Mo. Code Regs. tit. 11 § 50-2.320

Current through Register Vol. 49, No. 18, September 16, 2024
Section 11 CSR 50-2.320 - School Bus Inspection

PURPOSE: This amendment updates inspection procedures, rejection criteria, and out of service criteria for the inspection of school buses, adds inspection criteria specific to Head Start school buses to align the rule with recent updates to Missouri Revised Statutes, addresses the inspection of exhaust and fuel systems on all-electric and alternative fuel vehicles, and corrects spelling and grammar errors and verbiage conflicts throughout the rule.

(1) The standards and procedures prescribed for the inspection of a motor vehicle as set out in Motor Vehicle Inspection rules shall apply to types A-D school buses. In addition, the items listed in this rule will be inspected on all school buses.
(2) Lighting Equipment and Signaling Devices.
(A) Clearance and Side Marker Lamps. School buses shall be equipped with clearance and side marker lamps, except school buses less than eighty inches (80") in width.
1. Two (2) amber clearance lamps on the front and two (2) red clearance lamps on the rear. Clearance lamps shall be mounted one (1) at each side and as far as practical to indicate the width and height of the vehicle. Clearance lamps may be connected to headlamp switch.
2. One (1) amber side marker lamp located on each side at or near the front and one (1) red side marker lamp located on each side at or near the rear. Side marker lamps may be in combination with the clearance lamps.
(B) Identification Lamps. School buses shall be equipped with identification lamps, except school buses less than eighty inches (80") in width. Three (3) red lamps shall be mounted in the center rear body and three (3) amber lamps in the center front body. Lamps shall be mounted on the roof and centered in a cluster. Lamps may be connected to headlamp switch.
(C) Intermediate Side Marker Lamps. School buses manufactured after July 1972 and over thirty feet (30') in length shall be equipped with an intermediate side marker lamp. One (1) amber side marker lamp shall be located on each side between the front and rear marker lamps. Lamps may be connected to the headlamp switch.
(D) Stop/Taillights. Types A-2, B, C, and D school buses shall be equipped with two (2) red stoplights seven inches (7") in diameter (prior to December 1988, six inches (6") in diameter), or if a shape other than round, a minimum of thirty-eight (38) square inches of illuminated area and two (2) red stop/tail-lights four inches (4") in diameter, or if a shape other than round, a minimum of twelve (12) square inches of illuminated area. The four-inch (4") stop/taillights shall operate in combination with the seven-inch (7") stoplights on school buses manufactured after December 31, 1988, when the service brake is applied. All stop/taillights must operate if so equipped. Type A-1 buses with bodies supplied by chassis manufacturer may have manufacturer's standard stop and tail lamps.
(E) Turn Signals. All school buses shall be equipped with front turn signals as originally equipped by the manufacturer. If additional turn signal lamps are provided (front of body below windshield or top of fender), they shall be connected to the turn signal system without removal or disconnection of originally equipped front turn signals. All buses manufactured after July 1, 1997, shall be equipped with amber side-mounted turn signal lights. The turn signal lamp on the left side shall be mounted rearward of the stop signal arm, and the turn signal lamp on the right side shall be mounted rearward of the service door. Rear turn signals on Type A-2, B, C, and D buses must be amber in color and at least seven inches (7") in diameter or, if a shape other than round, a minimum of thirty-eight (38) square inches of illuminated area. Rear turn signals on all Type A-1 conversion buses must be at least twenty-one (21) square inches in lens area and must be in the manufacturer's standard color.
(F) Front and Rear Red Warning Flashers. School buses shall be equipped with two (2) alternately flashing red lights and two (2) alternately flashing amber lights on the front and rear of the vehicle. This eight- (8-) lamp system shall be controlled by a manually operated switch. Under no circumstances are these lamps to be connected with the braking system. Lamps must flash at a rate of sixty to one hundred twenty (60-120) cycles per minute. The "on" cycle shall be long enough to permit the filament to come up to full brightness. The lens of each alternately flashing signaling lamp shall be at least five inches (5") in diameter. The area extending outward approximately three inches (3") from each lens shall be painted black.
