Mo. Code Regs. tit. 13 § 40-2.120

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 1, January 2, 2025
Section 13 CSR 40-2.120 - Methods Used to Determine the Amount of Cash Payments

PURPOSE: This amendment updates terminology and statutory authority references used to determine the correct amount of cash payments in the various assistance programs.

PUBLISHER'S NOTE: The secretary of state has determined that the publication of the entire text of the material which is incorporated by reference as a portion of this rule would be unduly cumbersome or expensive. This material as incorporated by reference in this rule shall be maintained by the agency at its headquarters and shall be made available to the public for inspection and copying at no more than the actual cost of reproduction. This note applies only to the reference material. The entire text of the rule may be found at the Family Support Division, Department of Social Services, 615 Howerton Court, Jefferson City, MO 65109, and is available to any interested person at a cost established by state law.

(1) The budgetary method is used in establishing eligibility for and the extent of need for public assistance. This requires the determination of the needs of the individual or groups of individuals who may be affected by the receipt of assistance, the determination of income and resources available to these persons and, if income and resources are not sufficient to provide a reasonable subsistence compatible with decency and health, the planning of assistance to meet the deficit. (Original rule filed April 12, 1948, effective April 22, 1948.)
(2) Consideration of Available Income.
(A) In Aid to Dependent Children (ADC) cases, all income of the following persons who are in the household shall be considered in determining whether the children (including stepchild and adopted child) are in need and, if so, the amount of the need-eligible children; natural or adoptive parents of one (1) or more of the eligible children; any needy nonparent caretaker relative or related or unrelated guardian if they desire to be included in the assistance group and are eligible for inclusion; a stepparent, in accordance with Section 402(a)(31) of the Social Security Act; and any blood or adoptive brother or sister of an eligible child, if that brother or sister meets the conditions described in clauses (1) and (2) of Section 406(a) of the Social Security Act and is living in the home. This income shall be included notwithstanding Section 205(j) of the Social Security Act in the case of benefits provided under Title II. With respect to an eligible child who is living with a parent or legal guardian who is under age nineteen (19), the income of this minor's own parents or legal guardians who are living in the home shall be included to the same extent that the income of a stepparent is included in accordance with 402(a)(31) of the Social Security Act. Income of all other persons in the household will be considered in the amount made available to the household.
(B) In Aid to the Blind (AB) cases, all income of the applicant or recipient shall be considered in determining whether the applicant or recipient is in need, and, if so, the amount of that need. The income of any other person in the household will be considered only in the amount made available to the AB applicant or recipient.
(C) In computing the income of an applicant or recipient, or of the household of which s/he is a member, only that income which is available during the period under consideration shall be taken into account. To be considered as available, the income shall actually and presently exist (not to be a potential or remote income) and shall be sufficient to have some appreciable significance in meeting the immediate requirements of the applicant or recipient. The following will not be considered in determining eligibility: in Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) cases, the first fifty dollars ($50) of monthly child support payments; home produce raised or used by the applicant or recipient for consumption by the family, and loans made under conditions which preclude their use for meeting current living costs. (Original rule filed April 12, 1948, effective April 22, 1948. Amended: Feb. 6, 1975, effective Feb. 16, 1975.)
(3) Each budget shall include provision in an amount per month as established by the Family Support Division which represents the average of all individual need items formally budgeted (except day care expenses) for each size AFDC assistance group and for the Supplemental Aid to the Blind (SAB) need eligibility budget and will be referred to as the AFDC, and SAB Consolidated Standard.
(A) The Consolidated Standard for each size AFDC assistance group and for the SAB budget shall be as follows:
1. AFDC:

Assistance Group Size

Consolidated Standard


$ 393.00


$ 678.00


$ 846.00


$ 990.00

















*For any AFDC assistance group larger than twelve (12), add one hundred sixteen dollars ($116) per individual

