Mo. Code Regs. tit. 2 § 30-2.040

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 1, January 2, 2025
Section 2 CSR 30-2.040 - Animal Health Requirements for Exhibition

PURPOSE: This amendment removes material incorporated by reference, adds requirements for cattle and swine moving within the sate for exhibition, changes the TB testing requirement for dairy cattle two (2) months and older to (6) months and older, updates how the VS Form 10-11 is accepted, separates requirements for exotic and miscellaneous animals, adds a requirement for Brucella ovis testing in sheep coming into Missouri for exhibition, removes brucellosis testing requirement for cervids unless form any Brucellosis surveillance area, and allows CWD non-suscepti-ble cervids to move into the state without having to be in a CWD program.

(1) Animals with active lesions of ringworm with resulting loss of hair or warts easily visible without close examination will not be permitted to exhibit and shall be subject to isolation or expulsion depending upon the nature and seriousness of the disease.
(2) Scheduled breed association sales with shows in conjunction with the sales must employ accredited veterinarians other than state regulatory personnel for examining animals and processing Certificate of Veterinary Inspections (CVI) upon change of ownership.
(3) The listed minimal health and testing requirements on livestock are for exhibition only and do not qualify livestock to be sold or moved to a new owner or destination.
(4) Exhibition Requirements for Cattle, Bison, and Exotic Bovids.
(A) Intrastate (Missouri origin cattle and bison moving for exhibition only).
1. A CVI is required.
2. All animals must be individually identified by an official ear tag as defined by official identification, or registration tattoo, or any other means approved by the state veterinarian, be individually listed on a CVI, and be free of clinical signs of infectious or contagious disease.
3. Brucellosis-no test is required.
4. Tuberculosis-no test is required.
(B) lnterstate (cattle, bison, and exotic bovids entering Missouri for exhibition only).
1. A CVI is required.
2. All animals must be individually identified by an official ear tag as defined by official identification, or registration tattoo, or any other means approved by the state veterinarian, be individually listed on a CVI, and be free of clinical signs of infectious or contagious disease.
3. Brucellosis.
A. Cattle from brucellosis-free states. No brucellosis test or entry permit is required.
B. Cattle from brucellosis Class A states.
(I) Test-eligible animals include all sexually intact animals eighteen (18) months of age and over.
(II) All test-eligible cattle must be tested and negative within thirty (30) days prior to entry except -
(a) Cattle from a certified brucellosis-free herd. The certified herd number and the date of the last test must be listed on the CVI.
(III) Steers. No brucellosis test required but must be individually identified and listed on a CVI.
(IV) Rodeo bulls from a Class A state must have a negative brucellosis test within twelve (12) months prior to exhibition.
4. Tuberculosis.
A. Beef cattle - All classes of beef cattle (including exotic bovids and bisen), two (2) months of age and older, entering Missouri for exhibition must meet the following requirements:
(I) All classes of beef cattle entering Missouri for exhibition from a state having a tuberculosis-free status may enter without additional testing requirements or entry permit;
(II) All classes of beef cattle, six (6) months of age and older, entering Missouri for exhibition from a state having a tuberculosis status less than free must meet the following requirements:
(a) Must obtain an entry permit;
(b) Must have a negative tuberculosis test within sixty (60) days of shipment, test date must be listed on the CVI;
(c) Move from an accredited tuberculosis-free herd (herd test date must be listed on the CVI); or
(d) Move directly from a herd of origin that has had one (1) complete negative herd test within one (1) year (date of test must be listed on the CVI).
B. Dairy - All classes of dairy cattle, two (2) months of age and older, entering Missouri for exhibition must meet the following requirements:
(I) Must obtain an entry permit;
(II) All sexually intact dairy cattle six (6) months and older must have a negative tuberculosis test within sixty (60) days of shipment, test date must be listed on the CVI; or
(III) Move from an accredited tuberculosis-free herd (herd test date must be listed on the CVI); or
(IV) Move directly from a herd of origin that has had one (1) complete negative herd test within one (1) year (date of test must be listed on the CVI).