(G) Stop Signal Arm. School buses shall have a red octagon signal arm, eighteen inches by eighteen inches (18" X 18"), installed on the left outside of the body with the word STOP plainly displayed. All Type C and D buses manufactured after June 30, 2007, shall be equipped with a second stop signal arm of the same size, color, and shape on the left outside of the body near the rear of the bus. Except that the rear stop signal arm shall have no words or images on the forward-facing side, the signal arm may contain a white border with lettering and background of a reflective material meeting United States Department of Transportation standards. The stop signal arms shall contain either one (1) alternately flashing red lamp at the top and one (1) at the bottom visible to the front and rear or light emitting diodes (LEDS) that flash and spell out the word STOP.
(H) Reflectors. School buses shall be equipped with two (2) red reflectors on the rear as far apart as possible-One (1) red reflector on each side as far to the rear as possible and one (1) amber reflector on each side as far forward as possible. School buses over thirty feet (30') in length shall have one (1) additional amber reflector on each side midway between the front and rear side reflector.
(I) Observe Function of Lights and Signaling Devices.
1. Reject vehicle if-
A. Not equipped with required lights, reflectors, and signaling devices;
B. Any lighting device or reflector is obstructed;
C. Any required light, reflector, or signaling device fails to function properly;
D. Any light, reflector, or signaling device is not securely mounted;
E. Any light, reflector, or signaling device shows a color contrary to these regulations;
F. A lens or reflector is badly broken or if any part is missing or incorrectly installed;
G. The rear stop signal arm contains any words or images on the forward-facing side.
(3) Lettering and Signs.
(A) School buses shall have on the front and rear or on signs attached to them the words SCHOOL BUS plainly visible in black letters at least eight inches (8") in height. Head Start school buses may, instead, be identified with the words HEAD START. School buses shall have displayed on the rear in plain and distinct black letters the following: STATE LAW: STOP WHILE BUS IS LOADING AND UNLOADING. The letters in the words STATE LAW: STOP shall be at least five inches (5") and the letters in the other words at least three inches (3") in height. District-owned school buses shall display on each side the name and number of the school district in black letters at least three inches (3") in height. Buses owned by Head Start agencies shall display the agency name in black letters at least three inches (3") in height. Buses manufactured prior to October 1, 1981, may display the school district name and number with national school bus yellow lettering. Privately owned school buses and privately owned Head Start school buses shall display on each side, in a conspicuous location, the name and address of the owner in black letters at least two inches (2") in height with a stroke of not less than one-quarter of an inch (1/4") wide. Signs or stickers on the rear of the bus not relating to school bus flashing signal lamps, railroad stop procedures, or other similar safety messages are prohibited.
(B) A special purpose pictorial sign identifying a school bus for younger pupils, and/or a lettered sign identifying the route, and/or name or school destination in colors other than national school bus yellow and black may be used. When a pictorial or lettered sign is used it shall be mounted below the right front window behind the service door. The sign does not have to be exactly below the right front window as long as it is in the general area. Signs placed below the second or third window would be acceptable. The sign shall not exceed four hundred thirteen (413) square inches and be attached in a manner that does not pose a safety hazard to pupils. No special purpose pictorial sign or lettered sign may be placed in any school bus window.
(C) Signs that relate to the proper procedure for closing the emergency door may be placed on the emergency door.
(D) Inspect bus for lettering.
(E) Reject vehicle if:
1. Vehicle does not display the proper lettering;
2. Sign is improperly located, incorrect size, or poses a safety hazard; or
3. Signs or stickers are non-safety related.
(4) Mirrors.
(A) Interior Mirrors. School buses shall be equipped with an interior rearview mirror. Types B, C, and D school buses manufactured after March 1, 1987, shall have an interior mirror at least six inches by thirty inches (6" X 30"). It must be metal backed and framed, with rounded corners and protected edges. Type A school buses manufactured after March 1, 1987, shall be equipped with an interior mirror at least six inches by sixteen inches (6" X 16").
(B) Exterior Mirrors.
1. All school buses shall be equipped with flat rearview, convex rearview, and convex crossview mirrors on the left and right sides of the bus. (Buses manufactured prior to March 1, 1987 do not require left and right convex rearview mirrors.)