2. SAB: The Consolidated Standard of three hundred dollars ($300) implemented February 16, 1976 will be used as a base amount. Beginning January 1, 1985, but including the Old Age Supplemental Disability Income (OASDI) increases of July 1982 and January 1984, whenever OASDI benefits under Title II of the Social Security Act are increased, the SAB Consolidated Standard also shall be increased. The amount of the increase shall be determined by adding the same percentage increase to the last Consolidated Standard amount as was added to Title II benefits and rounding the result to the next highest dollar. When an SAB claimant is a member of Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) assistance group, there shall be added one hundred dollars ($100) to the TANF assistance group size Consolidated Standard. This amount represents the following special additional allowances: Food-twelve dollars ($12); clothing-eight dollars ($8); personal incidentals- eleven dollars ($11); shopping and errand expense-fifteen dollars ($15); laundry and dry cleaning expense-fifteen dollars ($15); household incidentals-ten dollars ($10); transportation-nine dollars ($9); preparation of food-five dollars ($5); and cost for a seeing eye dog or other guide-fifteen dollars ($15). (Original rule filed April 12, 1948, effective April 22, 1948. Amended: May 18, 1966, effective May 28, 1966. Amended: Oct. 20, 1967, effective Oct. 30, 1967. Amended: Dec. 2, 1968, effective Dec. 12, 1968. Amended: Dec. 22, 1975, effective Jan. 1, 1976.)
(4) Assistance recipients sixty-five (65) years of age or over will be expected to use fully the medical care benefits that are available to them through Title XVIII B of the federal Social Security law; however, the deductibles and coinsurance costs will be paid by the Family Support Division by means of vendor payments. Assistance recipients over age sixty-five (65) who have exhausted their Title XVIII benefits and eligible assistance recipients under age sixty-five (65) will be eligible for vendor payments on their behalf for the medical care benefits as specified in section 208.151, RSMo; this includes benefits for eligible recipients who are in a state mental institution or a state tuberculosis hospital. (Original rule filed April 12, 1948, effective April 22, 1948. Amended: May 18, 1966, effective May 28, 1966. Amended: Oct. 20, 1967, effective Oct. 30, 1967. Amended: Sept. 24, 1970, effective Oct. 4, 1970. Amended: May 7, 1971, effective May 17, 1971. Amended: June 18, 1971, effective June 28, 1971. Amended: Feb. 6, 1975, effective Feb. 16, 1975. Amended: Dec. 22, 1975, effective Jan. 1, 1976.)
(5) In the payment of public assistance benefits, the amount shall be rounded to the nearest dollar interval. For all benefits other than AFDC, payment amounts ending in less than fifty cents (50[CENT]) shall be lowered to the nearest dollar and amounts ending in fifty cents (50[CENT]) or over shall be increased to the nearest dollar. In AFDC cases, payment amounts will always be lowered to the nearest dollar. If the determined need results in a grant of less than ten dollars ($10) in AFDC cases, no cash payment will be made. (Original rule filed April 12, 1948, effective April 22, 1948.)
(6) Earned Income Exemption-AFDC.
(A) In determining need and amount of grant for applicants or recipients of AFDC, the following earned income exemptions will apply and these amounts will be disregarded in determining the amount of income available to meet the family's needs:
1. All of the earned income of any child receiving AFDC will be exempted if the child is a full-time student or is a part-time student who is not a full-time employee;
2. The first ninety dollars ($90) of the gross earned income will be disregarded from employment;
3. An amount equal to thirty dollars ($30) of the total of earned income not already disregarded in the preceding provisions of this subsection (6)(A), for an eight (8)-month period following the fourth consecutive month of the disregard provided for in this paragraph, but excluding, for purposes of this subsection, earned income derived from participation on a project maintained under the programs established by Section 432(b)(2) and (3) of the Social Security Act;
4. An amount equal to the first thirty dollars ($30) of the total of earned income not already disregarded in the preceding provisions of paragraph (6)(A)3. plus one-third (1/3) of the remainder but excluding, for purposes of this subsection, earned income derived from participation on a project maintained under the programs established by Section 432(b)(2) and (3) of the Social Security Act; and
5. An amount equal to expenditures for care in that month shall be disregarded from earned income for a dependent child, or an incapacitated individual living in the same home as the dependent child, receiving AFDC and requiring care for that month, to the extent that the amount for each dependent child or incapacitated individual does not exceed one hundred seventy-five dollars ($175) for children age two (2) and over or two hundred dollars ($200) for children under two (2) years of age.
(B) The disregards applied against earned income outlined in subsection (6)(A) shall not be applied to the earned income of any person who-
1. Terminated his/her employment or reduced his/her earned income without good cause within the period (of not less than thirty (30) days) preceding that month as may be prescribed by the secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS);
2. Refused without good cause, within the thirty- (30-) day period or longer period prescribed by the secretary of the United States Department of HHS, to accept employment in which s/he is able to engage which is offered through the public employment offices of the state, or is otherwise offered by an employer if the offer of the employer is determined by the Family Support Division or agency designated by the Family Support Division, after notification by the employer, to be a bona fide offer of employment; and
3. Failed without good cause to make a timely report to the Family Support Division of earned income received in that month.
(C) The disregard applied against earned income, as provided for-
1. In paragraph (6)(A)1., shall be applied when determining need for up to six (6) months within the calendar year of January through December and after that shall not be applied if the income without applying this disregard was in excess of the standard of need;
2. In paragraph (6)(A)3., shall not be applied if the income without applying this disregard was in excess of the standard of need unless the person received AFDC in one (1) or more of the four (4) months preceding that month and this disregard has not already been applied to his/her income for four (4) consecutive months while s/he was receiving AFDC. If this disregard provided for in paragraph (6)(A)3. has been applied for four (4) consecutive months, the disregard shall not be applied for as long as the person continues to receive AFDC and shall not apply until the expiration of a period of twelve (12) consecutive months during which the person is not a recipient of AFDC; and
3. In paragraph (6)(A)4., shall be available only for the eight (8)-month period following the fourth consecutive month of the disregard provided for in paragraph (6)(A)3. If the eight (8)-month period for the disregard provided for in paragraph (6)(A)4. has expired, the disregard shall not be applied for as long as the person continues to receive AFDC and shall not apply until the expiration of a period of twelve (12) consecutive months during which the person is not a recipient of AFDC.
(7) No family shall be eligible for AFDC if, for that month, the total income of the family (other than AFDC benefits) without application of the earned income disregards provided for in paragraphs (6)(A)2.-5. and for up to six (6) months within the calendar year of January through December with application of the earned income disregard provided for in paragraph (6)(A)1. exceeds one hundred eighty-five percent (185%) of Missouri's standard of need for a family of the same composition.
(8) A standard amount for expenses of producing earned income will be budgeted for each member of the SAB assistance group who has earned income to include allowances for all federal and state income tax and Retirement, Survivor's, and Disability Insurance (RSDI) withholdings. An additional standard for costs of union dues, extra food, clothing, personal expense, transportation to and from work, and other employment connected personal incidental costs will also be budgeted for each member of the SAB assistance group who has earned income. The standard amounts, in direct relationship to varying increments of gross monthly earnings and number of dependents, will be budgeted.