C. Rodeo Livestock.
(I) Rodeo livestock, eighteen (18) months of age and older, must be tested negative for tuberculosis every twelve (12) months and obtain an entry permit prior to entering Missouri.
(II) No sexually intact rodeo stock from Mexico will be permitted to enter Missouri without a negative tuberculosis test within sixty (60) days of shipment (test date must be listed on the CVI).
(5) Exhibition Requirements for Swine.
(A) Intrastate (Missouri origin swine moving for exhibition only).
1. A CVI is required.
2. All swine must be individually identified by official ear tag as defined by official identification, or ear notch, tattoo, or any other means of permanent identification approved by the state veterinarian, be individually listed on a CVI, and be free of clinical signs of infectious or contagious disease.
3. Brucellosis. No test is required.
4. Pseudorabies. No test is required.
(B) lnterstate (swine entering Missouri for exhibition only).
1. A CVI is required.
2. All swine must be individually identified by official ear tag as defined by official identification, or ear notch, tattoo, or any other means of permanent identification approved by the state veterinarian, be individually listed on a CVI, and be free of clinical signs of infectious or contagious disease.
3. An entry permit is required.
4. Brucellosis.
A. Swine originating from brucellosis-free states may exhibit without a brucellosis test.
B. Swine originating from a state having a brucellosis status less than free must be tested negative within sixty (60) days prior to exhibition except -
(I) Breeding swine from a validated brucellosis-free herd. The validated herd number and date of last validating test must be listed on the CVI.
5. Pseudorabies.
A. Swine originating from a state classified as Stage V in the National Pseudorabies (PRV) Eradication Plan may exhibit without a pseudorabies test.
B. All other swine must be tested negative within sixty (60) days prior to exhibition except -
(I) Swine from a qualified pseudorabies-free herd. The qualified herd number and date of the last qualifying test.
(6) Exhibition Requirements for Equidae (including exotic equine, donkeys, asses, burros, and zebras)
(A) Intrastate (Missouri origin horses and other equidae moving for exhibition).
1.Equidae must be free of clinical signs of an infectious or contagious disease. Any equidae showing signs of infectious or contagious disease at an exhibition shall be excused by the official inspecting veterinarian. When an official inspecting veterinarian is present, all equidae will be subject to daily inspection.
2. A CVI is not required.
3. All equidae (except nursing foals accompanied by their dams) must be accompanied by a current VS Form 10-11 or any officially recognized federal/state Equine Infectious Anemia (EIA) test chart showing test date within twelve (12) months prior to exhibition for each animal, the name of the EIA accredited testing laboratory and the test accession number assigned by the laboratory, the graphic description of all markings needed for identification, or microchip, or legible tattoo, or unique registered brand or imprinted photograph on any officially recognized federal/state EIA test chart. An electronically generated copy of the VS Form 10-11 or any officially recognized federal/state EIA test chart may be accepted for the purpose of exhibition.
A. Alteration or substitution of any information on any VS Form 10-11 or any officially recognized federal/state EIA test chart, including electronically generated copy, or CVI shall cause the document to be invalid and in violation of sections 267.010 to 267.730, RSMo, and may result in civil penalties not to exceed ten thousand dollars ($10,000) per violation and subject to expulsion.
(B) lnterstate (including exotic equine, donkeys, asses, burros, and zebras).
1.Equidae must be free of clinical signs of an infectious or contagious disease. Any equidae showing signs of infectious or contagious diseases at an exhibition shall be excused by the official inspecting veterinarian. When an official inspecting veterinarian is present, all equidae will be subject to daily inspection.
2. A CVI is required on all equidae (except nursing foals accompanied by their dams) showing identification and description of equidae listed and negative test results of an official EIA test, showing test date within twelve (12) months prior to exhibition for each animal, and the name of the EIA accredited testing laboratory and the test accession number assigned by the laboratory. All equidae entering without an official CVI and/or EIA test shall be excused from the show until proper documentation and test are available.
