaction between the students and the instructor synchronously or asynchronously;
(V) Distance education course-A course in which the instructional content is delivered exclusively via distance education. Requirements for coming on campus for orientation, testing, or academic support services do not exclude a course from being classified as distance education;
(W) Endorsement-Process of acquiring licensure as a nurse based on original licensure by examination in another state, territory, or country;
(X) Faculty-Individuals designated by sponsoring institution with responsibilities for development, implementation, and evaluation of philosophy and/or mission, objectives, and curriculum of nursing program;
(Y) Full-time-Those individuals deemed by sponsoring institution to meet definition for full-time employment;
(Z) Governing body-Body authorized to establish and monitor policies and assume responsibility for the educational programs;
(AA) Graduate competency-Individual graduate behaviors;
(BB) Initial approval-Status granted a Veteran's Bridge Program of Practical Nursing until full approval status is granted or denied;
(CC) Information technology-The development, implementation, support, or management of computer based information systems, particularly software applications and computer hardware;
(DD) Minimum standards-Criteria which Veteran's Bridge Programs of Practical Nursing shall meet in order to be approved by the board;
(EE) Mission-Overall statement of purpose that faculty accept as valid and is directly related to curriculum practices;
(FF) Multiple campuses-Distinct and separate geographic locations offering the same program, providing the same services, and operated by the same sponsoring institution;
(GG) National Nursing Accreditation-Accreditation by a national agency specific to nursing education that is recognized by the board;
(HH) NCLEX-PN® examination-National Council Licensure Examination for Practical Nurses;
(II) Objectives-Measurable statements describing anticipated outcomes of learning;
(JJ) Observational experiences-Planned learning experiences designed to assist students to meet course objectives through observation;
(KK) Part-time-Individuals deemed by the sponsoring institution to meet the definition for part-time employment;
(LL) Philosophy-A composite of the beliefs that the faculty accept as valid and is directly related to curriculum practices;
(MM) Pilot program/project-Educational activity planned for a trial period. Pilot programs/projects that would otherwise be out of compliance with minimum standards must have board approval prior to implementation;
(NN) Preceptor-Registered professional or licensed practical nurse who is not employed by the nursing education program but provides clinical supervision for nursing students during select clinical learning experiences as directed by nursing faculty;
(OO) Pre-licensure-Initial educational program in nursing leading to entry-level licensure;
(PP) Program-Veteran's Bridge Program of Practical Nursing leading to a diploma or certificate;
(QQ) Program outcomes-Measurable statements defining aggregate student achievements;
(RR) Proper supervision-The general overseeing and the authorizing to direct in any given situation, including but not limited to orientation, initial and ongoing direction, procedural guidance, periodic inspection, and evaluations;
(SS) Requirement-A mandatory condition that a school or program meets in order to comply with minimum standards;
(TT) Satellite location-A site geographically separate from, but administered and served by, a primary program campus;
(UU) Sponsoring institution-The institution that is financially and legally responsible for the nursing program;
(VV) Sustainability Plan-A plan for the purchase, replacement, and maintenance of skills lab supplies, furnishings, and equipment to meet program outcomes;
(WW) Systematic evaluation plan-Written plan developed by faculty for comprehensive evaluation of all aspects of the program; and
(XX) Written agreement-Formal memorandum of understanding or contract between a nursing education program and a cooperating agency which designates each party's responsibilities for education of nursing students.

20 CSR 2200-8.001

Adopted by Missouri Register September 1, 2017/Volume 42, Number 17, effective 10/31/2017
Amended by Missouri Register July 2, 2018/Volume 43, Number 13, effective 8/31/2018
Amended by Missouri Register July 15, 2022/Volume 47, Number 14, effective 8/31/2022