Mo. Code Regs. tit. 2 § 30-2.010

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 1, January 2, 2025
Section 2 CSR 30-2.010 - Health Requirements Governing the Admission of Livestock, Poultry, Miscellaneous, and Exotic Animals Entering Missouri

PURPOSE: This rule sets forth the requirements governing the admission of livestock, poultry, miscellaneous, and exotic animals into Missouri.

PUBLISHER'S NOTE: The secretary of state has determined that the publication of the entire text of the material which is incorporated by reference as a portion of this rule would be unduly cumbersome or expensive. This material as incorporated by reference in this rule shall be maintained by the agency at its headquarters and shall be made available to the public for inspection and copying at no more than the actual cost of reproduction. This note applies only to the reference material. The entire text of the rule is printed here.

(1) Relation to Federal Requirements. All animals entering Missouri must be in compliance with the Missouri requirements contained in this rule, in addition to federal regulations.
(2) Cattle (beef and dairy), Bison, and Exotic Bovids. All cattle, bison, or exotic bovids exchanged, bartered, gifted, leased, or sold entering Missouri must meet the following requirements:
(A) A Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (CVI) is required.
(B) Baby Calves - Calves under two (2) months of age not accompanied by their dam may be imported by resident buyers, directly to a Missouri farm, or move directly from farm of origin to a market and must meet the following requirements:
1. A CVI and an entry permit must be obtained on all shipments of calves under two (2) months of age. All calves under two (2) months of age will be quarantined to the receiving farm for sixty (60) days; and
2. All calves under two (2) months of age must be individually identified by an official ear tag as defined by official identification, ar registration tattoo, or any other means of permanent identification approved by the state veterinarian and listed on the CVI;
(C) Brucellosis Requirements - all states -
1. A negative brucellosis test shall consist of one (1) of the following tests: Brucella Buffered Antigen (BBA) Card Test, Buffered Acidified Plate Antigen Presumptive Test (BAPA), or other official tests approved by the state veterinarian. All tests, regardless of method, must be confirmed at a state- or federally-approved laboratory. Any discrepancies in test results must be reported to the state veterinarian's office;
2. Test-eligible animals include all sexually intact animals eighteen (18) months of age and over;
3. All test-eligible animals must be individually identified by an official ear tag as defined by official identification, or registration tattoo, or any other means of permanent identification approved by the state veterinarian and listed on the CVI;
4. The state veterinarian may designate high incidence areas within certain states that must meet additional import restrictions and retest requirements; and
5. Classification of states. Animals that originate directly from officially classified states must meet the requirements that follow:
A. Class free states -
(I) Farm of origin animals may move to approved livestock markets and slaughter establishments accompanied by a waybill, bill of lading, or owner/shipper statement showing origin and destination;
(II) Other animal movements must be accompanied by a CVI, showing individual identification on all animals that are test-eligible; and
(III) No brucellosis test or entry permit is required;
B. Class A states -
(I) All animals must be accompanied by a CVI showing individual identification on all animals that are testeligible. A negative brucellosis test within thirty (30) days prior to shipment is required on all test-eligible animals. Farm of origin animals may move to an approved market or slaughter establishment accompanied by a waybill, bill of lading, or owner/shipper statement showing origin and destination;
(II) Animals from certified brucellosis-free herds may enter on herd status without additional testing, provided the certified herd number and current test date is shown on the CVI;
(III) Rodeo bulls must have a negative brucellosis test within twelve (12) months prior to entering the state; and
(IV) No entry permit is required;
(D) Tuberculosis.
1. Beef cattle.
A. All classes of beef cattle (including exotic bovids and bison) two (2) months of age and older, both breeding and feeding, entering Missouri from a state having a tuberculosisfree status may enter without additional testing requirements or entry permit.
B. All classes of beef cattle (including exotic bovids and bison) six (6) months of age and older, both breeding and feeding, entering Missouri from a state having a tuberculosis status less than free must meet the following requirements:
(I) Must be officially identified and listed on a CVI;
(II) Must obtain an entry permit;
(III) Must have a negative tuberculosis test within sixty (60) days of shipment (test date must be listed on the CVI); or
(IV) Move from an accredited tuberculosis-free herd (herd number and current herd test date must be listed on the CVI); or
(V) Move directly from a herd of origin that has had one (1) complete negative herd test within one (1) year (date of test must be listed on the CVI).