3. All equidae (except nursing foals accompanied by their dams) must be accompanied by a current VS Form 10-11 or any officially recognized federal/state EIA test chart showing test date within twelve (12) months prior to exhibition for each animal, the name of the EIA accredited testing laboratory and the test accession number assigned by the laboratory, the graphic description of all markings needed for identification or microchip, or legible tattoo, or unique registered brand or imprinted photograph on any officially recognized federal/ state EIA test chart. An electronically generated copy of the VS Form 10-11 or any officially recognized federal/state EIA test chart may be accepted for the purpose of exhibition.
A. Alteration or substitution of any information on any VS Form 10-11 or any officially recognized federal/state EIA test chart, including electronically generated copy, or CVI shall cause the document to be invalid and in violation of sections 267.010 to 267.730, RSMo, and may result in civil penalties not to exceed ten thousand dollars ($10,000) per violation and subject to expulsion.
4. A six- (6-) month passport from states with which there is a reciprocal agreement will be accepted in lieu of a CVI. These passports must have record of a negative EIA test within thirty (30) days of the date of application of the passport and permanent identification for each horse recorded on the passport and the VS Form 10-11 or any officially recognized federal/state EIA test chart, along with other identifying characteristics. In the event of confirmed vesicular stomatitis in any of the states with which reciprocal agreements exist, use of the six- (6-) month passport will be immediately suspended by the state veterinarian of Missouri.
5. Venezuelan Equine Encephalomyelitis (VEE) vaccination and entry permit is required prior to entry on equidae originating from states in which VEE has been diagnosed within the preceding twelve (12) months.
6. The board, organization, or manager of each assembly or event is responsible for certifying that all equidae admitted or participating meet the regulations in this section and shall not admit or allow participation of equidae not so certified. Untested equidae shall not be allowed to congregate with other equidae. The owner of each animal shall comply with requirements under sections 267.010 to 267.730, RSMo, and may be assessed civil penalties not to exceed ten thousand dollars ($10,000) for each violation.
(7) Exhibition Requirements for Sheep (including exotic sheep and antelope).
(A) Intrastate-Missouri origin sheep (including exotic sheep and antelope) moving for exhibition.
1. All sheep (including exotic sheep and antelope), regardless of age or sex, must be free of clinical signs of an infectious or contagious disease.
2. All sheep (including exotic sheep and antelope), regardless of age or sex, must be individually identified by an official scrapie identification as defined by official identification, or any other means of permanent identification approved by the state veterinarian identifying them to the flock of origin and be listed on a CVI.
3. No tests are required.
4. Scabies.
A. Sheep from a scabies quarantined area must be dipped or treated by an officially approved method within ten (10) days prior to exhibition.
(B) Interstate-Sheep (including exotic sheep and antelope) entering Missouri for exhibition only.
1. All sheep (including exotic sheep and antelope), regardless of age or sex, must be free of clinical signs of an infectious or contagious disease.
2. All sheep (including exotic sheep and antelope), regardless of age or sex, must be individually identified by an official scrapie identification as defined, by official identification or any other means of permanent identification approved by the state veterinarian identifying them to the flock of origin and be listed on a CVI.
3. All rams six (6) months of age and older must have a negative Brucella ovis test within thirty (30) days of shipment (test date, results, and name of approved laboratory must be listed on the CVI); or
A. Move from a certified Brucella ovis free flock (must be accompanied by the certificate number and date of last test).
4. Scabies.
A. Sheep (including exotic sheep and antelope) from a scabies quarantined area must be dipped or treated by an officially approved method within ten (10) days prior to exhibition.
B. A permit number must be obtained and recorded on a CVI if the sheep (including exotic sheep and antelope) are from a scabies quarantined area.
(8) Exhibition Requirements for Goats (including exotic goats).
(A) Intrastate-Missouri origin goats (including exotic goats) moving for exhibition only.