2. Convex crossview mirrors on the right side of buses may be either a single or double mirror that provides the driver a clear view of the right front and side of the bus. Convex crossview mirrors shall be a minimum of seven and one-half inches (7 1/2") in diameter.
3. All school buses manufactured after July 1, 1993, shall be equipped with a rearview mirror system that provides the driver a clear view of the rear tires at ground level on the left and right sides of the bus.
4. All school buses manufactured after July 1, 1993, shall be equipped with a crossview mirror system that provides the driver a clear indirect view of an area at ground level from the front bumper forward and the entire width of the bus to a point where the driver can see by direct vision. The crossview system shall also provide the driver a clear indirect view of the area at ground level around the left and right front corners of the bus, to include the tires and service entrance on all types of buses to a point where it overlaps with the rearview mirror system.
(C) Inspect Mirrors.
(D) Reject vehicle if:
1. Not equipped with required mirrors;
2. A mirror is not mounted on stable support or is improperly mounted; or
3. A mirror is cracked, pitted, obstructed, or clouded to the extent that vision is obscured.
(5) Exhaust System. All-electric school buses or those with alternative fuel types manufactured absent of exhaust components shall not be rejected due to the absence of such components.
(A) School buses shall be equipped with a properly attached exhaust system. The exhaust system shall include the manifold, manifold gasket, flange gasket, exhaust pipe, muffler, supporting hardware, and tailpipe. The exhaust system shall be properly insulated from the fuel tank and tank connections by a securely attached metal shield at any point where it is twelve inches (12") or less from the tank or tank connections, except for diesel-powered buses.
(B) The tailpipe shall be constructed of a corrosion-resistant tubing material at least equal in strength and durability to sixteen (16)-gauge steel tubing. The tailpipe shall be of sufficient length to exit at the rear of the bus or at the left side no more than eighteen inches (18") forward of the rear wheel house opening, and shall be flush with or may extend not more than two inches (2") beyond the perimeter of the body or bumper.
(C) Type A and B buses may be equipped with the manufacturer's standard tailpipe.
(D) On Type C and D buses, no exhaust shall exit beneath a fuel fill.
(E) The exhaust system on vehicles equipped with a power lift unit may be routed to the left of the right frame rail for the installation of a power lift unit on the right side of the bus.
(F) Reject vehicle if:
1. A manifold, manifold gasket, flange gasket, or a connection of any other component is loose or leaking;
2. Holes are present in the exhaust pipe, muffler, tailpipe or if there are leaking patches or seams (Patches made with an arc or acetylene weld are accepted.);
3. The tailpipe end is pinched or broken off from rear support bracket;
4. Any part of the system is supported by wire or if any component is not securely attached by supporting hardware, such as bolts, brackets, clamps, or hangers;
5. The vehicle has no exhaust pipe, muffler, or tailpipe;
6. Any part of the system passes through the occupant compartment;
7. The tailpipe fails to discharge exhaust from the rear or left side of vehicle or if it exits beneath a fuel fill on Type C and D buses;
8. The tailpipe of a school bus is not a sixteen (16)-gauge steel or equivalent; or
9. The tailpipe is not flush with or extends more than two inches (2") beyond the perimeter of the body or bumper.
(6) Heating and Defrosting System.
(A) Inspect the heating and defrosting systems for proper operation.
(B) Reject vehicle if:
1. Any part of the heating or defrosting systems fail to function properly or have leakage.
(7) Bumper.
(A) Rear Bumper. Types A-2, B, C, and D school buses shall be equipped with a rear bumper of pressed steel at least three-sixteenths inch (3/16") thick and eight inches (8") wide (nine and one-half inches (9 1/2") if manufactured after January 1, 1997). The bumper shall wrap around the back corners of the school bus and extend forward at least twelve inches (12"). The bumper shall extend at least one inch (1") beyond the rearmost part of the body surface and shall be properly attached to prevent the hitching of rides. Type A-1 school buses may be equipped with the manufacturer's standard rear bumper.