If the actual expenses exceed the standard amount included for union dues, extra food, clothing, personal expense, transportation to and from work, or other employment connected personal incidental costs, the actual expenses will be used.


Missouri State Tax-Federal Tax-OASDI Deductions

Gross Income123456789Pers. Exps.10% ofGrossIncome
35-40 2.66 2.66 2.66 2.66 2.66 2.66 2.66 2.66 2.66 4.00
40.01-45 2.99 2.99 2.99 2.99 2.99 2.99 2.99 2.99 2.99 4.50
45.01-50 3.33 3.33 3.33 3.33 3.33 3.33 3.33 3.33 3.33 5.00
50.01-55 3.66 3.66 3.66 3.66 3.66 3.66 3.66 3.66 3.66 5.50
55.01-60 3.99 3.99 3.99 3.99 3.99 3.99 3.99 3.99 3.99 6.00
60.01-65 4.32 4.32 4.32 4.32 4.32 4.32 4.32 4.32 4.32 6.50
65.01-70 4.66 4.66 4.66 4.66 4.66 4.66 4.66 4.66 4.66 7.00
70.01-75 4.99 4.99 4.99 4.99 4.99 4.99 4.99 4.99 4.99 7.50
75.01-80 5.32 5.32 5.32 5.32 5.32 5.32 5.32 5.32 5.32 8.00
80.01-85 5.65 5.65 5.65 5.65 5.65 5.65 5.65 5.65 5.65 8.50
85.01-90 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 9.00
90.01-95 6.32 6.32 6.32 6.32 6.32 6.32 6.32 6.32 6.32 9.50
95.01-100 6.65 6.65 6.65 6.65 6.65 6.65 6.65 6.65 6.65 10.00
100.01-105 6.98 6.98 6.98 6.98 6.98 6.98 6.98 6.98 6.98 10.50
105.01-110 7.32 7.32 7.32 7.32 7.32 7.32 7.32 7.32 7.32 11.00
110.01-115 7.65 7.65 7.65 7.65 7.65 7.65 7.65 7.65 7.65 11.50
115.01-120 7.98 7.98 7.98 7.98 7.98 7.98 7.98 7.98 7.98 12.00
120.01-125 8.31 8.31 8.31 8.31 8.31 8.31 8.31 8.31 8.31 12.50
125.01-130 8.65 8.65 8.65 8.65 8.65 8.65 8.65 8.65 8.65 13.00
130.01-135 8.98 8.98 8.98 8.98 8.98 8.98 8.98 8.98 8.98 13.50
135.01-140 9.31 9.31 9.31 9.31 9.31 9.31 9.31 9.31 9.31 14.00
140.01-145 9.64 9.64 9.64 9.64 9.64 9.64 9.64 9.64 9.64 14.50
145.01-150 9.98 9.98 9.98 9.98 9.98 9.98 9.98 9.98 9.98 15.00
150.01-155 10.31 10.31 10.31 10.31 10.31 10.31 10.31 10.31 10.31 15.50
155.01-160 10.64 10.64 10.64 10.64 10.64 10.64 10.64 10.64 10.64 16.00
160.01-165 10.97 10.97 10.97 10.97 10.97 10.97 10.97 10.97 10.97 16.50
165.01-170 11.31 11.31 11.31 11.31 11.31 11.31 11.31 11.31 11.31 17.00
170.01-175 11.64 11.64 11.64 11.64 11.64 11.64 11.64 11.64 11.64 17.50
175.01-180 11.97 11.97 11.97 11.97 11.97 11.97 11.97 11.97 11.97 18.00
180.01-185 12.30 12.30 12.30 12.30 12.30 12.30 12.30 12.30 12.30 18.50
185.01-190 12.64 12.64 12.64 12.64 12.64 12.64 12.64 12.64 12.64 19.00
190.01-195 12.97 12.97 12.97 12.97 12.97 12.97 12.97 12.97 12.97 19.50
195.01-200 13.40 13.30 13.30 13.30 13.30 13.30 13.30 13.30 13.30 20.00
200.01-205 14.34 13.64 13.64 13.64 13.64 13.64 13.64 13.64 13.64 20.50
205.01-210 15.26 13.96 13.96 13.96 13.96 13.96 13.96 13.96 13.96 21.00
210.01-215 16.20 14.30 14.30 14.30 14.30 14.30 14.30 14.30 14.30 21.50
215.01-220 17.73 14.63 14.63 14.63 14.63 14.63 14.63 14.63 14.63 22.00
220.01-225 18.66 14.96 14.96 14.96 14.96 14.96 14.96 14.96 14.96 22.50
225.01-230 19.60 15.30 15.30 15.30 15.30 15.30 15.30 15.30 15.30 23.00
230.01-235 20.53 15.63 15.63 15.63 15.63 15.63 15.63 15.63 15.63 23.50
235.01-240 22.36 15.96 15.96 15.96 15.96 15.96 15.96 15.96 15.96 24.00
240.01-245 22.69 16.29 16.29 16.29 16.29 16.29 16.29 16.29 16.29 24.50
245.01-250 24.23 16.63 16.63 16.63 16.63 16.63 16.63 16.63 16.63 25.00
250.01-255 24.56 16.96 16.96 16.96 16.96 16.96 16.96 16.96 16.96 25.50
255.01-260 26.09 17.29 17.29 17.29 17.29 17.29 17.29 17.29 17.29 26.00
260.01-265 27.62 17.62 17.62 17.62 17.62 17.62 17.62 17.62 17.62 26.50
265.01-270 27.95 17.95 17.95 17.95 17.95 17.95 17.95 17.95 17.95 27.00
270.01-275 29.49 18.29 18.29 18.29 18.29 18.29 18.29 18.29 18.29 27.50
275.01-280 31.02 18.62 18.62 18.62 18.62 18.62 18.62 18.62 18.62 28.00
280.01-285 31.35 18.95 18.95 18.95 18.95 18.95 18.95 18.95 18.95 28.50
285.01-290 32.89 20.39 19.29 19.29 19.29 19.29 19.29 19.29 19.29 29.00
290.01-295 33.21 20.71 19.61 19.61 19.61 19.61 19.61 19.61 19.61 29.50
295.01-300 34.75 22.25 19.95 19.95 19.95 19.95 19.95 19.95 19.95 30.00

