PURPOSE: The attorney general administers provisions of the Wheelchair Lemon Law and Assistive Devices for Major Life Activity, sections 407.950 to 407.970, RSMo. The attorney general is required to establish regulations controlling the arbitration of disputes arising under these provisions. This rule specifies the notice which must be given by sellers of the assistive device to consumers .
(1) Each manufacturer who sells or leases an assistive device to a Missouri consumer, either directly or through an assistive device dealer, shall furnish the consumer contemporaneously with the express warranty required by section 407.953, RSMo, a clear and conspicuous notice of the consumer's right to elect arbitration. This notice shall be in (10) ten point boldface type and shall include the following words or words of similar import and meaning: "Pursuant to Missouri law, you have the right to have certain disputes regarding the purchase of an Assistive device resolved through binding arbitration. To obtain a request for arbitration form, contact the manufacturer."
(2) The notice shall also include the name, address and telephone number of the person whom the consumer may contact to obtain a "Request for Arbitration" form. AUTHORITY: sections 407.965 and 407.970, RSMo 2000.* Original rule filed Jan. 27, 2003, effective Aug. 30, 2003. *Original authority: 407.965, RSMo 1995 and 407.970, RSMo 1995.