(B) Front Bumper. School buses shall be equipped with a front bumper, which may include an energy absorbing bumper. All school buses manufactured after March 1, 1987, shall be equipped with a front bumper made of pressed steel at least three-sixteenths inch (3/16") thick and not less than eight inches (8") wide, unless using an energy absorbing bumper. Type A buses may be equipped with the manufacturer's standard front bumper.
(C) Inspect the bumpers.
(D) Reject vehicle if-
1. Not equipped with proper bumpers;
2. A bumper is loosely attached, is improperly mounted or constructed, or exceeds the allowable height limit;
3. A broken or torn portion is protruding, creating a hazard;
4. Improper attachment permits the hitching of rides; or
5. The bus is equipped with a trailer hitch or similar device which permits the hitching of rides.
(8) Service Door.
(A) The service door shall be of the split-type, the sedan type or the jack-knife type. The split-type door includes any sectioned door which divides and opens inward or outward. If one (1) section of a split-type door opens inward and the other opens outward, the front section shall open outward. Flexible material must be applied to the vertical closing edges on split-type or folding-type entrance doors, except on Type A buses. On all buses, the service door shall be designed to be operated by the driver, and so designed to prevent accidental opening. When the hand lever is used, no parts shall come together so as to shear or crush fingers.
(B) Reject vehicle if the:
1. Door and opening device do not function properly; or
2. Flexible material on the vertical closing edges of the service door is excessively loose, torn, or missing.
(9) Emergency Door(s), Exits, and Buzzer.
(A) All school buses shall be equipped with an emergency door or exit located in the rear and may be equipped with additional emergency doors and exits. The emergency door shall be designed to be opened from inside and outside. The device used to open the door from the outside shall be designed to prevent hitching to, but one which permits opening when necessary. The rear emergency door latch shall be equipped with an interior handle that lifts upward to release and all emergency doors and exits shall be equipped with a suitable electric switch connected with a buzzer audible in the driver compartment. The switch shall be installed in a manner that any movement of the slide bar or release mechanism will immediately sound the buzzer. All emergency doors and exits shall be identified by the words EMERGENCY DOOR or EMERGENCY EXIT both inside and outside the bus in letters two inches (2") high. The words EMERGENCY DOOR shall be placed at the top of or directly above the emergency door, or on the door in the metal panel above the top glass both inside and outside the bus. The words EMERGENCY EXIT shall be placed at the top of or directly above or at the bottom of the emergency window exits both inside and outside the bus. The designation for roof exits shall be located on the inside surface of the exit, or within twelve inches (12") of the roof exit opening. A metal guard shall be placed over the door control on the inside of a rear door. The passageway to the emergency door shall be at least twelve inches (12") wide on all school buses. A lock may be placed on an emergency door or exit. However, the engine starting and operating system must not function if any emergency door or exit is locked from either inside or outside of the bus.
(B) Inspect all emergency door(s) and exits for operation by opening and closing and for proper lettering.
(C) Reject vehicle if:
1. Doors or exits bind or catch when opening;
2. Passageway to the emergency door is blocked or restricted in any way to less than twelve inches (12") in width;
3. Any emergency door or exit release mechanism fails to work properly, from the inside and outside of the bus;
4. Slide bar on Types B, C, and D buses has less than one inch (1") stroke length;
5. Emergency door buzzer fails to sound or is not audible in the driver's compartment when the slide bar is moved;
6. Any emergency or roof exit buzzer fails to sound or is not audible in the driver's compartment when the release mechanism is activated;
7. Words EMERGENCY DOOR or EMERGENCY EXIT are not properly displayed; or
8. Bus engine will start with emergency door(s) or exits locked.
(10) Seat Belts.
(A) All school buses shall be equipped with a seat belt for the driver. Seat belt retractors shall be provided on school buses manufactured after January 1, 1973. School buses manufactured after March 1, 1987, equipped with a Type 2 lap belt/shoulder harness seat belt shall be equipped with an emergency locking retractor for the continuous belt system.
(B) Reject vehicle if-
1. Not equipped with an operable seat belt in the driver's seating position;
2. A properly functioning retractor is not present;
3. The driver's seat is not securely attached to the vehicle; or
4. The driver's seat cannot maintain a stable position.
(11) Emergency Equipment.