Gross Income123456789Pers. Exps.10% ofGrossIncome
300.01-305 36.29 23.79 20.29 20.29 20.29 20.29 20.29 20.29 20.29 30.50
305.01-310 36.61 24.11 20.61 20.61 20.61 20.61 20.61 20.61 20.61 31.00
310.01-315 38.15 25.65 20.95 20.95 20.95 20.95 20.95 20.95 20.95 31.50
315.01-320 40.08 27.18 21.28 21.28 21.28 21.28 21.28 21.28 21.28 32.00
320.01-325 40.41 27.51 21.61 21.61 21.61 21.61 21.61 21.61 21.61 32.50
325.01-330 41.95 29.05 21.95 21.95 21.95 21.95 21.95 21.95 21.95 33.00
330.01-335 42.28 29.38 22.28 22.28 22.28 22.28 22.28 22.28 22.28 33.50
335.01-340 43.81 30.91 22.61 22.61 22.61 22.61 22.61 22.61 22.61 34.00
340.01-345 45.65 32.81 22.94 22.94 22.94 22.94 22.94 22.94 22.94 34.50
345.01-350 45.99 33.15 23.28 23.28 23.28 23.28 23.28 23.28 23.28 35.00
350.01-355 47.52 34.68 23.61 23.61 23.61 23.61 23.61 23.61 23.61 35.50
355.01-360 49.15 36.21 23.94 23.94 23.94 23.94 23.94 23.94 23.94 36.00
360.01-365 49.48 36.54 24.27 24.27 24.27 24.27 24.27 24.27 24.27 36.50
365.01-370 51.31 38.07 25.20 24.60 24.60 24.60 24.60 24.60 24.60 37.00
370.01-375 51.99 38.74 25.89 24.94 24.94 24.94 24.94 24.94 24.94 37.50
375.01-380 53.72 40.27 27.42 25.27 25.27 25.27 25.27 25.27 25.27 38.00
380.01-385 55.45 41.80 28.95 25.60 25.60 25.60 25.60 25.60 25.60 38.50
385.01-390 55.79 42.14 29.29 25.94 25.94 25.94 25.94 25.94 25.94 39.00
390.01-395 57.61 43.66 30.81 26.26 26.26 26.26 26.26 26.26 26.26 39.50
395.01-400 60.80 46.43 33.57 26.92 26.60 26.60 26.60 26.60 26.60 40.00
400.01-405 61.14 46.77 33.91 27.26 26.94 26.94 26.94 26.94 26.94 40.50
405.01-410 61.46 47.09 34.23 27.58 27.26 27.26 27.26 27.26 27.26 41.00
410.01-415 61.80 47.43 34.57 27.92 27.60 27.60 27.60 27.60 27.60 41.50
415.01-420 65.73 50.76 37.90 28.25 27.93 27.93 27.93 27.93 27.93 42.00
420.01-425 66.48 51.43 38.56 28.91 28.52 28.26 28.26 28.26 28.26 42.50
425.01-430 66.82 51.77 38.90 29.25 28.86 28.60 28.60 28.60 28.60 43.00
430.01-435 67.15 52.10 39.23 29.58 29.19 28.93 28.93 28.93 28.93 43.50
435.01-440 71.08 55.63 42.56 29.91 29.52 29.26 29.26 29.26 29.26 44.00
440.01-445 71.41 55.96 42.89 30.24 29.85 29.59 29.59 29.59 29.59 44.50
445.01-450 72.17 56.74 43.58 30.90 30.56 29.93 29.93 29.93 29.93 45.00
450.01-455 72.50 57.07 43.91 31.23 30.89 30.26 30.26 30.26 30.26 45.50
455.01-460 76.43 61.00 47.24 34.36 31.22 30.59 30.59 30.59 30.59 46.00
460.01-465 76.76 61.33 47.57 34.69 31.55 30.92 30.92 30.92 30.92 46.50
465.01-470 77.09 61.66 47.90 35.02 31.88 31.25 31.25 31.25 31.25 47.00
470.01-475 77.86 62.42 48.67 35.71 32.54 32.13 31.59 31.59 31.59 47.50
475.01-480 81.79 66.35 52.00 39.04 32.87 32.46 31.92 31.92 31.92 48.00
480.01-485 82.12 66.68 52.33 39.37 33.20 32.79 32.25 32.25 32.25 48.50
485.01-490 82.46 67.02 52.67 39.71 33.54 33.13 32.59 32.59 32.59 49.00
490.01-495 82.78 67.34 52.99 40.03 33.86 33.45 32.91 32.91 32.91 49.50
495.01-500 86.72 71.28 56.33 43.37 34.20 33.79 33.25 33.25 33.25 50.00
500.01-505 87.55 72.05 57.10 44.14 34.87 34.51 34.02 33.59 33.59 50.50
505.01-510 87.87 72.37 57.42 44.46 35.19 34.83 34.34 33.91 33.91 51.00
510.01-515 88.21 72.71 57.76 44.80 35.53 35.17 34.68 34.25 34.25 51.50
515.01-520 92.14 76.64 61.19 48.13 35.86 35.50 35.01 34.58 34.58 52.00
520.01-525 92.47 76.97 61.52 48.46 36.19 35.83 35.34 34.91 34.91 52.50
525.01-530 93.34 77.78 62.29 49.24 36.97 36.53 36.06 35.57 35.25 53.00
530.01-535 93.67 78.11 62.62 49.57 37.30 36.86 36.39 35.90 35.58 53.50
535.01-540 97.60 82.04 66.55 52.90 39.93 37.19 36.72 36.23 35.91 54.00
540.01-545 97.93 82.37 66.88 53.23 40.26 37.52 37.05 36.56 36.24 54.50
545.01-550 98.27 82.71 67.22 53.57 40.60 37.86 37.39 36.90 36.58 55.00
550.01-555 99.13 83.58 68.03 54.32 41.37 38.60 38.11 37.60 37.12 55.50
555.01-560 103.06 87.51 71.96 57.65 44.70 38.93 38.44 37.93 37.45 56.00
560.01-565 103.39 87.84 72.29 57.98 45.03 39.26 38.77 38.26 37.78 56.50
565.01-570 103.72 88.17 72.62 58.31 45.36 39.59 39.10 38.59 38.11 57.00