1. All goats (including exotic goats), regardless of age or sex, must be free of clinical signs of an infectious or contagious disease.
2. All goats (including exotic goats), regardless of age or gender, must be individually identified by an official scrapie identification as defined by official identification or any other means of permanent identification approved by the state veterinarian identifying them to the herd of origin and listed on a CVI.
3. No test is required.
(B) Interstate-Goats (including exotic goats) entering Missouri for exhibition only.
1. All goats (including exotic goats) must be free of clinical signs of an infectious or contagious disease.
2. All goats (including exotic goats), regardless of age or sex, must be individually identified by an official scrapie identification as defined by official identification or any other means of permanent identification approved by the state veterinarian identifying them to the herd of origin and listed on a CVI.
3. No tests or entry permits are required.
(9) Exhibition Requirements for Poultry.
(A) Intrastate (Missouri origin poultry moving for exhibition).
1. All poultry must be free of clinical signs of any infectious or contagious disease.
2. No CVI is required.
3. Pullorum-typhoid. All poultry exhibited (except Missouri origin waterfowl) shall be tested negative for pullo-rum-typhoid within ninety (90) days prior to exhibition or equivalent program in which the flock has been tested within the past twelve (12) months with no change of ownership. This information shall be documented on a VS Form 9-2 (see 2 CSR 30-8.020) or similar certificate which shall accompany the poultry to the exhibition and shall be made available on request.
(B) Interstate (poultry entering Missouri for exhibition only).
1. All poultry must be free of clinical signs of any infectious or contagious disease.
2. A CVI, VS Form 9-2 or similar certificate is required.
3. Pullorum-typhoid test. All poultry exhibited shall be tested negative for pullorum-typhoid within ninety (90) days prior to exhibition or originate from a flock approved by the National Poultry Improvement Plan (NPIP) or an equivalent program in which the flock has been tested within the past twelve (12) months with no change of ownership. This information shall be documented on a CVI, a VS Form 9-2 (see 2 CSR 30-8.020) or similar certificate which shall accompany the poultry to exhibition and shall be made available on request.
4. An entry permit is required.
(C) Requirements for sponsoring exhibitions for poultry.
1. An official representing the person or organization sponsoring any poultry exhibition shall notify the state veterinarian no later than thirty (30) days prior to the exhibition giving the names, place, inclusive dates, and times of the event.
2. Recordkeeping. The sponsor of the exhibition shall compile a list of all poultry present at the exhibition. The list shall contain the name and address or voluntary premises identification number of each owner and the number, species, breed, variety, type, sex, and pullorum-typhoid status of all poultry present. A copy of this list shall be retained by the sponsor of the exhibition for at least twelve (12) months and shall be made available upon request to a representative of the department.
3. Inspection. Poultry must be free of clinical signs of any infectious or contagious disease. Any poultry showing signs of infectious or contagious disease at an exhibition may be excused by the official inspecting veterinarian or department representative.
4. Pullorum-typhoid status. All poultry (except Missouri origin waterfowl) exhibited shall be tested negative for pullorum-typhoid within the past ninety (90) days or originate from a flock approved by the NPIP or equivalent program in which the flock has been tested within the past twelve (12) months with no change of ownership. This information shall be documented on a VS Form 9-2 (see 2 CSR 30-8.020) or similar certificate which shall be made available on request.
(10) Exhibition Requirements for Captive Cervids.
(A) lntrastate (Missouri origin captive cervids moving for exhibition only).
1. All captive cervids must be accompanied by a CVI or a Breeder's Movement Certificate and individually identified with two (2) forms of identification, with one (1) being an official ear tag as defined by official identification, or any other means of permanent identification approved by the state veterinarian, must not commingle with other animals, and must be individually listed on a CVI or Breeder's Movement Certificate.
A. Breeder's Movement Certificate. A form provided by the Missouri Department of Agriculture (MDA) which documents the movement of cervids within Missouri and may be completed by the breeder and must list the official identification, age, sex, species of the cervids moving within Missouri, and a complete address of the farm of origin and destination. The form will also list any required testing and Chronic Wasting Disease status of the herd of origin. The original will accompany the shipment, and a copy will be submitted to the MDA within thirty (30) days of movement.
2. Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD).
A. All CWD susceptible cervids over one (1) year of age must be enrolled in a CWD program sponsored by the Missouri Department of Agriculture. Original anniversary date must be listed on the CVI. All CWD susceptible cervids must have a CWD Status Level of 1 to move within Missouri.
B. Fallow deer must have documentation of a current annual inspection conducted by an accredited veterinarian and record of current inventory, except fallow deer that have contact with susceptible species must be enrolled in a CWD program sponsored by the Missouri Department of Agriculture.
(B) lnterstate (captive cervids entering Missouri for exhibition only).
1. All captive cervids must be accompanied by a CVI and individually identified with two (2) forms of identification, with one (1) being an official ear tag as defined by official identification, or any other means of permanent identification approved by the state veterinarian, must not commingle with other animals and must be individually listed on a CVI.
2. An entry permit is required.
3. Brucellosis requirements. No testing is required, except - A. No cervidae from the Greater Yellowstone Area or Ecosystem, or any brucellosis surveillance area will be allowed to enter Missouri.
4. Tuberculosis.
A. Captive cervids - Less than six (6) months of age, not known to be affected or exposed to tuberculosis and not in a status herd must have one (1) negative tuberculosis test, using the single cervical method or Dual Path Platform (DPP) test, within ninety (90) days prior to entering Missouri. The negative test date must be listed on the CVI. Captive cervids must have been isolated from other captive cervids during the testing period.
B. Captive cervids, six (6) months of age and older, not known to be affected or exposed to tuberculosis and not in a status herd must have two (2) negative tuberculosis tests, not less than ninety (90) days apart, using the single cervical method or DPP test prior to entering Missouri for exhibition. The second test must be within ninety (90) days prior to exhibition. Both negative test dates must be listed on the CVI. Captive cervids must have been isolated from other captive cervids during the testing period.
C. Movement from tuberculosis status herds.
(I) Accredited herd-Captive cervids originating from an accredited tuberculosis-free cervid herd may enter on herd status without additional testing provided the accredited herd number and current test date is listed on the CVI.
(II) Qualified herd-Captive cervids originating from a qualified herd must have one (1) negative tuberculosis test, using the single cervical method, within ninety (90) days prior to the date of exhibition.
(III) Monitored herd-Captive cervids originating from a monitored herd must have one (1) negative tuberculosis test, using the single cervical method, within ninety (90) days prior to the date of movement.
(IV) Captive cervids less than twelve (12) months of age born within and originating from a status herd may be moved without further testing provided that they have not been exposed to captive cervids from a lower status herd.
5. Chronic wasting disease.
A. Captive cervids will not be allowed to enter the state if, within the last five (5) years, the animal -
(I) Originates from an area or has been in an area that has been reported as a CWD endemic area; and
(II) Originates from a CWD positive captive herd.
B. CWD susceptible cervids entering Missouri from any state must have participated in a CWD certification program for five (5) consecutive years. Original anniversary date must be listed on the CVI.
C. Fallow deer entering Missouri from any state must have documentation of a current annual inspection conducted by an accredited veterinarian and record of current inventory, except fallow deer that have contact with susceptible species must meet the CWD certification program requirements.
D. Captive cervids moving between publicly owned Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) accredited zoos must meet the CWD certification program requirements.
(11) Exhibition Requirements for Alpacas, Camels, and Llamas.
(A) lntrastate (Missouri origin alpacas, camels, llamas, and other camelids moving for exhibition).
1. All alpacas, camels, llamas, and other camelids must be free of clinical signs of infectious or contagious disease.
2. No CVI is required.
(B) lnterstate (alpacas, camels, llamas, and other camelids entering Missouri for exhibition only).
