PURPOSE: This regulation specifies equipment, operating procedures and training requirements for the reduction of hydrocarbon emissions from solvent metal cleaning operations in the Kansas City metropolitan area.
PUBLISHER'S NOTE: The secretary of state has determined that the publication of the entire text of the material which is incorporated by reference as a portion of this rule would be unduly cumbersome or expensive. This material as incorporated by reference in this rule shall be maintained by the agency at its headquarters and shall be made available to the public for inspection and copying at no more than the actual cost of reproduction. This note applies only to the reference material. The entire text of the rule is printed here.
(1) Applicability. (A) This rule shall apply throughout Clay, Jackson and Platte Counties.(B) This rule shall apply to all installations which emit volatile organic compounds (VOC) from solvent metal cleaning or degreasing operations.(C) This rule applies to any of the following processes that use nonaqueous solvents to clean and remove soils from metal parts:2. Cold cleaners with a solvent reservoir or tank;3. Open-top vapor or conveyorized degreasers; or4. Air-tight or airless cleaning systems.(D) Exemptions. 1. The following shall be exempt from this rule:A. Cold cleaners with liquid surface areas of one (1) square foot or less or maximum capacities of one (1) gallon or less;B. Solvent cleaning operations that meet the emission control requirements 10 CSR 10-2.205, 10 CSR 10-2.230, 10 CSR 10-2.290 and 10 CSR 10-2.340;C. Solvent cleaning operations regulated under 40 CFR 63 Subpart T, National Emission Standards for Halogenated Solvent Cleaning. The provisions of 40 CFR part 63 Subpart T promulgated as of December 19, 2005 shall apply and are hereby incorporated by reference in this rule, as published by the U.S. Government Printing Office, 732 N Capitol Street N W, Washington, DC 20401. This rule does not incorporate any subsequent amendments or additions;D. The cleaning of electronic components, medical devices or optical devices;E. Hand cleaning/wiping operations; andF. Flush cleaning operations.2. The following shall be exempt from the solvent vapor pressure requirements of subparagraphs (3)(A)1.A. and (3)(A)1.B. of this rule: A. Sales of cold cleaning solvents in quantities of five (5) gallons or less;B. Cold cleaners using solvents regulated under any federal National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants; andC. Janitorial and institutional cleaning.3. All wastes that are subject to hazardous waste requirements at 10 CSR Division 25, Chapter 4 through 9 shall be exempt from the requirements of subparagraphs (3)(B)1.E., (3)(B)2.J., (3)(B)3.H., (3)(B)4.B., (3)(B)5.G. and subsection (4)(A) of this rule.(2) Definitions. (A) Airless cleaning system-A degreasing machine that is automatically operated and seals at a differential pressure of 25 torr (25.0 millimeters of Mercury (mmHg)) (0.475 pounds per square inch (psi)) or less, prior to the introduction of solvent vapor into the cleaning chamber and maintains differential pressure under vacuum during all cleaning and drying cycles.(B) Air-tight cleaning system-A degreasing machine that is automatically operated and seals at a differential pressure no greater than 0.5 pounds per square inch gauge (psig) during all cleaning and drying cycles.(C) Aqueous solvent-Any solvent consisting of sixty percent (60%) or more by volume water with a flash point greater than ninety-three degrees Celsius (93 oC) (one hundred ninety-nine point four degrees Fahrenheit (199.4 oF)) and is miscible with water.(D) Electronic components-All portions of an electronic assembly, including, but not limited to, circuit board assemblies, printed wire assemblies, printed circuit boards, soldered joints, ground wires, bus bars, and associated electronic component manufacturing equipment such as screens and filters.(E) Flush cleaning-The removal of contaminants such as dirt, grease and coatings from a component or coating equipment by passing solvent over, into or through the item being cleaned. The solvent drained from the item may be assisted by air, compressed gas, hydraulic pressure or by pumping. Flush cleaning does not include spray gun cleaning.(F) Freeboard area-The air space in a batch-load cold cleaner that extends from the liquid surface to the top of the tank.