570.01-575 104.06 88.51 72.96 58.65 45.70 39.93 39.44 38.93 38.45 57.50
575.01-580 108.52 92.97 77.41 62.47 49.46 40.69 40.23 39.67 39.16 58.00
580.01-585 108.85 93.30 77.74 62.80 49.79 41.02 40.56 40.00 39.49 58.50
585.01-590 109.19 93.64 78.08 63.14 50.13 41.36 40.90 40.34 39.83 59.00
590.01-595 109.51 93.96 78.40 63.46 50.45 41.68 41.22 40.66 40.15 59.50
595.01-600 115.25 99.70 84.14 68.60 55.29 42.32 41.56 41.00 40.49 60.00
600.01-605 116.18 100.57 85.02 69.47 56.12 43.10 42.34 41.80 41.23 60.50
605.01-610 116.50 100.89 85.34 69.79 56.44 43.42 42.66 42.12 41.55 61.00
610.01-615 116.84 101.23 85.68 70.13 56.78 43.76 43.00 42.46 41.89 61.50
615.01-620 117.16 101.55 86.00 70.45 57.10 44.08 43.32 42.78 42.21 62.00
620.01-625 117.50 101.89 86.34 70.79 57.44 44.42 43.66 43.12 42.55 62.50
625.01-630 117.84 102.23 86.68 71.13 57.78 44.76 44.00 43.46 42.89 63.00
630.01-635 118.81 103.15 87.55 71.99 58.63 45.56 44.75 44.29 43.64 63.50
635.01-640 126.64 110.68 95.08 79.52 64.96 51.89 45.08 44.62 43.97 64.00
640.01-645 126.97 111.01 95.41 79.85 65.29 52.22 45.41 44.95 44.30 64.50
645.01-650 127.31 111.35 95.75 80.19 65.63 52.56 45.75 45.29 44.64 65.00
650.01-655 127.64 111.68 96.08 80.52 65.96 52.89 46.08 45.62 44.97 65.50
655.01-660 128.62 112.65 97.00 81.38 66.92 53.77 46.88 46.39 45.82 66.00
660.01-665 128.95 112.98 97.33 81.71 67.15 54.10 47.21 46.72 46.15 66.50
665.01-670 129.28 113.31 97.66 82.04 67.48 54.43 47.54 47.05 46.48 67.00
670.01-675 129.62 113.65 98.00 82.38 67.82 54.77 47.88 47.39 46.82 67.50
675.01-680 138.35 121.18 105.53 89.91 74.35 61.10 48.21 47.72 47.15 68.00
680.01-685 139.29 122.14 106.48 90.82 75.23 61.96 49.09 48.50 47.99 68.50
685.01-690 139.63 122.48 106.82 91.16 75.57 62.30 49.43 48.84 48.33 69.00
690.01-695 139.95 122.80 107.14 91.48 75.89 62.62 49.75 49.16 48.65 69.50
695.01-700 140.29 123.14 107.48 91.82 76.23 62.96 50.09 49.50 48.99 70.00
700.01-705 140.63 123.48 107.82 92.16 76.57 63.30 50.43 49.84 49.33 70.50
705.01-710 141.63 124.44 108.78 93.12 77.46 64.17 51.28 50.71 50.14 71.00
710.01-715 141.97 124.78 109.12 93.46 77.80 64.51 51.62 51.05 50.48 71.50
715.01-720 150.70 132.51 116.65 100.99 85.33 70.84 57.75 51.38 50.81 72.00
720.01-725 151.03 132.84 116.98 101.32 85.66 71.17 58.08 51.71 51.14 72.50
725.01-730 151.37 133.18 117.32 101.66 86.00 71.51 58.42 52.05 51.48 73.00
730.01-735 152.39 134.20 118.28 102.62 86.96 72.40 59.31 52.93 52.34 73.50
735.01-740 152.72 134.53 118.61 102.95 87.29 72.73 59.64 53.26 52.67 74.00
740.01-745 153.05 134.86 118.94 103.28 87.62 73.06 59.97 53.59 53.00 74.50
745.01-750 153.39 135.20 119.28 103.62 87.96 73.40 60.31 53.93 53.34 75.00
750.01-755 153.72 135.53 119.61 103.95 88.29 73.73 60.64 54.26 53.67 75.50
755.01-760 162.45 144.26 127.14 111.48 95.82 80.16 66.97 54.59 54.00 76.00
760.01-765 163.50 145.31 128.19 112.45 96.79 81.12 67.87 55.45 54.87 76.50
765.01-770 163.83 145.64 128.52 112.78 97.12 81.45 68.20 55.78 55.20 77.00
770.01-775 164.17 145.98 128.86 113.12 97.46 81.79 68.54 56.12 55.54 77.50
775.01-780 164.50 146.31 129.19 113.45 97.79 82.12 68.87 56.45 55.87 78.00
780.01-785 164.83 146.64 129.52 113.78 98.12 82.45 69.20 56.78 56.20 78.50
785.01-790 165.86 147.70 130.58 114.81 99.11 83.45 70.17 57.71 57.09 79.00
790.01-795 166.18 148.02 130.90 115.13 99.43 83.77 70.49 58.03 57.41 79.50
795.01-800 174.92 156.76 138.54 122.67 106.97 91.31 76.83 63.67 57.75 80.00
800.01-805 175.26 157.10 138.88 123.01 107.31 91.65 77.17 64.01 58.09 80.50
805.01-810 175.58 157.42 139.20 123.33 107.63 91.97 77.49 64.33 58.41 81.00
810.01-815 176.68 158.46 140.26 124.43 108.66 92.95 78.49 65.32 59.32 81.50
815.01-820 177.01 158.79 140.59 124.76 108.99 93.28 78.82 65.65 59.65 82.00
820.01-825 177.34 159.12 140.92 125.09 109.32 93.61 79.15 65.98 59.98 82.50
825.01-830 177.68 159.46 141.26 125.43 109.66 93.95 79.49 66.32 60.32 83.00
830.01-835 178.01 159.79 141.59 125.76 109.99 94.28 79.82 66.65 60.65 83.50
835.01-840 187.55 169.28 151.04 134.02 118.25 102.48 86.78 73.62 61.63 84.00

