PURPOSE: This rule prescribes guidelines as required by section 42.175, 42.200, and 42.222, RSMo, to administer the World War II Veterans' Recognition, Missouri World War II "D-Day" Invasion of Europe, Korean Conflict and Vietnam War Medal Program. These guidelines provide a framework for World War II, Korean Conflict and Vietnam War veterans to apply for medal, medallion, and certificates in recognition of their service to Missouri and our nation during the World War II, Korean and Vietnam Wars.
(1) Definitions as used in this rule, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, the following terms shall mean: (A) Adjutant General-As defined in Chapter 41, Revised Statutes of Missouri, section 41.160 and all amendments thereto;(B) Appropriate service records-Military records documenting the honorable service of a veteran in the armed forces of the United States eligibility for awards authorized under the Missouri World War II, Korean Conflict and Vietnam War Recognition Program. A Department of Defense DD-214 or other document acceptable to the Adjutant General;(C) Active service-As defined in Title 10, section 101 of the United States Code and all amendments thereto;(D) Consanguinity-Of the closest blood relation;(E) Certificate-A document containing a certified statement as to the truth that one has fulfilled the requirement for award or recognition;(F) "D-Day" Invasion of Europe Veteran- Members of the Army, Navy, Coast Guard, Army Air Corps, Marines, or Merchant Marines who participated in the Battle of Normandy between June 6, 1944, and September 30, 1944;(G) Director Missouri Veterans' Recognition Program-Person designated by the Adjutant General to administer the Missouri Veterans' Recognition Program;(H) Discharge-A certification of release from military service or duty;(I) Eligible World War II veteran-Any person defined as a veteran by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs, who honorably served on active duty in the United States military service at anytime beginning December 7, 1941 and ending December 31, 1946 provided- 1. That such veteran is a legal resident of the state of Missouri or was a legal resident of this state at the time he or she entered or was discharged from military service or at the time of his or her death; and2. Such veteran was honorably separated or discharged from military service or is still in active service in honorable status, or was legal resident of this state at the time of his or her death;(J) Eligible Korean Conflict Veteran-Any person defined as a veteran by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs, who honorably served on active duty in the United States military service at anytime beginning June 27, 1950 and ending January 31, 1955 provided- 1. That such veteran is a legal resident of the state of Missouri or was a legal resident of this state at the time he or she entered or was discharged from military service or at the time of his or her death; and2. Such veteran was honorably separated or discharged from military service or is still in active service in honorable status, or was a legal resident of this state at the time of his or her death;(K) Eligible Vietnam War Veteran-Any person defined as a veteran by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs, who honorably served on active duty in the United States military service at anytime beginning February 28, 1961 and ending May 7, 1975 provided- 1. That such veteran is a legal resident of the state or was a legal resident of the state of Missouri at the time he or she entered or was discharged from military service or at the time of his or her death; and2. Such veteran was honorably separated or discharged from military service or is still in active service in honorable status, or was in active service in honorable status at the time of his or her death;(L) Honorably separated-The release from military service or duty under honorable conditions;(M) Honorable status-Attesting to creditable conduct while serving on active duty in the military;(N) Intestate survivor-The survivor of a veteran who has died without a will;(O) Eldest living survivor-The eldest survivor of a veteran connected by blood or affinity;(P) Jubilee of Liberty Medal-A medal created by the Regional Council of Normandy, France, in 1994 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the June 6, 1944, "DDay" invasion of Europe;(Q) Korean Conflict-The United States led United Nations forces to defend South Korea from North Korean invaders aided by China and the former Soviet Union, beginning June 27, 1950 and ending January 31, 1955;(R) Vietnam War-The war beginning February 28, 1961 and ending May 7, 1975;(S) Legal resident-A person (veteran) whose official United States mailing address is within the boundaries of the state of Missouri;(T) Medal-A small object usually metal in nature bearing an emblem or picture that is issued to commemorate a person's participation in an event or is awarded for excellence or achievement;(U) Medallion-An object or coin, usually round or oval in shape, resembling a medal;(V) Replica-A close reproduction or facsimile of the original;(W) Spouse-Married person, i.e.: husband, wife;(X) Veteran-Any person defined as a veteran by the United States Department of Veterans' Affairs or its successor agency;(Y) Veterans Commission-The commission created by section 42.007, RSMo;(Z) World War II-The World War beginning December 7, 1941, and ending December 31, 1946;(AA) World War II, Korean Conflict and Vietnam War Veterans' Recognition Award Funds-As defined in sections 42.195, 42.206 and 42.226, RSMo, consisting of gifts, bequests, and donations to be administered by the Adjutant General.