1. All alpacas, camels, llamas, and other camelids must be free of clinical signs of infectious or contagious diseases.
2. All alpacas, camels, llamas, and other camelids must be accompanied by an official CVI showing an individual listing of the common name(s) of the animal(s) such as sex, age, weight, coloration, and the official ear tag as defined by official identification, microchip, tattoo, or any other means of permanent identification approved by the state veterinarian.
3. No test is required.
4. No permit is required.
(12) Exhibition Requirements for Ratites.
(A) Intrastate.
1. Ratites (including but not limited to ostrich, rheas, and emus) must be veterinarian inspected and individually identified as defined, or by leg band, microchip, wing band, legible tattoo, or any other means approved by the state veterinarian and listed on the CVI.
(B) Interstate.
1. Ratites (including but not limited to ostrich, rheas, and emus) must be veterinarian inspected and individually identified as defined, or by leg band, microchip, wing band, legible tattoo, or any other means approved by the state veterinarian and listed on the CVI.
2. No test is required.
(13) Exhibition Requirements for Dogs and Cats.
(A) Intrastate (Missouri origin dogs and cats moving for exhibition).
1. Dogs and cats must be free of clinical signs of infectious or contagious disease.
2. No CVI is required.
3. Dogs and cats, four (4) months of age and older, must be vaccinated for rabies by one (1) of the methods and within the time period published in the March 1, 2016 edition of the Compendium of Animal Rabies Vaccines by the National Association of State Public Health Veterinarians, Inc., incorporated by reference and made a part of this rule, as published by the United States, Government Publishing Office 732 N. Capital Street NW, Washington, DC 20402-0001, phone: toll free (866) 512-1800, DC area (202) 512-1800, website: This rule does not incorporate any subsequent amendments or additions.
(B) Interstate (dogs and cats entering Missouri for exhibition only).
1. Dogs and cats must be free of clinical signs of infectious or contagious disease.
2. A CVI is required.
3. All dogs and cats, four (4) months of age and older, must be vaccinated for rabies by one (1) of the methods and within the time period published in the March 1, 2016 edition of the Compendium of Animal Rabies Vaccines by the National Association of State Public Health Veterinarians, Inc., incorporated by reference and made a part of this rule, as published by the United States Government Publishing Office, 732 N. Capital Street NW, Washington, DC 20402-0001, phone: toll free (866) 512-1800, DC area (202) 512-1800, website: This rule does not incorporate any subsequent amendments or additions.
4. No entry permit is required.
(14) Exhibition Requirements for Miscellaneous Animals.
(A) lntrastate (Missouri origin miscellaneous animals moving for exhibition only).
1. Miscellaneous animals must be free of clinical signs of any infectious or contagious disease.
2. Exhibition and movement of wildlife within Missouri is regulated by the Missouri Wildlife Code 3 CSR 10-9. Exhibition of certain wildlife species is prohibited or may require a permit.
(B) lnterstate (miscellaneous animals entering Missouri for exhibition only).
1. All miscellaneous animals must be free of clinical signs of any infectious or contagious disease.
2. A CVI is required showing an individual listing of the common name(s) of the animal(s) and appropriate descriptions of animal(s) such as sex, age, weight, coloration, and must be individually identified as defined, or by any other means approved by the state veterinarian and listed on the CVI.
3. Exhibition and importation of wildlife into Missouri is regulated by the Missouri Wildlife Code 3 CSR 10-9. Exhibition and importation into Missouri of certain wildlife species is prohibited or may require a permit.
(15) Exhibition Requirements for Exotic Animals.
(A) lntrastate (Missouri origin exotic animals moving for exhibition only).
1. A CVI is required showing an individual listing of the scientific and/or common name(s) of the animal(s), appropriate descriptions of animal(s) such as sex, age, weight, coloration, and must be individually identified as defined by official identification or any other means approved by the state veterinarian and listed on the CVI.
2. Elephants (Asiatic, African) and non-human primates must be tested negative for tuberculosis within one (1) year prior to exhibition.
