Mo. Code Regs. tit. 10 § 10-2.290

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 1, January 2, 2025
Section 10 CSR 10-2.290 - Control of Emissions From Rotogravure and Flexographic Printing Facilities

PURPOSE: This regulation restricts volatile organic compound emissions from rotogravure and flexographic printing facilities.

(1) Application.
(A) This regulation shall apply throughout Clay, Jackson and Platte Counties.
(B) This regulation applies to installations with uncontrolled potential emissions equal to or greater than two hundred fifty kilograms (250 kg) per day or one hundred (100) tons per year of volatile organic compounds (VOC) from the combination of rotogravure and flexographic printing presses. The uncontrolled potential emissions are the potential emissions (as defined) plus the amount by weight of VOCs whose emission into the atmosphere is prevented by the use of air pollution control devices.
(2) Definitions.
(A) Definitions of certain terms specified in this regulation may be found in 10 CSR 10-6.020.
(B) The definition of a term specific to this regulation is as follows: ink formulation, as applied, includes the base ink and any additives, such as thinning solvents, to make up the ink material that is applied to a substrate.
(3) Emission Limits.
(A) No owner or operator shall use or permit the use of any of the following printing presses unless they are equipped with a control device. The control device shall remove, destroy or prevent the emission of VOCs into the ambient air by at least the percentage indicated by weight of the uncontrolled VOC emissions on a daily basis.

Printing PressPercentage
Flexographic 60
Publication Rotogravure 75
Other Rotogravure 65

(B) Low solvent technology may be used to achieve VOC emission reductions instead of the methods required in subsection (3)(A). If low solvent technology is used, the following limits must be met for each press:
1. For waterborne inks, the volatile portion of the ink as applied to the substrate must contain no more than twenty-five percent (25%) by volume of VOC; and
2. For water-based or high solids inks, the ink as applied to the substrate must be at least sixty percent (60%) by volume non-VOC material.
(C) No owner or operator shall use or permit the use of any flexographic or rotogravure printing press that uses cleanup solvents containing VOCs unless-
1. The cleanup solvents are kept in tightly covered tanks or containers during transport and storage;
2. The cleaning cloths used with the cleanup solvents are placed in tightly closed containers when not in use and while awaiting off-site transportation. The cleaning cloths should be properly cleaned and disposed of. The cloths, when properly cleaned or disposed of, are processed in a way that as much of the solvent as practicable is removed for some further use or destroyed. Cleaning and disposal methods shall be approved by the director; and
3. An owner or operator may use an alternate method for reducing cleanup solvent VOC emissions, including the use of low VOC cleanup solvents, if the owner or operator shows the emission reduction is equal to or greater than paragraphs (3)(C)1. and 2. This alternate method must be approved by the director.
(4) Record Keeping.
(A) For owners or operators using an add on control device(s) to meet the requirements of subsection (3)(A), the following parameters shall be monitored and recorded to determine compliance with subsection (3)(A):
1. Exhaust gas temperature of all incinerators or temperature rise across a catalytic incinerator bed on a continuous basis;
2. VOC breakthrough on a carbon adsorption unit on a continuous basis;
3. Results of emissions testing as required in section (5) of this regulation when performed;
4. Maintenance, repairs and malfunction of any air pollution control equipment when performed; and
5. Any other monitoring parameter required by the director to determine compliance with subsection (3)(A).
(B) For owners or operators meeting the requirements of subsection (3)(B) for each ink formulation used, the following shall be recorded for each press to determine continuous compliance with subsection (3)(D):
1. Volume-weighted ink VOC content in percent by volume for each ink formulation as applied on a monthly basis;
2. Results of ink testing as required in section (5) of this rule when performed; and
3. Any other information required by the director to determine compliance with subsection (3)(B).
(C) For owners and operators using low solvent technology without the use of control equipment to meet the requirements of subsection (3)(B), and for who subsection (4)(B) does not apply, the following shall be recorded to determine daily compliance with subsection (3)(B):
1. Volume-weighted ink VOC content in percent by volume for each ink formulation as applied on a monthly basis;
2. Ink usage in gallons for each ink formulation as applied on a daily basis for each press;
3. Volume-weighted density of VOCs in ink in pounds per gallon for each ink formulation as applied on a daily basis;
4. Volume-weighted average of the VOC content of each ink formulation as applied in percent by volume for each press on a daily basis;
5. Ink water content in percent by volume for each ink formulation as applied on a daily basis for each press;
6. Ink exempt solvent content in percent by volume for each ink formulation as applied on a daily basis for each press;
7. Results of ink testing as required in section (5) of this regulation when performed; and
8. Any other information required by the director to determine compliance with subsection (3)(B).
(D) Records of all information required in subsections (4)(A)-(C) shall be kept for at least two (2) years. These records shall be available immediately upon request for review by Department of Natural Resources personnel and other air pollution control agencies with proper authority.
(5) Determination of Compliance.
(A) Testing and compliance demonstrations for the emission limits of subsection (3)(A) shall follow the procedures contained in 10 CSR 10-6.030(14)(A) and 10 CSR 10-6.030(20). The averaging time for these tests shall be three (3) one (1)-hour tests. These procedures will determine control device capture efficiency and destruction efficiency. Control device testing will be required as the director determines necessary to verify the capture and destruction efficiencies. At a minimum, control device testing must be completed and submitted once to the appropriate air pollution control agency within one hundred eighty (180) days (August 4, 1992) after this provision of the regulation is effective (February 6, 1992), unless the director determines that a valid test is already on file. Inlet and outlet gas temperature rise across a catalytic incinerator shall be used to determine daily compliance. These temperatures shall be monitored with an accuracy of the greater of plus or minus three-fourths percent (+- 0.75%) of the temperature being measured expressed in degrees Celsius or two and one-half degrees Celsius (2.5 oC).
(B) Testing and compliance demonstrations for the emission limits of subsection (3)(B) shall follow the procedures contained in 10 CSR 10-6.030(14)(C). This procedure will determine the VOC content of inks. Ink testing will be required as the director determines necessary to verify the manufacturer's formula specifications. At a minimum, ink testing will be required once after this provision of the regulation is effective (February 6, 1992). Ink manufacturer's formula specifications shall be used to determine daily compliance.
(6) Compliance Dates.
(A) The owner or operator of a rotogravure or flexographic printing installation subject to this regulation must submit a final control plan to the director by December 31, 1980 for his/her approval. This plan must include the following:
1. A detailed plan of process modifications; and
2. A time schedule for compliance containing increments of progress and a final compliance date.
(B) Compliance with this regulation shall be accomplished by any installation as expeditiously as practicable, but in no case shall final compliance extend beyond December 31, 1982.

10 CSR 10-2.290

AUTHORITY: section 643.050, RSMo 1986.* Original rule filed March 13, 1980, effective 9/12/1980. Amended: Filed July 1, 1987, effective 12/24/1987. Amended: Filed July 15, 1991, effective 2/6/1992.

*Original authority: 643.050, RSMo 1965, amended 1972, transferred from 203.050 in 1986, 643.050, RSMo 1992, 1993.