(G) Freeboard height- 1. The distance from the top of the solvent to the top of the tank for batch-loaded cold cleaners;2. The distance from the air-vapor interface to the top of the tank for open-top vapor degreasers; or3. The distance from either the air-solvent or air-vapor interface to the top of the tank for conveyorized degreasers.(H) Freeboard ratio-The freeboard height divided by the smaller of either the inside length or inside width of the degreaser.(I) Hand cleaning/wiping operation-The removal of contaminants such as dirt, grease, oil and coatings from a surface by physically rubbing it with a material such as a rag, paper or cotton swab that has been moistened with a cleaning solvent.(J) Institutional cleaning-Cleaning activities conducted at organizations, societies or corporations including, but not limited to schools, hospitals, sanitariums and prisons.(K) Janitorial cleaning-The cleaning of building or facility components such as the floors, ceilings, walls, windows, doors, stairs, bathrooms, kitchens, etc.(L) Medical device-An instrument, apparatus, implement, machine, contrivance, implant, in vitro reagent or other similar article, including any component or accessory that meets one (1) of the following conditions:1. It is intended for use in the diagnosis of disease or other conditions, or in the cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease;2. It is intended to affect the structure or any function of the body; or3. It is defined in the National Formulary or the United States Pharmacopoeia, or any supplement to them.(M) Nonaqueous solvent-Any solvent not classifiable as an aqueous solvent as defined in subsection (2)(C) of this rule.(N) Optical device-An optical element used in an electro-optical device and designed to sense, detect or transmit light energy, including specific wavelengths of light energy and changes in light energy levels.(O) Soils-Includes, but not limited to, unwanted grease, wax, grit, ash, dirt and oil. Spray gun soils, in addition, include unwanted primers, paint, specialty coatings, adhesives, sealers, resins or deadeners.(P) Spray gun cleaner-Equipment used to clean spray guns used to apply, but not limited to, primers, paints, specialty coatings, adhesives, resins or deadeners incorporated into a product distributed in commerce.(Q) Definitions of certain terms specified in this rule, other than those specified in this rule section, may be found in 10 CSR 10-6.020.(3) General Provisions. (A) Equipment Specifications. 1. Cold cleaners. A. No one shall use, sell or offer for sale for use within Clay, Jackson and Platte Counties a cold cleaning solvent with a vapor pressure greater than 1.0 mmHg (0.019 psi) at twenty degrees Celsius (20 oC) (sixty-eight degrees Fahrenheit (68 oF)) unless used for carburetor cleaning.B. No one shall use, sell or offer for sale for use within Clay, Jackson and Platte Counties a cold cleaning solvent for the purpose of carburetor cleaning with a vapor pressure greater than 5.0 mmHg (0.097 psi) at twenty degrees Celsius (20 oC) (sixty-eight degrees Fahrenheit (68 oF)).C. An owner or operator of a cold cleaner may use an alternate method for reducing cold cleaning emissions if the owner or operator shows the level of emission control is equivalent to or greater than the requirements of subparagraphs (3)(A)1.A. and (3)(A)1.B. of this rule. This alternate method must be approved by the director and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).D. Each cold cleaner shall have a cover which prevents the escape of solvent vapors from the solvent bath while in the closed position or an enclosed reservoir which limits the escape of solvent vapors from the solvent bath whenever parts are not being processed in the cleaner.E. When one (1) or more of the following conditions exist, the cover shall be designed to operate easily such that minimal disturbing of the solvent vapors in the tank occurs. (For covers larger than ten (10) square feet, this shall be accomplished by either mechanical assistance such as spring loading or counter weighing or by power systems): (I) The solvent vapor pressure is greater than 0.3 psi measured at thirty-seven point eight degrees Celsius (37.8 oC) (one hundred degrees Fahrenheit (100 oF));(II) The solvent is agitated; or(III) The solvent is heated.F. Each cold cleaner shall have an internal drainage facility so that parts are enclosed under the cover while draining.G. If an internal drainage facility cannot fit into the cleaning system and the solvent vapor pressure is less than 0.6 psi measured at thirty-seven