Browse as ListSearch Within- Section 2 CSR 70-25.005 - Certification Allowances and Effective Date of New Categories
- Section 2 CSR 70-25.010 - Definitions
- Section 2 CSR 70-25.020 - To Whom Licenses Are Issued
- Section 2 CSR 70-25.030 - Classification of Licenses
- Section 2 CSR 70-25.050 - Review of Certification or License
- Section 2 CSR 70-25.060 - Applications for a Certified Commercial Applicator License, Certified Noncommercial Applicator License, Certified Public Operator License, Certified Private Applicator License, Certified Provisional Private Applicator License, Pesticide Dealer License, or Noncertified Restricted Use Pesticide (RUP) Applicator License
- Section 2 CSR 70-25.065 - Acceptable Insurance and Bond Forms for Commercial Applicators
- Section 2 CSR 70-25.070 - Requirements for Certified Commercial Applicators in Structural Pest Control
- Section 2 CSR 70-25.080 - Stipulations for a Certified Commercial Applicator License, Certified Noncommercial Applicator License, Certified Public Operator License, Certified Private Applicator License, Certified Provisional Private Applicator License, Noncertified Restricted Use Pesticide (RUP) Applicator License, Pesticide Technician License, and Pesticide Dealer License
- Section 2 CSR 70-25.090 - Examinations for Certified Commercial Applicators, Certified Noncommercial Applicators, Certified Public Operators, Certified Private Applicators, Certified Provisional Private Applicators, Noncertified Restricted Use Pesticide (RUP) Applicators, and Pesticide Dealers
- Section 2 CSR 70-25.100 - Certification Categories for Certified Commercial Applicators, Certified Noncommercial Applicators, and Certified Public Operators
- Section 2 CSR 70-25.110 - Standards of Competence for the Certification of Commercial Applicators, Noncommercial Applicators, Public Operators, and Noncertified Restricted Use Pesticide (RUP) Applicators
- Section 2 CSR 70-25.120 - Contents of Records Maintained by Certified Commercial Applicators, Certified Noncommercial Applicators, and Certified Public Operators
- Section 2 CSR 70-25.130 - Requirements for a Certified Private Applicator License or Certified Provisional Private Applicator License
- Section 2 CSR 70-25.140 - Certification Categories for Private Applicators and Certified Provisional Private Applicators
- Section 2 CSR 70-25.150 - Standards of Competence for the Certification of Private Applicators
- Section 2 CSR 70-25.153 - Stipulations and Training Requirements for Noncertified Restricted Use Pesticide (RUP) Applicators
- Section 2 CSR 70-25.155 - Declaration of the Agricultural Pesticide Heptachlor as a Restricted Use Pesticide for Controlling Cutworms on Missouri Field Corn Acreage and Implementation of a Program of Restricted Use of Heptachlor for the Years 1978, 1979 and 1980
- Section 2 CSR 70-25.156 - Responsibilities of Certified Commercial Applicators or Their Employers; Application Requirements, Qualifications, and Stipulations for Pesticide Technician Trainees and Pesticide Technicians
- Section 2 CSR 70-25.160 - [Rescinded]
- Section 2 CSR 70-25.170 - Stipulations for a Pesticide Dealer License
- Section 2 CSR 70-25.180 - Contents of Records Maintained by Pesticide Dealers