2. Dairy cattle.
A. All dairy cattle, both breeding and feeding, entering Missouri must meet the following requirements:
(I) Must obtain an entry permit;
(II) Must be officially identified and listed on the CVI;
(III) All sexually intact dairy cattle six (6) months and older must have a negative tuberculosis test within sixty (60) days of shipment (test date must be listed on the CVI); or
(IV) Move from an accredited tuberculosis-free herd (herd number and current herd test date must be listed on the CVI); or
(V) Move directly from a herd of origin that has had one (1) complete negative herd test within one (1) year (date of test must be listed on the CVI).
3. Importation of steers and spayed heifers from Mexico.
A. Steers and spayed heifers from Mexican states that have been determined by the state veterinarian of Missouri, based on the recommendation of the Bi-National Committee, to have fully implemented the Control/Preparatory Phase of the Mexican Tuberculosis Eradication Program may enter Missouri, provided they have been tested negative for tuberculosis in accordance with the Norma Official Mexicana (NOM) within sixty (60) days prior to entry into the United States, and obtain an entry permit prior to entering Missouri.
B. Steers and spayed heifers from Mexican states that have been determined by the state veterinarian of Missouri, based on the recommendation of the Bi-National Committee to have fully implemented the Eradication Phase of the Mexican Tuberculosis Eradication Program, may enter Missouri, provided they have been tested negative for tuberculosis in accordance with the Norma Official Mexicana (NOM) within sixty (60) days prior to entry into the United States. Steers and spayed heifers from these same Mexican states that originate from herds equal to U.S. Accredited TB-Free herds may enter Missouri without testing, provided they are moved directly from the herd of origin across the border as a single group and not commingled with other cattle prior to arriving at the border, and obtain an entry permit prior to entering Missouri.
C. Steers and spayed heifers from Mexican states that have been determined by the state veterinarian of Missouri, based on the recommendation of the Bi-National Committee, to have achieved accredited-free status may enter Missouri without testing, provided they are moved as a single group and not commingled with cattle of a different status prior to arriving to the border, and obtain an entry permit prior to entering Missouri.
D. Dairy and dairy-cross steers and spayed heifers from Mexico are prohibited from entering Missouri, regardless of test history.
4. All rodeo stock, over eighteen (18) months of age, must be tested negative for tuberculosis within sixty (60) days and obtain an entry permit prior to entering Missouri. No sexually intact rodeo stock from Mexico will be permitted into Missouri without a negative tuberculosis test within sixty (60) days of shipment (test date must be listed on the CVI).
5. The state veterinarian may designate high incidence areas within certain states that must meet additional import restrictions and retest requirements; and
(E) Trichomoniasis requirements.
1. All breeding bulls (excluding bison and exotic bovids) entering the state shall be -
A. Virgin bulls not more than twenty-four (24) months of age as determined by the presence of both permanent central incisor teeth in wear or by breed registry papers; or
B. Be tested negative for Trichomoniasis with an official polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test by an official laboratory, or any official test approved by the state veterinarian, within thirty (30) days prior to entry into the state.
(I) Bulls shall be tested one (1) time by an official PCR test or any official test approved by the state veterinarian prior to entering Missouri.
(II) Bulls shall be identified by official identification at the time the initial test sample is collected.
(III) Bulls that have had contact with female cattle subsequent to testing must be retested prior to entry.
2. If the breeding bulls are virgin bulls, less than twenty four (24) months of age, they shall be -
A. Individually identified by official identification;
B. Be accompanied with a breeder's certification of virgin status signed by the breeder or his representative attesting that they are virgin bulls; and
C. The official identification number shall be written on the breeder's certificate.
3. A CVI listing official identification and test performed, date of test, results, and laboratory, if testing is required.
4. Bulls going directly to slaughter are exempt from Trichomoniasis testing.
(3) Swine.
(A) An entry permit and a CVI is required on all classes of swine entering Missouri, except farm of origin swine consigned directly to an approved market or slaughter establishment.