840.01-845 187.88 169.61 151.37 134.35 118.58 102.81 87.11 73.95 61.96 84.50
845.01-850 188.22 169.95 151.71 134.69 118.92 103.15 87.45 74.29 62.30 85.00
850.01-855 188.55 170.28 152.04 135.02 119.25 103.48 87.78 74.62 62.63 85.50
855.01-860 188.88 170.61 152.37 135.35 119.58 103.81 88.21 74.95 62.96 86.00
860.01-865 190.00 171.74 153.46 136.41 120.67 104.90 89.12 75.92 63.94 86.50
865.01-870 190.33 172.07 153.79 136.74 121.00 105.23 89.45 76.25 64.27 87.00
870.01-875 190.67 172.41 154.13 137.08 121.34 105.57 89.79 76.59 64.61 87.50
875.01-880 199.40 181.14 162.86 144.61 128.87 113.10 97.32 82.92 69.74 88.00
880.01-855 199.73 181.47 163.19 144.94 129.20 113.43 97.65 83.25 70.07 88.50
885.01-890 200.07 181.81 163.53 145.28 129.54 113.77 97.99 83.59 70.41 89.00
890.01-895 201.19 182.96 164.66 146.37 130.59 114.82 99.03 84.58 71.37 89.50
895.01-900 201.53 183.30 165.00 146.71 130.93 115.16 99.37 84.92 71.71 90.00
900.01-905 201.87 183.64 165.34 147.05 131.27 115.50 99.71 85.26 72.05 90.50
905.01-910 202.19 183.96 165.66 147.37 131.59 115.82 100.03 85.58 72.37 91.00
910.01-915 202.53 184.30 166.00 147.71 131.93 116.16 100.37 85.92 73.71 91.50
915.01-920 212.37 193.80 175.54 157.25 140.26 124.45 108.68 93.00 79.72 92.00
920.01-925 212.70 194.13 175.87 157.58 140.59 124.78 109.01 93.33 80.05 92.50
925.01-930 213.04 194.47 176.21 157.92 140.93 125.12 109.35 93.67 80.39 93.00
930.01-935 213.37 194.80 176.54 158.25 141.26 125.45 109.68 94.00 80.72 93.50
935.01-940 213.70 195.13 176.87 158.58 141.59 125.78 110.01 94.33 81.05 94.00
940.01-945 214.92 196.31 178.00 159.71 142.73 126.89 111.06 95.39 82.12 94.50
945.01-950 215.26 196.65 178.34 160.05 143.07 127.23 111.40 95.73 82.46 95.00
950.01-955 215.59 196.98 178.67 160.38 143.40 127.56 111.73 96.06 82.79 95.50
955.01-960 226.32 205.71 187.40 169.11 150.93 135.09 119.26 103.49 89.12 96.00
960.01-965 226.65 206.04 187.73 169.44 151.26 135.42 119.59 103.82 89.45 96.50
965.01-970 227.88 207.24 188.92 170.59 152.41 136.60 120.72 104.92 90.54 97.00
970.01-975 228.22 207.58 189.26 170.93 152.75 136.94 121.06 105.26 90.88 97.50
975.01-980 228.55 207.91 189.59 171.26 153.08 137.27 121.39 105.59 91.21 98.00
980.01-985 228.88 208.24 189.92 171.59 153.41 137.60 121.72 105.92 91.54 98.50
985.01-990 229.22 208.58 190.26 171.93 153.75 137.94 122.06 106.26 91.88 99.00
990.01-995 230.41 209.81 191.47 173.10 154.88 139.10 123.24 107.35 92.93 99.50
995.01-1000 241.15 218.75 200.21 181.84 163.52 146.64 130.78 114.89 99.27 100.00
1000.01-1005 241.49 219.09 200.55 182.18 163.86 146.98 131.12 115.23 99.61 100.50
1005.01-1010 241.81 219.41 200.87 182.50 164.18 147.30 131.44 115.55 99.93 101.00
1010.01-1015 242.15 219.75 201.21 182.84 164.52 147.64 131.78 115.89 100.27 101.50
1015.01-1020 242.48 220.08 201.54 183.17 164.85 147.97 132.11 116.22 100.60 102.00
1020.01-1025 243.70 221.29 202.76 184.43 166.05 149.11 133.28 117.40 101.72 102.50
1025.01-1030 244.04 221.63 203.10 184.77 166.39 149.45 133.62 117.74 102.06 103.00
1030.01-1035 244.37 221.96 203.43 185.10 166.72 149.78 133.95 118.07 102.39 103.50
1035.01-1040 255.10 232.69 212.16 193.83 175.45 157.31 141.48 125.60 109.72 104.00
1040.01-1045 255.43 233.02 212.49 194.16 175.78 157.64 141.81 125.93 110.05 104.50
1045.01-1050 256.68 234.27 213.72 195.38 177.02 158.85 143.01 127.12 111.23 105.00
1050.01-1055 257.01 234.60 214.05 195.71 177.35 159.18 143.34 127.45 111.56 105.50
1055.01-1060 257.34 234.93 214.38 196.04 177.68 159.51 143.67 127.78 111.89 106.00
1060.01-1065 257.67 235.26 214.71 196.37 178.01 159.84 144.00 128.11 112.22 106.50
1065.01-1070 258.00 235.59 215.04 196.70 178.34 160.17 144.33 128.44 112.55 107.00
1070.01-1075 259.21 236.82 216.23 197.89 179.55 161.38 145.50 129.59 113.71 107.50
1075.01-1080 269.94 247.55 224.96 206.62 188.28 169.91 153.03 137.12 121.24 108.00
1080.01-1085 270.27 247.88 225.29 206.95 188.61 170.24 153.36 137.45 121.57 108.50
1085.01-1090 270.61 248.22 225.63 207.29 188.95 170.58 153.70 137.79 121.91 109.00
1090.01-1095 270.93 248.54 225.95 207.61 189.27 170.90 154.02 138.11 122.23 109.50
1095.01-1100 271.99 249.61 227.07 208.66 190.33 171.94 155.09 139.18 123.24 110.00
1100.01-1105 272.33 249.95 227.41 209.00 190.67 172.28 155.43 139.52 123.58 110.50
1105.01-1110 272.65 250.27 227.73 209.32 190.99 172.60 155.75 139.84 123.90 111.00