point eight degrees Celsius (37.8 oC) (one hundred degrees Fahrenheit (100 oF)), then the cold cleaner shall have an external drainage facility which provides for the solvent to drain back into the solvent bath.H. Solvent sprays, if used, shall be a solid fluid stream (not a fine, atomized or shower-type spray) and at a pressure which does not cause splashing above or beyond the freeboard.I. A permanent conspicuous label summarizing the operating procedures shall be affixed to the equipment or in a location readily visible during operation of the equipment.J. Any cold cleaner which uses a solvent that has a solvent vapor pressure greater than 0.6 psi measured at thirty-seven point eight degrees Celsius (37.8 oC) (one hundred degrees Fahrenheit (100 oF)) or heated above forty-eight point nine degrees Celsius (48.9 oC) (one hundred twenty degrees Fahrenheit (120 oF)) must use one (1) of the following control devices:(I) A freeboard ratio of at least 0.75;(II) Water cover (solvent must be insoluble in and heavier than water); or(III) Other control systems with a mass balance demonstrated overall VOC emissions reduction efficiency greater than or equal to sixty-five percent (65%). These control systems must receive approval from the director and EPA prior to their use.2. Open-top vapor degreasers. A. Each open-top vapor degreaser shall have a cover which will prevent the escape of solvent vapors from the degreaser while in the closed position and shall be designed to open and close easily such that minimal disturbing of the solvent vapors in the tank occurs. For covers larger than ten (10) square feet, easy cover use shall be accomplished by either mechanical assistance, such as spring loading or counter weighing or by power systems.B. Each open-top vapor degreaser shall be equipped with a vapor level control device that shuts off the heating source when the vapor level rises above the cooling or condensing coil, or an equivalent safety device approved by the director and EPA.C. Each open-top vapor degreaser with an air/vapor interface over ten and three-fourths (10 3/4) square feet shall be equipped with at least one (1) of the following control devices:(I) A freeboard ratio of at least 0.75;(II) A refrigerated chiller;(III) An enclosed design (the cover or door opens only when the dry part actually is entering or exiting the degreaser);(IV) A carbon adsorption system with ventilation of at least fifty (50) cubic feet per minute per square foot of air vapor area when the cover is open and exhausting less than twenty-five parts per million (25 ppm) of solvent by volume averaged over one (1) complete adsorption cycle as measured using the reference method specified at 10 CSR 10-6.030(14)(A); or(V) A control system with a mass balance demonstrated overall VOC emissions reduction efficiency greater than or equal to sixty-five percent (65%) and prior approval by the director and EPA.D. A permanent conspicuous label summarizing the operating procedures shall be affixed to the equipment or in a location readily visible during operation of the equipment.3. Conveyorized degreasers.A. Each conveyorized degreaser shall have a drying tunnel or rotating (tumbling) basket or other means demonstrated to have equal to or better control which shall be used to prevent cleaned parts from carrying out solvent liquid or vapor.B. Each conveyorized degreaser shall have the following safety devices which operate if the machine malfunctions: (I) A vapor level control device that shuts off the heating source when the vapor level rises just above the cooling or condensing coil; and(II) A spray safety switch, which shuts off the spray pump if the vapor level in the spray chamber drops four inches (4"), for conveyorized degreasers utilizing a spray chamber; or(III) Equivalent safety devices approved by the director and EPA.C. Entrances and exits shall silhouette workloads so that the average clearance between parts and the edge of the degreaser opening is less than four inches (4") or less than ten percent (10%) of the width of the opening.D. Covers shall be provided for closing off the entrance and exit during hours when the degreaser is not being used.E. A permanent, conspicuous label summarizing the operating procedures shall be affixed to the equipment or in a location readily visible during operation of the equipment.F. If the air/vapor interface is larger than twenty-one and one-half (21 1/2) square feet, one (1) major control device shall be required. This