(B) All commercial or transitional swine, individual and/or moving in a group/lot production system, entering Missouri, except farm of origin swine consigned to an approved market or slaughter establishment, must meet the following requirements:
1. Must be veterinarian inspected, individually identified by an official ear tag or group/lot identification number (GIN) as defined by official identification, or ear notch, tattoo, or any other means of permanent identification approved by the state veterinarian and listed on the CVI;
2. Originate from a validated swine brucellosis-free state or from a validated brucellosis-free herd (herd numbers and current herd test dates must be listed on the CVI); and
3. Originate from a pseudorabies stage V state or from a qualified negative pseudorabies herd (herd numbers and current herd test dates must be listed on the CVI; or
4. Move on a swine health plan as defined in 9 CFR 71.1, and agreed upon by the state veterinarians of both the origin and destination states.
(C) All feral swine are prohibited from entering Missouri.
(4)Equidae. This includes exotic equine, donkeys, asses, burros, and zebras.
(A) All equidae (except nursing foals accompanied by their dams) bartered, donated, exchanged, gifted, leased, relinquished, sold, or otherwise involved in a change of ownership entering Missouri must be accompanied by -
1. A negative Equine Infectious Anemia (EIA) test within twelve (12) months prior to entry and documented on a VS Form 10-11 or any officially recognized federal/state EIA test chart showing the graphic description of all markings or imprinted photograph on any officially recognized federal/ state EIA test chart needed for permanent identification.
A. For change of ownership (including leasing or gifting) an original VS Form 10-11 or any officially recognized federal/state EIA test chart is required; and
B. No equidae will be sold EIA test pending through private treaty; and
2. A CVI is required showing identification (registered legible tattoo, registered brand, microchip, or any other means of permanent identification approved by the state veterinarian) and description of each equidae listed on the CVI; or photograph of each equidae imprinted on the VS Form 10-11 or any officially recognized federal/state EIA test chart and the date, results, and name of laboratory listed on the CVI.
(B) For purpose of travel or exhibition, an electronically generated copy of the VS Form 10-11 or any officially recognized federal/state EIA test chart may be accepted.
(C) For purpose of travel or exhibition, Missouri will accept six- (6-) month passports from states with which there is a reciprocal agreement. These passports must meet the following criteria:
1. A negative EIA test within thirty (30) days of the date of application of the passport;
2. Permanent identification for each horse by means of registered brand, legible tattoo, or imprinted photograph on any officially recognized federal/state EIA test chart, or electronic identification (microchip). Permanent identification is to be recorded on the passport and the VS Form 10-11 or any officially recognized federal/state EIA test chart with other identifying characteristics;
3. Inspection by an accredited veterinarian within thirty (30) days of the date of application of the passport; and
4. In the event of confirmed Vesicular Stomatitis in any of the states with which reciprocal agreements exist, use of the six- (6-) month passport will be immediately suspended by the state veterinarian of Missouri.
(D)Equidae entering Missouri moving directly from a farm of origin (defined as maintained on premises for at least one hundred twenty (120) days) to a licensed Missouri livestock market/sale may be accompanied by a waybill or owner/ shipper statement showing origin and destination, in lieu of a CVI.
(E) Alteration or substitution of any information on the VS Form 10-11 or any officially recognized federal/state EIA test chart, including any electronically generated copy, or CVI shall cause the document to be invalid and in violation of sections 267.010 to 267.730, RSMo, and may result in civil penalties not to exceed ten thousand dollars ($10,000) per violation.
(F) Venezuelan Equine Encephalomyelitis (VEE) vaccination is required three (3) weeks prior to entry on equidae originating from states in which VEE has been diagnosed within the preceding twelve (12) months. An entry permit is also required on equine from those states.
(G)Equidae positive for brucellosis may not enter Missouri.
(5) Sheep (including exotic sheep and antelope).
(A) All sheep (including exotic sheep and antelope), regardless of age or sex, must be individually identified by official scrapie identification as defined by official identification, or any other means of identification approved by the state veterinarian identifying them to the flock of origin and listed on a CVI.
(B) Flock of origin sheep (including exotic sheep and antelope) consigned directly to a licensed Missouri market/ sale or a slaughter establishment must have individual official scrapie identification identifying them to the flock of origin, but are not required to have a CVI.
(C) Scrapie positive, suspects, or high-risk animals may enter Missouri for immediate slaughter only and with specific approval from the state veterinarian.
(D) Sheep (including exotic sheep and antelope) from a scabies-quarantined area must be dipped or treated by an officially approved method within ten (10) days prior to entering Missouri.
(E) All intact male sheep six (6) months of age or older require a negative Brucella ovis test within thirty (30) days of shipment (test date, results, and name of approved laboratory and accession number must be listed on the CVI); or
1. Move from a certified Brucella ovis free flock (must be accompanied by the certificate number and date of last test).
(F) No permit is required for sheep entering Missouri.