1110.01-1115 272.99 250.61 228.07 209.66 191.33 172.94 156.09 140.18 124.24 111.50
1115.01-1120 283.72 261.34 238.80 218.39 200.06 181.67 163.62 147.71 131.77 112.00
1120.01-1125 284.77 262.39 239.89 219.47 201.05 182.71 164.63 148.77 132.81 112.50
1125.01-1130 285.11 262.73 240.23 219.81 201.39 183.05 164.97 149.11 133.15 113.00
1130.01-1135 285.44 263.06 240.56 220.14 201.72 183.38 165.30 149.44 133.48 113.50
1135.01-1140 285.77 263.39 240.89 220.47 202.05 183.71 165.63 149.77 133.81 114.00
1140.01-1145 286.10 263.72 241.22 220.80 202.38 184.04 165.96 150.10 134.14 114.50
1145.01-1150 286.44 264.06 241.56 221.14 202.72 184.38 166.30 150.44 134.48 115.00
1150.01-1155 287.49 265.11 242.63 222.24 203.83 185.43 173.33 151.49 135.55 115.50
1155.01-1160 298.22 275.84 253.36 230.97 212.56 194.16 175.76 159.02 143.08 116.00
1160.01-1165 298.55 276.17 253.69 231.30 212.89 194.49 176.09 159.35 143.41 116.50
1165.01-1170 298.88 276.50 255.02 231.63 213.22 194.82 176.42 159.68 143.74 117.00
1170.01-1175 299.22 276.84 255.36 231.97 213.56 195.16 176.76 160.02 144.08 117.50
1175.01-1180 300.32 277.89 255.38 233.07 214.64 196.23 177.81 161.04 145.17 118.00
1180.01-1185 300.65 278.22 255.71 233.40 214.97 196.56 178.14 161.37 145.50 118.50
1185.01-1190 300.99 278.56 256.05 233.74 215.31 196.90 178.48 161.71 145.84 119.00
1190.01-1195 301.31 278.88 256.37 234.06 215.63 197.22 178.80 162.03 146.16 119.50
1195.01-1200 312.05 289.62 267.11 244.60 224.37 205.96 187.54 169.57 153.70 120.00