(2) The Adjutant General is responsible for the administration of the Missouri World War II Veterans' Recognition and the World War II "D-Day" Invasion of Europe, Korean Conflict and Vietnam War Medal Programs and, subject to an appropriation for this purpose, will distribute a medal, medallion, and certificate to each qualified Missouri veteran.(3) Design. (A) The Veterans Commission is responsible for the design of the form of the medallions, medals, and certificates and will provide the approved designs to the Adjutant General for distribution.(B) The "D-Day" June 6, 1944, Invasion of Europe recognition medal is the "Jubilee of Liberty" created by the Regional Council of Normandy, France, in 1994.(4) To be eligible for the World War II, Korean Conflict or Vietnam War Veterans' Recognition Awards, the veteran must: (A) Have served on active duty in the United States military service at anytime beginning December 7, 1941, and ending December 31, 1946 for the World War II award; June 27, 1950, and ending January 31, 1955 for the Korean Conflict award; and February 28, 1961, and ending May 7, 1975 for the Vietnam War;(B) Be a legal resident of Missouri or was a legal resident of this state at the time he or she entered or was discharged from military service or was in active service in honorable status at the time of his or her death;(C) Be honorably separated or discharged from military service or be currently in active service in an honorable status; or(D) Any veteran, spouse or eldest living survivor of a veteran, who is entitled to a World War II and Korean Conflict recognition award under this rule but who died prior to having made application for the award and has not previously received the award, may apply.(5) To be eligible for the "Jubilee of Liberty" June 6, 1944, "D-Day" Invasion of Europe medal replica, veterans must have served honorably on active duty and participated in the Battle of Normandy between June 6, 1944, and September 30, 1944.(6) World War II, "D-Day" Invasion of Europe, Korean Conflict, and Vietnam War veterans, to obtain authorized medals, medallions, and certificates, must complete an application form and provide copies of appropriate military service record verification forms to the Office of the Adjutant General, Attention: Director, Missouri Veterans' Recognition Program, 2302 Militia Drive, Jefferson City, MO 65101-1203. World War II and Jubilee of Liberty award applications must be submitted anytime after January 1, 2001. Korean Conflict Award applications must be submitted anytime after January 1, 2004. Vietnam War Award applications must be submitted anytime after January 1, 2007. Applications and service forms will not be returned and will become property of the state of Missouri.(7) Application forms may be obtained by contacting the Office of the Adjutant General or contacting local Missouri Veterans Commission offices. Forms will also be provided to Missouri veterans' organizations upon request to the Director, Veterans' Recognition Program.(8) If any person dies after applying for a medallion, medal and a certificate and such person would have been entitled to the medallion, medal, and the certificate, the Adjutant General shall award the medallion, medal, and the certificate in the following order: (A) To the spouse of the deceased veteran or eldest living survivor; or(B) The person to whom the largest portion of the veteran's estate was given in such veteran's will; or(C) If the estate was split evenly among two (2) or more persons, the eldest living child or the closest relative by degree of consanguinity, in that order, shall receive the medallion, medal, and the certificate; or(D) If there is no will, the veteran's intestate survivor shall receive the medallion, medal, and the certificate.(9) The distribution of specific state awards under this rule is subject to the availability of and receipt of funding and the approval of a state appropriation for that purpose. Upon receipt of funding and an approved appropriation, awards will be distributed as expeditiously as possible. Medallion, medal, and certificates shall be awarded until the supply of medallions, medals, and certificates is exhausted. The Adjutant General shall notify the general assembly when such supply totals less than one hundred (100).(10) Eligibility Determination. (A) If the Adjutant General disallows any veteran's claim to a medallion, medal, and a certificate, a statement of the reason for the disallowance shall be filed with the application and a notice of ineligibility will be mailed to the applicant at the applicant's last known address.(B) The notice of ineligibility will include information on the appeal process for applicants whose requests for awards are denied. Denied applicants will have thirty (30) days from receipt of notices of ineligibility to submit written appeals. AUTHORITY: section 42.175, RSMo Supp. 2005.* Original rule filed Sept. 14, 2000, effective March 30, 2001. Emergency amendment filed July 22, 2002, effective Aug. 1, 2002, expired Feb. 27, 2003. Amended: Filed July 22, 2002, effective Jan. 30, 2003. Emergency amendment filed July 25, 2003, effective Aug. 21, 2003, expired Feb. 17, 2004. Amended: Filed July 25, 2003, effective Feb. 29, 2004. Emergency amendment filed July 19, 2005, effective July 29, 2005, expired Jan. 24, 2006. Amended: Filed July 19, 2005, effective Jan. 30, 2006. Emergency amendment filed Aug. 7, 2006, effective Sept. 7, 2006, expired Feb. 24, 2007. Amended: Filed Aug. 7, 2006, effective Jan. 30, 2007. *Original authority: 42.175, RSMo 2000, amended 2002, 2003, 2005.