(6) Goats (including exotic goats).
(A) All goats (including exotic goats), regardless of age or sex, must be individually identified by official scrapie identification as defined by official identification, or any other means of identification approved by the state veterinarian identifying them to the herd of origin and listed on a CVI.
(B) Herd of origin goats (including exotic goats) consigned directly to a licensed Missouri market/sale or slaughter establishment must be individually identified by official scrapie identification identifying them to the herd of origin, but are not required to have a CVI.
(C) Scrapie positive, suspects, or high-risk animals may enter Missouri for immediate slaughter only and with specific approval from the state veterinarian.
(D) No tests or permit are required on goats (including exotic goats) entering Missouri.
(7) Poultry and Waterfowl.
(A) Live poultry (except those consigned directly to slaughter) shall be accompanied by a CVI or a VS Form 9-3 (see 2 CSR 30-2.040). If a VS Form 9-3 is used, a signed and dated owner/shipper statement must be included stating that, to his/her best knowledge, the birds are healthy. Poultry known to be infected with pullorum or typhoid that are consigned directly to slaughter must be identified as such by the consignor.
(B) All poultry and hatching eggs imported into Missouri require an entry permit prior to shipment. Annual entry permits shall be issued by the department to participants in the National Poultry Improvement Plan (NPIP) or an equivalent program. Producers not approved by NPIP or an equivalent program must request a permit with each shipment.
(C) Live poultry entering Missouri must be tested negative for pullorum-typhoid within the past ninety (90) days or originate from a flock approved by the NPIP or an equivalent program which has been tested within the past twelve (12) months with no change of ownership, except -
1. Commercial table egg pullets and/or layer flocks- no pullorum-typhoid testing is required if the birds are documented to have originated from a known pullorum-typhoid clean hatchery. Hatchery of origin must be written on the CVI or VS Form 9-3.
(D) Hatching eggs must be accompanied by a CVI certifying the eggs to be from pullorum-free flocks or by a VS Form 9-3.
(8) Captive Cervids.
(A) Captive cervids, including but not limited to elk, elkhybrids, red deer, roe deer, sika deer, moose, reindeer, muntjac, axis deer, and fallow deer that are bartered, exchanged, gifted, leased, or sold entering Missouri, regardless of age, must be veterinary inspected, individually identified with two (2) forms of identification, with one (1) being an official ear tag as defined by official identification, or other means of permanent identification approved by the state veterinarian and listed on a CVI.
(B) An entry permit is required.
(C) Brucellosis requirement.
1. No testing is required except -
A. No cervidae from the Greater Yellowstone Area or Ecosystem, or any brucellosis surveillance area will be allowed to enter Missouri.
(D) Tuberculosis requirements.
1. Captive cervids, less than six (6) months of age, not known to be affected or exposed to tuberculosis, and not in a status herd must have one (1) negative tuberculosis test within ninety (90) days prior to entering Missouri, using the single cervical method or Dual Path Platform (DPP) test. The negative test date must be listed on the CVI. Captive cervids must have been isolated from other captive cervids during the testing period.
2. Captive cervids, six (6) months of age and older, not known to be affected with or exposed to tuberculosis and not in a status herd, must have two (2) negative tuberculosis tests, not less than ninety (90) days apart, using the single cervical method or DPP test. The second test must be within ninety (90) days prior to movement. Both negative tests dates must be listed on the CVI. Captive cervids must have been isolated from other captive cervids during the testing period.
3. Movement from tuberculosis status herds.
A. Accredited herd-Captive cervids originating from an accredited tuberculosis-free cervid herd may enter on herd status without additional testing provided the accredited herd number and current test date is listed on the CVI.
B. Qualified herd-Captive cervids originating from a qualified herd must have one (1) negative tuberculosis test, using the single cervical method, within ninety (90) days prior to the date of movement.
C. Monitored herd-Captive cervids originating from a monitored herd must have one (1) negative tuberculosis test, using the single cervical method, within ninety (90) days prior to the date of movement.
D. Captive cervids less than twelve (12) months of age born within and originating from a status herd may be moved without further testing provided that they have not been exposed to captive cervids from a lower status herd.
(E) Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD).
