Mo. Code Regs. tit. 10 § 50-2.050

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 1, January 2, 2025
Section 10 CSR 50-2.050 - Samples, Logs, and Completion Reports

PURPOSE: The objective of exploration is to locate reserves of oil and gas. To achieve this objective, the geologic history and the relationships of petroleum generation, migration, and accumulation must be understood. Analyses of well cuttings and cores provide much information on the composition, age, and original environment of deposition of the sediments and on fluid content and characteristics. Logging tools lowered into boreholes provide information concerning the electrical, acoustical, and radioactive properties of rock-fluid systems throughout drilled intervals. This rule provides for filing of these data with the state geologist for the future use of industry and government scientists and is of paramount importance in achieving new energy resources and for protection of the environment.

(1) Each operator drilling or recompleting wells for the purpose of the exploration or production of oil or gas, excluding seismic shot holes, shall preserve and retain samples or drill cuttings, cores, and all other information as required under sections (2) and (3).
(2) Samples.
(A) The operator shall be given notice that samples or cores are required by a notice appended to or on a copy of the permit to drill, deepen, plug-back, or recomplete returned to the operator by the state geologist. All samples or drill cuttings saved in drilling or recompletion operations, and any cores taken, shall be retained by the operator for one hundred eighty (180) days after the spud date of the well.
(B) Sample cuttings shall be taken at five foot (5') intervals from the surface to total depth in all wells drilled under these regulations.
(C) During the drilling, or immediately following the completion, of any well drilled as provided in this rule, the operator shall advise the state geologist of all intervals that are to be cored, or have been cored, and, if requested, shall forward the core to the state geologist at the operator's expense. In the event that it is necessary for the operator to utilize all or any portion of the core to the extent that sufficiently large and representative samples are not available for the state, the operator shall provide the state geologist with the results of identification or testing procedures.
(D) Each sample shall be identified as to well name, location, and depth of sample. Upon request of the state geologist, all cores or core longitudinal sections not required by the operator for well evaluation purposes shall be placed in stratigraphic sequence in adequate boxes, labeled with the well name, location, and footage, and delivered to the state geologist. All samples shall be shipped at the operator's expense to the office of the state geologist and shall be for study and use.
(E) Delivery of the processed samples or cores shall be made within one hundred twenty (120) days of the spud date or date of commencement of recompletion of the well.
(F) If retention of the core is requested by the operator, designated state geologist staff members shall be provided unrestricted access to the core at the operator's facility during the operator's normal business hours. This access shall be subject to any confidentiality requests made under 10 CSR 50-1.020.
(G) Operators in physical possession of cores requested by the state geologist shall not dispose of the cores without permission of the state geologist.
(H) If the state geologist requests samples from portions of the hole that typically are not saved in drilling operations, the operator shall provide these samples.
(I) The state geologist may waive the requirements of sampling if the state geologist determines additional geologic information is not required. The state geologist will advise the operator on the returned copy of the approved permit to drill, deepen, plug-back, or recomplete when samples will not be required.
(3) Well completion or recompletion report.
(A) Within one hundred twenty (120) calendar days after the spud date or commencement of recompletion of a well drilled under these regulations, the operator shall submit a well completion or recompletion report on a form provided by the department. Stratigraphic test wells that have not been converted are exempt from this requirement.
(B) For good cause shown, an extension of sixty (60) days may be granted by the state geologist. The request for extension shall be submitted in writing and received before the expiration of the one hundred twenty- (120-) day period.
(C) If requested by the state geologist, the operator shall include with the report complete logs or records of the well, including, but not limited to, drilling time logs, electric logs, radioactive logs or other logs that may have been obtained during mechanical integrity testing.

10 CSR 50-2.050

AUTHORITY: section 259.070, RSMo 1986.* Original rule filed Oct. 11, 1966, effective 10/21/1966. Amended: Filed Sept. 12, 1973, effective 9/22/1973. Amended: Filed Oct. 14, 1981, effective 2/11/1982.
Amended by Missouri Register February 1, 2016/Volume 41, Number 03, effective 3/31/2016

*Original authority: 259.070, RSMo 1965, amended 1972.