Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 1, January 2, 2025
Section 11 CSR 30-13.070 - Procedure to Obtain Continuing Education Provider Approval for 911 TelecommunicatorsPURPOSE: This rule identifies the procedure to obtain continuing education provider approval.
(1) Any person or entity may apply for a continuing telecommunicator education (CTE) provider approval, except that an agency eligible to provide in-service CTE training pursuant to 11 CSR 30-13.100 is not eligible for CTE provider approval.(2) An applicant shall submit to the 911 Oversight Training Subcommittee a CTE provider approval application. The subcommittee may review or request additional information from an applicant.(3) The 911 Oversight Training Subcommittee may consider any relevant factor in determining an applicant's qualifications, including the applicant's history, facilities and equipment, academic qualifications, financial qualifications, the estimated number of annual graduates, letters of support, and the justification for provider status as opposed to obtaining individual course approval pursuant to 11 CSR 30-13.080.(4) The 911 Oversight Training Subcommittee may-(A) Conduct a site visit;(B) Review the applicant's policies and procedures, including attendance and instructor evaluation policies;(C) Review the applicant's proposed courses, including training objectives, outline, evaluation plan, and instructor qualifications; and(D) Report the findings to the 911 Oversight Committee.(5) Upon receipt of the training subcommittee's report, the 911 Oversight Committee may invite the applicant to appear before the committee.(6) The 911 Oversight Committee shall provide the director of the department with a report outlining the findings from the review and a final recommendation whether to approve the applicant as a CTE provider.(7) At the director's request, the 911 Oversight Committee shall obtain additional information regarding the application. The director shall consider the recommendation of the 911 Oversight Committee and shall grant the CTE provider approval or deny the applicant's request.(8) All new CTE provider approvals shall be issued for an initial period of one (1) year.(9) The procedure to renew a CTE provider approval shall be as follows:(A) The applicant shall submit to the 911 training subcommittee a CTE provider renewal application;(B) The 911 training subcommittee may conduct a programmatic review of the applicant;(C) The 911 training subcommittee shall review the renewal application of the CTE provider and present the findings to the 911 Oversight Committee for review;(D) The 911 Oversight Committee shall provide a report of the findings and make a recommendation to the director of the department whether to grant or deny the renewal; and(E) The director of the department shall consider the renewal recommendation of the 911 Oversight Committee and may- 1. Request additional information regarding the renewal application;2. Renew the approval for an additional period of one (1) year subject to further audit and review by the 911 Oversight Committee;3. Grant a three- (3-) year approval; or AUTHORITY: section 650.340, RSMo Supp. 2011.* Original rule filed Jan. 3, 2012, effective Aug. 30, 2012. *Original authority: 650.340, RSMo 1999, amended 2007.