1. Captive cervids will not be allowed to enter the state if, within the last five (5) years, the animal -
A. Originates from an area or has been in an area that has been reported as a CWD endemic area;
B. Originates from a CWD positive captive herd.
2. CWD susceptible cervids entering Missouri from any state must have participated in a CWD certification program for five (5) consecutive years. Original anniversary date must be listed on the Certificate of Veterinary Inspection;
3. Fallow deer entering Missouri from any state must have documentation of a current annual inspection conducted by an accredited veterinarian and record of current inventory, except fallow deer that have contact with susceptible species must meet the CWD certification program requirements.
4. Captive cervids moving between publicly owned Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) accredited zoos must meet the CWD certification program requirements.
(9) Alpacas, Camels, and Llamas.
(A) All alpacas, camels, llamas, and other camelids bartered, exchanged, leased, sold, or relinquished entering Missouri (excluding livestock markets) must be accompanied by an official CVI showing an individual listing of the common name(s) of the animal(s) such as sex, age, weight, and coloration and be individually identified by official ear tag as defined by official identification, or microchip, tattoo, or any other means of permanent identification approved by the state veterinarian.
(B) No tests or permit are required to enter Missouri.
(10) Ratites (including but not limited to ostrich, rheas, and emus).
(A) A CVI is required on all ratites bartered, exchanged, leased, sold, or relinquished entering Missouri, except farm of origin ratites consigned to an approved slaughter establishment. Ratites must be veterinary inspected and individually identified by official identification (leg band, microchip, wing band, legible tattoo, or other means approved by the state veterinarian) and listed on the CVI. Ear tags attached to the ratites are not acceptable.
(B) No tests or permit are required on ratites entering Missouri.
(11) Psittacine birds, (including but not limited to macaws or parrots) except budgerigar, must have a CVI to enter Missouri.
(12) Dogs and Cats.
(A) All dogs and cats entering Missouri must be accompanied by a CVI. Dogs and cats over four (4) months of age must be vaccinated for rabies by one (1) of the methods and within the time period published in the March 1, 2016, edition of the Compendium of Animal Rabies Vaccines by the National Association of State Public Health Veterinarians, Inc., incorporated by reference and made a part of this rule, as published by the United States Government Publishing Office, 732 N. Capital Street NW, Washington DC 20402-0001, phone: toll free (866) 512-1800: DC area (202) 512-1800, website: This rule does not incorporate any subsequent amendments or additions.
(B) Any person who transports a domestic dog or cat from a foreign country into Missouri shall provide the recipient with a copy of that animal's CVI and when applicable, rabies vaccination information as prescribed in (12)(A) of this rule, not more than thirty (30) days after transfer of the dog or cat to the recipient.
(C) Any person who receives a domestic dog or cat from a foreign country into Missouri shall provide the state veterinarian with a copy of that animal's CVI and, when applicable, rabies vaccination information as prescribed in (12)(A) of this rule, not more than thirty (30) days after acquisition of the dog or cat.
(D) All dogs and cats must be eight (8) weeks of age to enter into commerce.
(13) Aquaculture. All aquaculture entering Missouri must -
(A) Be accompanied by a CVI and obtain an entry permit; and
(B) All Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia (VHS) susceptible species must be tested and name of laboratory, test date, results, and accession number must be listed on the CVI.
(14) Miscellaneous Animals.
(A) All miscellaneous animals must be accompanied by an official CVI showing an individual listing of the common name(s) of the animal(s) and appropriate descriptions of animal(s) such as sex, age, weight, coloration, and the permanent identification.
(B) Importation of wildlife into Missouri is regulated by the Missouri Wildlife Code 3 CSR 10-9. Importation of certain wildlife species is prohibited or may require a permit.
(15) Exotic Animals.
(A) All exotic animals must be accompanied by an official CVI showing an individual listing of the scientific and/or common name(s) of the animal(s) and appropriate descriptions of animal(s) such as sex, age, weight, coloration, and the permanent identification.
(B) Elephants (Asiatic and African) and non-human primates must test negative for tuberculosis within one (1) year prior to entry.
(C) No tests are required for animals moving between publicly owned Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) accredited zoos, but shipment must be accompanied by a CVI. Cervids moving between publicly owned AZA accredited zoos must meet the CWD monitoring requirements as outlined in subsection (10)(E). An entry permit is required on all animals moving between publicly owned AZA accredited zoos.