device shall be one (1) of the following: (I) A refrigerated chiller;(II) Carbon adsorption system with ventilation of at least fifty (50) cubic feet per minute per square foot of the total entrance and exit areas (when downtime covers are open) and exhausting less than twenty-five (25) ppm of solvent by volume averaged over one (1) complete adsorption cycle as measured using the reference method specified at 10 CSR 10-6.030(14)(A); or(III) A control system with a mass balance demonstrated overall VOC emissions reduction efficiency greater than or equal to sixty-five percent (65%) and prior approval by the director and EPA.4. Air-tight or airless cleaning systems. Air-tight or airless cleaning systems shall: A. Have a permanent conspicuous label summarizing the operating procedures affixed to the equipment or in a location readily visible during operation of equipment;B. Be equipped with a differential pressure gauge to indicate the sealed chamber pressure under vacuum; andC. Be equipped with a safety alarm to alert the operator of equipment malfunction.(B) Operating Procedure Requirements. 1. Cold cleaners. A. Cold cleaner covers shall be closed whenever parts are not being handled in the cleaners or the solvent must drain into an enclosed reservoir except when performing maintenance or collecting solvent samples.B. Cleaned parts shall be drained in the freeboard area for at least fifteen (15) seconds or until dripping ceases, whichever is longer. Parts having cavities or blind holes shall be tipped or rotated while the part is draining. During the draining, tipping, or rotating, the parts shall be positioned so that the solvent drains directly back into the cold cleaner.C. Whenever a cold cleaner fails to perform within the rule operating requirements, the unit shall be shut down immediately and shall remain shut down until operation is restored to meet rule operating requirements.D. Solvent leaks shall be repaired immediately or the cold cleaner shall be shut down until the leaks are repaired.E. Any waste material removed from a cold cleaner shall be disposed of by one (1) of the following methods or an equivalent method approved by the director and EPA: (I) Reduction of the waste material to less than twenty percent (20%) VOC solvent by distillation and proper disposal of the still bottom waste; or(II) Stored in closed containers for transfer to- (a) A contract reclamation service; or(b) A disposal facility approved by the director and EPA.F. Waste solvent shall be stored in closed containers only.2. Open-top vapor degreasers. A. The cover shall be kept closed at all times except when processing workloads through the open-top vapor degreaser, performing maintenance or collecting solvent samples.B. Solvent carry-out shall be minimized in the following ways: (I) Parts shall be racked, if practical, to allow full drainage;(II) Parts shall be moved in and out of the open-top vapor degreaser at less than eleven feet (11') per minute;(III) Workload shall remain in the vapor zone at least thirty (30) seconds or until condensation ceases, whichever is longer;(IV) Pools of solvent shall be removed from cleaned parts before removing parts from the open-top vapor degreaser freeboard area; and(V) Cleaned parts shall be allowed to dry within the open-top vapor degreaser freeboard area for at least fifteen (15) seconds or until visually dry, whichever is longer.C. Porous or absorbent materials such as cloth, leather, wood or rope shall not be degreased.D. If workloads occupy more than half of the open-top vapor degreaser's open-top area, rate of entry and removal shall not exceed five feet (5') per minute.E. Spray shall never extend above vapor level.F. Whenever an open-top vapor degreaser fails to perform within the rule operating requirements, the unit shall be shut down until operation is restored to meet the rule operating requirements.G. Solvent leaks shall be repaired immediately or the open-top vapor degreaser shall be shut down until the leaks are repaired.H. Ventilation exhaust from the open-top vapor degreaser shall not exceed sixty-five (65) cubic feet per minute per square foot of open-top vapor degreaser open area unless proof is submitted that it is necessary to meet Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requirements. Fans shall not be used near the open-top vapor degreaser opening.I. Water shall not be visually detectable in solvent exiting the water separator, except for automatic water separators that by