(9) In determining the total income of Supplemental Nursing Care claimants, any income received from employment in a sheltered workshop and any income received from employment as a patient worker at sub-minimum wages in an institution, pursuant to the Fair Labor Standards Act, Section 14, Regulation 29 CFR part 259 . shall be excluded. (Original rule filed April 25, 1974, effective May 5, 1974.)
(10) In AFDC cases, the initial assistance payment benefit must be prorated when the case is approved in the same month as the filing of the application. The payment will be determined by multiplying the amount payable for a whole month by the ratio of the days in the month from the date of application to the end of the month to the number of days in a standard thirty (30)-day month.

13 CSR 40-2.120

AUTHORITY: section 207.020, RSMo 1986.* Filing dates for original rules are shown in the text of the rule. This version filed March 24, 1976. Amended: Filed Dec. 23, 1976, effective April 11, 1977. Amended: Filed June 1, 1977, effective Sept. 11, 1977. Emergency amendment filed June 1, 1977, effective July 1, 1977, expired Oct. 31, 1977. Amended: Filed June 29, 1977, effective Oct. 13, 1977. Emergency amendment filed Feb. 20, 1979, effective March 2, 1979, expired June 10, 1979. Amended: Filed March 9, 1979, effective June 11, 1979. Emergency amendment filed Jan. 30, 1980, effective Feb. 9, 1980, expired April 10, 1980. Amended: Filed Jan. 30, 1980, effective May 11, 1980. Emergency amendment filed June 22, 1981, effective July 2, 1981, expired Oct. 10, 1981. Amended: Filed June 22, 1981, effective Oct. 11, 1981. Amended: Filed Aug. 12, 1981, effective Nov. 12, 1981. Emergency amendment filed Feb. 19, 1982, effective March 1, 1982, expired June 10, 1982. Amended: Filed Feb. 19, 1982, effective June 11, 1982. Emergency amendment filed Oct. 8, 1982, effective Oct. 18, 1982, expired Jan. 12, 1983, Amended: Filed Oct. 8, 1982, effective Jan. 13, 1983. Emergency amendment filed Oct. 1, 1984, effective Oct. 11, 1984, expired Jan. 11, 1985. Amended: Filed Oct. 15, 1984, effective Jan. 12, 1985. Emergency amendment filed March 20, 1985, effective March 31, 1985, expired July 11, 1985. Amended: Filed March 20, 1985, effective July 12, 1985. Amended: Filed July 17, 1989, effective Oct. 12, 1989. Emergency amendment filed June 2, 1993, effective July 1, 1993, expired Oct. 28, 1993. Amended: Filed June 2, 1993, effective Jan. 31, 1994.
Amended by Missouri Register April 1, 2019/Volume 44, Number 7, effective 5/31/2019

The secretary of state has determined that the publication of this rule in its entirety would be unduly cumbersome or expensive. The entire text of the material referenced has been filed with the secretary of state. This material may be found at the Office of the Secretary of State or at the headquarters of the agency and is available to any interested person at a cost established by state law.

*Original authority: 207.020, RSMo 1945, amended 1961, 1965, 1977, 1981, 1982, 1986.