(A) All school buses must be equipped with a dry chemical or Halon 1211 type fire extinguisher and a first-aid kit. After July 1, 1977, the fire extinguisher must have an Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc. rating of not less than 10-B:C or higher classification. School buses manufactured after March 1, 1987, shall be equipped with a fire extinguisher approved by Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc., with a total rating of 2 A 10-B:C or greater. Both must be mounted in the driver's compartment.
(B) Three (3) red electric lanterns and two (2) red flags or three (3) red emergency reflectors and two (2) red flags or three (3) bidirectional emergency reflective triangles.
(C) Reject vehicle if-
1. Not equipped with a proper fire extinguisher which is easily removable and properly charged or if the fire extinguisher is not mounted in the driver's compartment;
2. Not equipped with a proper first-aid kit or if the first aid kit is not mounted in the driver's compartment; or
3. The proper emergency warning devices are not present.
(12) Seats.
(A) Seats on school buses shall face forward. Buses equipped to accommodate wheelchairs may have longitudinal seating if equipped with restraining devices. School buses manufactured after March 1, 1987, which are equipped to accommodate wheelchairs must have forward facing seats and wheelchair positions. They shall be fastened securely to the school bus body. Jump seats or portable seats are not permitted.
(B) Inspect the seats.
(C) Reject vehicle if:
1. The seat is not fastened securely to the floor;
2. The seat cushions are not properly attached to the seat frame;
3. Any seat has an exposed spring, sharp edge, protruding object, or other hazardous condition; or
4. Seats do not face forward.
(13) Step Treads, Aisle Mats or Runners.
(A) Types B, C, and D School Buses Only.
1. The surface of step treads shall be of nonskid material. The aisle mats or runners shall be of an aisle-type fire-resistant rubber or equivalent, nonskid, wear-resistant, and ribbed. The mats or runners shall be permanently bonded to the floor.
2. Inspect the general condition of step treads at the service door entrance and the general condition of the aisle mats or runners.
3. Reject vehicle if the:
A. Treads on the steps are not of non-skid material or if the surface material is loose; or
B. Mats or runners are loose, torn, curled, not permanently bonded to the floor, or are not of proper material.
(B) Type A School Buses Only.
1. Type A school buses need only be equipped with the manufacturer's original equipment as far as step treads, aisle mats or runners are concerned.
2. Reject vehicle if:
A. Not as originally equipped.
(14) Hand Hold Grips and Handrails.
(A) Inspect the hand grips.
(B) Inspect the handrails for proper clearance by drawing a one-half inch (1/2") hex nut with a one-eighth inch (1/8") drawstring between the mounting points of the handrail and bus body.
(C) Reject vehicle if:
1. The hand hold grips are missing, damaged, or not securely mounted; or
2. If the one-half inch (1/2") hex nut attached to one (1) end of a one-eighth inch (1/8") drawstring catches on the handrail and lodges between the handrail mounted bracket and the sheet metal body of the bus or the drawstring catches during the handrail test.
(15) Color.
(A) The school bus body shall be painted a uniform national school bus yellow, except the roof which may be white and the flat top surface of the hood which may be non-reflective black. The body exterior paint trim, bumper, and lettering shall be black.
1. Reject vehicle if:
A. Any part of the bus body or lettering is the wrong color.
(B) The chassis grille shall be national school bus yellow, black, white, or chrome. Reflective material meeting Federal Highway Administration standards may be installed on the front or rear bumper, or both rear of bus body, school bus lettering, sides of bus, and stop arm.
1. Reject vehicle if:
A. Any portion of vehicle or reflective material is of the wrong color.
(16) Fuel Systems. All-electric school buses or those with alternative fuel types manufactured absent of fuel system components will not be rejected due to absence of such components.
(A) Inspect the fuel tank(s), fuel lines and connections, filler tube, and filler tube cap on gasoline or diesel fueled vehicles.
(B) Reject vehicle if:
1. Fuel tank(s) is not securely attached;
2. Filler tube cap is missing or does not fit; or
3. There is fuel leakage at any location.
(C) Inspect compressed fuel systems or the liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) system.