configuration do not allow visual inspection.J. Any waste material removed from an open-top vapor degreaser shall be disposed of by one (1) of the following methods or an equivalent method approved by the director and EPA: (I) Reduction of the waste material to less than twenty percent (20%) VOC solvent by distillation and proper disposal of the still bottom waste; or(II) Stored in closed containers for transfer to- (a) A contract reclamation service; or(b) A disposal facility approved by the director and EPA.K. Waste solvent shall be stored in closed containers only.3. Conveyorized degreasers. A. Ventilation exhaust from the conveyorized degreaser shall not exceed sixty-five (65) cubic feet per minute per square foot of conveyorized degreaser opening unless proof is submitted that it is necessary to meet OSHA requirements. Fans shall not be used near the conveyorized degreaser opening.B. Solvent carry-out shall be minimized in the following ways: (I) Parts shall be racked, if practical, to allow full drainage; and(II) Vertical conveyor speed shall be maintained at less than eleven feet (11') per minute.C. Whenever a conveyorized degreaser fails to perform within the rule operating requirements, the unit shall be shut down immediately and shall remain shut down until operation is restored to meet the rule operating requirements.D. Solvent leaks shall be repaired immediately or the conveyorized degreaser shall be shut down until the leaks are repaired.E. Water shall not be visually detectable in solvent exiting the water separator.F. Covers shall be placed over entrances and exits immediately after conveyor and exhaust are shut down and removed just before they are started up.G. Waste solvent shall be stored in closed containers only.H. Any waste material removed from a conveyorized degreaser shall be disposed of by one (1) of the following methods or an equivalent method approved by the director and EPA: (I) Reduction of the waste material to less than twenty percent (20%) VOC solvent by distillation and proper disposal of the still bottom waste; or(II) Stored in closed containers for transfer to- (a) A contract reclamation service; or(b) A disposal facility approved by the director and EPA.4. Spray gun cleaners. A. Cleaning of spray guns shall be accomplished by use of one (1) or more of the following methods: (I) Enclosed spray gun cleaning. Enclosed system spray gun cleaning shall consist of forcing solvent through the spray gun and/or spray gun parts. Spray guns and/or spray gun parts shall only be cleaned in remote closed top spray gun cleaning machines under the following conditions: (a) The spray gun cleaning machine is operated within the manufacturer's specifications and with the lid kept tightly closed at all times except when being accessed or maintained; and(b) Removable containers (which shall not exceed thirty (30) gallons in size) for clean, used and waste solvent, are kept tightly closed except when being accessed or maintained;(II) Nonatomized spray gun cleaning. Nonatomized spray gun cleaning shall consist of placing solvent in the pressure pot and forcing it through the spray gun with the atomizing cap in place. Spray guns shall only be cleaned through nonatomized spray gun cleaning under the following conditions: (a) No atomizing air shall be used; and(b) The cleaning solvent from the spray gun shall be directed into a pail, bucket, drum or other waste container that is closed when not in use;(III) Disassembled spray gun cleaning. Disassembled spray gun cleaning shall be accomplished by disassembling the spray gun to be cleaned and cleaning the components by one (1) of the following methods: (a) By hand in a spray gun cleaner, which shall remain closed except when in use; or(b) By soaking in a spray gun cleaner, which shall remain closed during the soaking period and when not inserting or removing components;(IV) Atomized spray gun cleaning. Atomized spray gun cleaning shall consist of forcing the cleaning solvent through the gun and directing the resulting atomized spray into a waste container that is fitted with a device designed to capture the atomized cleaning solvent emissions; or(V) Cleaning of the nozzle tips of an automated spray equipment system is exempt from the requirements of paragraph (3)(B)4. of this rule, unless the system is a robotic system that is programmed to spray into a closed container.B. Any waste material removed from a spray gun cleaning system shall be disposed of by one (1) of the