3. No tests are required for animals moving between publicly owned Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) accredited zoos, except cervids moving between publicly owned (AZA) accredited zoos must meet the chronic wasting disease monitoring requirements as outlined in section (10)
4. Exhibition and movement of wildlife within Missouri is regulated by the Missouri Wildlife Code 3 CSR 10-9. Exhibition of certain wildlife species is prohibited or may require a permit.
(B) lnterstate (exotic animals entering Missouri for exhibition only).
1. All exotic animals must be free of clinical signs of any infectious or contagious disease.
2. A CVI is required showing an individual listing of the scientific and/or common name(s) of the animal(s), appropriate descriptions of animal(s) such as sex, age, weight, coloration, and must be individually identified as defined by official identification, or any other means approved by the state veterinarian and listed on the CVI.
3. Elephants (Asiatic and African) and non-human primates must be tested negative for tuberculosis within one (1) year prior to exhibition.
4. No tests are required for animals moving between publicly owned Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) accredited zoos, but shipment must be accompanied by a CVI. Cervids moving between publicly owned AZA accredited zoos must meet the CWD monitoring requirements as outlined in section (10). An entry permit is required on all animals moving between publicly owned AZA accredited zoos.
5. Exhibition and importation of wildlife into Missouri is regulated by the Missouri Wildlife Code 3 CSR 10-9. Exhibition and importation into Missouri of certain wildlife species is prohibited or may require a permit.

2 CSR 30-2.040

AUTHORITY: section 267.645, RSMo 2000.* Emergency rule filed June 28, 1977, effective July 8, 1977, expired Nov. 5, 1977. Original rule filed June 28, 1977, effective Oct. 13, 1977. Amended: Filed Feb. 8, 1978, effective May 11, 1978. Amended: Filed Feb. 1, 1979, effective May 11, 1979. Amended: Filed Feb. 2, 1982, effective May 13, 1982. Rescinded and readopted: Filed Jan. 9, 1984, effective April 12, 1984. Amended: Filed Feb. 10, 1986, effective May 11, 1986. Amended: Filed Dec. 13, 1989, effective April 27, 1990. Emergency amendment filed April 24, 1991, effective May 4, 1991, expired Aug. 31, 1991. Amended: Filed July 15, 1991, effective Dec. 9, 1991. Emergency amendment filed June 5, 1992, effective June 15, 1992, expired Oct. 12, 1992. Amended: Filed March 3, 1992, effective Sept. 6, 1992. Emergency amendment filed Aug. 20, 1993, effective Aug. 30, 1993, expired Dec. 27, 1993. Amended: Filed Aug. 27, 1993, effective Jan. 31, 1994. Emergency amendment filed April 4, 1994, effective April 14, 1994, expired Aug. 11, 1994, Amended: Filed April 4, 1994, effective Sept. 30, 1994. Emergency amendment filed Jan. 17, 1995, effective Jan. 27, 1995, terminated Feb. 1, 1995. Amended: Filed Jan. 31, 1995, effective July 30, 1995. Amended: Filed July 31, 1996, effective March 30, 1997. Amended: Filed Jan. 4, 1999, effective July 30, 1999. Emergency amendment filed Nov. 2, 2001, effective Nov. 12, 2001, expired May 10, 2002. Amended: Filed April 10, 2002, effective Sept. 30, 2002. Amended: Filed May 14, 2002, effective Dec. 30, 2002. Amended: Filed Jan. 30, 2003, effective July 30, 2003. Emergency amendment filed March 5, 2004, effective March 15, 2004, expired Aug. 27, 2004. Amended: Filed March 5, 2004, effective Oct. 30, 2004. Amended: Filed March 15, 2005, effective Oct. 30, 2005. Amended: Filed Feb. 27, 2008, effective Sept. 30, 2008. Amended: Filed May 11, 2009, effective Dec. 30, 2009.
Amended by Missouri Register November 15, 2023/volume 48, Number 22, effective 12/31/2023.

*Original authority: 267.645, RSMo 1959, amended 1993.