(D) Reject vehicle if:
1. Fuel tank(s) is not securely attached to the outside of the frame rail by a system other than welding. If saddle clamps are used, on buses after December 31, 1989, either at the time of assembly or replacement, each tank must be attached with a minimum of two (2) clamps which are a minimum of three-eighths inch by two inch (3/8" X 2") steel;
2. The safety relief venting system is absent, damaged, or designed so that escaping gas is directed other than upwards within forty-five degrees (45o) of the vertical (outside the bus body);
3. The safety relief venting system does not have a functional pressure sensitive closing device (cap);
4. The fuel tank(s) or any part of the fuel system is the lowest point of the vehicle;
5. There are leaks at any location; or
6. There is no Missouri Department of Agriculture decal on LPG systems.
(17) Steering.
(A) Inspect for power steering.
(B) Reject any school bus manufactured after March 1, 1987, which is not equipped with power steering.
(18) Tires.
(A) Inspect all school bus tires except the spare tire for knots, exposed cord, tread depth and proper size or type.
(B) Inspect Type A-2, B, C, or D school bus for dual rear tires.
(C) Inspect all school buses for regrooved, recapped, or retreaded tires on front wheels.
(D) Inspect all school bus tires for same size and type on a given axle.
(E) Reject any school bus if:
1. Any tire has knots or exposed cord;
2. The tread depth is less than four-thirty-seconds inch (4/32") for the front tires or less than two-thirty-seconds inch (2/32") of the rear tires when measured at any point on a major tread groove;
3. A Type A-2, B, C, or D school bus is not equipped with dual rear tires;
4. Regrooved, recapped, or retreaded tires are used on the front wheels;
5. The tires on a given axle are of a different size or type; or
6. Any tire is flat or has a noticeable leak (e.g., can be heard or felt).
(19) Glazing. In addition to the inspection of glazing pursuant to 11 CSR 50-2.270, all side and rear windows as well as service door glazing will be inspected on school buses.
(A) Inspect the glazing.
(B) Reject if there is outright breakage at any location.
(20) Crossing Control Arm.
(A) After August 1, 1998, every school bus operated to transport students in the public school system, which has a gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) of more than ten thousand (10,000) pounds, the engine mounted entirely in front of the windshield, and the entrance door behind the front wheels, shall be equipped with a crossing control arm. The arm shall be constructed of noncorrosive and nonferrous material, mounted on the right side of the front bumper of the bus, extending a minimum sixty-six inches (66") when extended, and activated by the same controls which activate the mechanical and electrical signaling devices.
(B) Inspect the crossing control arm.
(C) Reject vehicle if-
1. Bus is not equipped as required;
2. Arm is not constructed of a noncorrosive or nonferrous material;
3. Arm is not mounted in the proper location;
4. Arm does not extend as close to perpendicular to the bumper as possible when opened;
5. Arm has sharp edges or projections that could cause hazard or injury to students;
6. Arm does not extend a minimum of sixty-six inches (66") when fully extended;
7. Arm does not operate properly when the stop signal arm and overhead warning flashers are activated; or
8. The manual bypass switch allows for more than one override of the system's functions.
(21) Frame.
(A) Inspect the frame.
(B) Reject if-
1. There are any unrepaired visible cracks; or
2. Any bolt or screw designed to secure the bus body to the frame is missing or is loose to hand pressure.
(22) Compartment Condition.
(A) The compartment will be in good repair, with no sharp-edged tears or holes in the compartment walls, floors, doors, or ceiling.
(B) Inspect the compartment.