(D) Importation of wildlife into Missouri is regulated by the Missouri Wildlife Code 3 CSR 10-9. Importation of certain wildlife species is prohibited or may require a permit.

2 CSR 30-2.010

AUTHORITY: section 267.645, RSMo 2000.* This version of rule filed Jan. 24, 1975, effective Feb. 3, 1975. Amended: Filed Aug. 15, 1975, effective Aug. 25, 1975. Amended: Filed Dec. 19, 1975, effective Dec. 29, 1975. Amended: Filed Dec. 14, 1976, effective April 11, 1977. Amended: Filed Oct. 13, 1978, effective Jan. 13, 1979. Amended: Filed Aug. 8, 1980, effective Nov. 14, 1980. Amended: Filed May 12, 1981, effective Sept. 1, 1981. Amended: Filed Dec. 10, 1981, effective April 11, 1982. Amended: Filed Feb. 16, 1983, effective June 12, 1983. Emergency amendment filed Feb. 16, 1984, effective Feb. 26, 1984, expired June 25, 1984. Amended: Filed Jan. 26, 1984, effective June 12, 1984. Amended: Filed Dec. 2, 1985, effective March 14, 1986. Emergency amendment filed Feb. 14, 1986, effective Feb. 24, 1986, expired June 14, 1986. Emergency amendment filed May 1, 1987, effective May 11, 1987, expired Sept. 11, 1987. Rescinded and readopted: Filed Dec. 14, 1987, effective March 25, 1988. Amended: Filed Nov. 15, 1988, effective March 26, 1989. Amended: Filed Dec. 13, 1989, effective April 27, 1990. Emergency amendment filed July 25, 1990, effective Aug. 3, 1990, expired Nov. 22, 1990. Amended: Filed Sept. 17, 1990, effective March 14, 1991. Emergency amendment filed April 11, 1991, effective April 21, 1991, expired Aug. 9, 1991. Amended: Filed April 16, 1991, effective Aug. 30, 1991. Amended: Filed July 15, 1991, effective Dec. 9, 1991. Emergency amendment filed Jan. 23, 1992, effective Feb. 2, 1992, expired May 30, 1992. Amended: Filed Feb. 4, 1992, effective June 25, 1992. Emergency amendment filed June 5, 1992, effective June 15, 1992, expired Oct. 12, 1992. Emergency amendment filed July 30, 1992, effective Aug. 9, 1992, expired Dec. 6, 1992. Amended: Filed March 3, 1992, effective Sept. 6, 1992. Emergency amendment filed Aug. 20, 1993, effective Aug. 30, 1993, expired Dec. 27, 1993. Amended: Filed Aug. 27, 1993, effective Jan. 31, 1994. Emergency amendment filed April 4, 1994, effective April 14, 1994, expired Aug. 11, 1994. Amended: Filed April 4, 1994, effective Sept. 30, 1994. Amended: Filed Jan. 31, 1995, effective July 30, 1995. Amended: Filed July 31, 1996, effective March 30, 1997. Amended: Filed Jan. 4, 1999, effective July 30, 1999. Emergency amendment filed Nov. 2, 2001, effective Nov. 12, 2001, expired May 10, 2002. Amended: Filed April 10, 2002, effective Sept. 30, 2002. Amended: Filed May 14, 2002, effective Dec. 30, 2002. Amended: Filed Jan. 30, 2003, effective July 30, 2003. Amended: Filed March 17, 2003, effective Sept. 30, 2003. Emergency amendment filed Aug. 23, 2004, effective Sept. 3, 2004, expired March 1, 2005. Amended: Filed Aug. 23, 2004, effective Feb. 28, 2005. Emergency amendment filed Dec. 2, 2004, effective Dec. 12, 2004, expired May 31, 2005. Amended: Filed Dec. 2, 2004, effective June 30, 2005. Amended: Filed June 15, 2005, effective Jan. 30, 2006. Amended: Filed June 12, 2009, effective Jan. 30, 2010. Amended: Filed Nov. 10, 2010, effective June 30, 2011.
Amended by Missouri Register April 15, 2015/Volume 40, Number 08, effective 5/31/2015
Amended by Missouri Register July 15, 2020/Volume 45, Number 14, effective 8/31/2020
Amended by Missouri Register November 15, 2023/volume 48, Number 22, effective 12/31/2023.

*Original authority: 267.645, RSMo 1959, amended 1993.