(C) Reject vehicle if -
1. Compartment contains any sharp-edged tears or holes in the compartment walls, floors, doors, or ceiling; or
2. Any area within the compartment is not in good repair.
(23) Out-of-Service Criteria. The following defects will result in buses being placed out of service by Missouri State Highway Patrol personnel until needed repairs are made. Out-of-service criteria are not applicable at official inspection stations:
(A) Any major exhaust leak in the exhaust system that dumps exhaust in front of the rear axle;
(B) Major steering or suspension defects;
(C) Major brake defects;
(D) Inoperative stop signal arm;
(E) Front or rear tires with knots or exposed cord, or tread depth less than four-thirty-seconds inch (4/32") on a front tire or less than two-thirty-seconds inch (2/32") on a rear tire, when measured at any point on a major tread groove;
(F) Any tire is flat or has a noticeable leak (e.g., can be heard or felt);
(G) Any emergency door is inoperable from either the inside or outside or any other emergency exit fails to open;
(H) Red overhead warning flashers are inoperative;
(I) The one-half inch (1/2") hex nut attached to one (1) end of a one-eighth inch (1/8") drawstring catches on the handrail and lodges between the handrail mounting bracket and the sheet metal body of the bus or the drawstring catches during the handrail drawstring test;
(J) The bus is not equipped with crossing control arm, when required, or the crossing control arm does not operate when the stop signal arm and overhead warning flashers are activated;
(K) The engine starts with any emergency door or exit locked;
(L) All stoplights fail to function;
(M) Fuel leaks from any part of the fuel system; or
(N) The frame has any unrepaired visible cracks.

11 CSR 50-2.320

AUTHORITY: section 307.360.2, RSMo 2000 and section 307.375, RSMo Supp. 2009.* Original rule filed Nov. 4, 1968, effective Nov. 14, 1968. Amended: Filed July 29, 1969, effective Aug. 8, 1969. Amended: Filed March 9, 1970, effective March 19, 1970. Amended: Filed Nov. 9, 1971, effective Nov. 19, 1971. Amended: Filed Aug. 17, 1972, effective Aug. 27, 1972. Amended: Filed May 21, 1974, effective May 31, 1974. Amended: Filed Feb. 26, 1975, effective March 8, 1975. Amended: Filed Dec. 1, 1975, effective Dec. 11, 1975. Amended: Filed July 1, 1976, effective Oct. 11, 1976. Amended: Filed Sept. 14, 1978, effective Dec. 11, 1978. Amended: Filed Sept. 12, 1980, effective Dec. 11, 1980. Amended: Filed Jan. 12, 1982, effective April 11, 1982. Amended: Filed Aug. 14, 1987, effective Nov. 12, 1987. Amended: Filed July 27, 1988, effective Oct. 27, 1988. Amended: Filed Jan. 1, 1989, effective April 27, 1989. Amended: Filed Aug. 30, 1989, effective Nov. 26, 1989. Amended: Filed April 2, 1992, effective Sept. 6, 1992. Amended: Filed June 2, 1993, effective Nov. 8, 1993. Amended: Filed Oct. 3, 1994, effective April 30, 1995. Emergency rescission filed Jan. 28, 1997, effective Feb. 7, 1997, expired Aug. 1, 1997. Emergency rule filed Jan. 17, 1997, effective Feb. 3, 1997, expired Aug. 1, 1997. Rescinded and readopted: Filed Jan. 17, 1997, effective July 30, 1997. Emergency amendment filed July 14, 1998, effective Aug. 1, 1998, expired Feb. 25, 1999. Amended: Filed July 14, 1998, effective Jan. 30, 1999. Amended: Filed March 15, 1999, effective Sept. 30, 1999. Amended: Filed Feb. 1, 2000, effective July 30, 2000. Amended: Filed Sept. 15, 2000, effective March 30, 2001. Emergency amendment filed Nov. 1, 2001, effective Feb. 1, 2002, expired May 31, 2002. Amended: Filed Nov. 1, 2001, effective April 30, 2002. Amended: Filed Sept. 15, 2003, effective March 30, 2004. Emergency amendment filed Sept. 1, 2004, effective Sept. 11, 2004, expired March 9, 2005. Amended: Filed Sept. 1, 2004, effective Feb. 28, 2005. Amended: Filed Oct. 3, 2005, effective March 30, 2006. Amended: Filed Aug. 10, 2006, effective Jan. 30, 2007. Amended: Filed Aug. 12, 2009, effective Feb. 28, 2010.
Amended by Missouri Register September 1, 2022/Volume 47, Number 17, effective 10/31/2022

*Original authority: 307.360, RSMo 1967, amended 1971, 1973, 1979, 1999 and 307.375, RSMo 1967, amended 1971, 1975, 1976, 1997, 1999, 2001, 2004, 2009.