following methods or an equivalent method approved by the director and EPA: (I) Reduction of the waste material to less than twenty percent (20%) VOC solvent by distillation and proper disposal of the still bottom waste; or(II) Stored in closed containers for transfer to- (a) A contract reclamation service; or(b) A disposal facility approved by the director and EPA.C. Waste solvent shall be stored in closed containers only.5. Air-tight and airless cleaning systems.A. Operate the air-tight and airless cleaning systems with a door or other pressure sealing apparatus in place during all cleaning and drying cycles.B. All associated pressure relief devices shall not allow liquid solvent to drain out of the equipment.C. Solvent leaks shall be repaired immediately or the air-tight or airless cleaning system shall be shut down until the leaks are repaired.D. The air-tight and airless cleaning systems shall be operated within the manufacturer's specifications.E. Parts shall be positioned, if practical, to allow full drainage and pools of solvent shall be removed from cleaned parts before removing parts from the air-tight or airless cleaning system.F. Wipe up solvent leaks and spills immediately and store the used rags in closed containers.G. Any waste material removed from an air-tight and airless cleaning system shall be disposed of by one (1) of the following methods or an equivalent method approved by the director and EPA: (I) Reduction of the waste material to less than twenty percent (20%) VOC solvent by distillation and proper disposal of the still bottom waste; or(II) Stored in closed containers for transfer to- (a) A contract reclamation service; or(b) A disposal facility approved by the director and EPA.H. Waste solvent shall be stored in closed containers only.(C) Operator and Supervisor Training. 1. Only persons trained in at least the operational and equipment requirements specified in this rule for their particular solvent metal cleaning process shall be permitted to operate the equipment.2. The person who supervises any person who operates solvent cleaning equipment regulated by this rule shall receive equal or greater operational training than the operator.3. A procedural review shall be given to all solvent metal cleaning equipment operators at least once each twelve (12) months.4. Training records shall be maintained per subsections (4)(D) and (4)(E) of this rule.(4) Reporting and Record Keeping.(A) The owner or operator of a solvent metal cleaning or degreasing operation shall keep records of all types and amounts of solvent containing waste material from cleaning or degreasing operations transferred to either a contract reclamation service or to a disposal facility and all amounts distilled on the premises. The records also shall include maintenance and repair logs for both the degreaser and any associated control equipment. These records shall be kept current and made available for review on a monthly basis. The director may require additional record keeping if necessary to adequately demonstrate compliance with this rule.(B) All persons that use any solvent subject to the requirements of subparagraphs (3)(A)1.A. or (3)(A)1.B. of this rule shall maintain records which include for each purchase of cold cleaning solvent: 1. The name and address of the solvent supplier;3. The type of solvent; and4. The vapor pressure of the solvent in mmHg at twenty degrees Celsius (20 oC) (sixty-eight degrees Fahrenheit (68 oF)).(C) All persons that sell or offer for sale any solvent subject to the requirements of subparagraph (3)(A)1.A. or (3)(A)1.B. of this rule shall maintain records which include for each sale of cold cleaning solvent: 1. The name and address of the solvent purchaser;4. The unit volume of solvent;5. The total volume of solvent; and6. The vapor pressure of the solvent measured in mmHg at twenty degrees Celsius (20 oC) (sixty-eight degrees Fahrenheit (68 oF)).(D) A record shall be kept of solvent metal cleaning training required by subsection (3)(C) of this rule.(E) All records required under subsections (4)(A), (4)(B), (4)(C) and (4)(D) of this rule shall be retained for five (5) years and shall be made available to the director upon request.(5) Test Methods. (Not applicable) AUTHORITY: section 643.050, RSMo 2000.* Original rule filed Nov. 14, 1978, effective June 11, 1979. Amended: Filed July 1, 1987, effective 12/12/1987. Amended: Filed Jan. 29, 2001, effective 10/30/2001. Amended: Filed June 26, 2007, effective 2/29/2008. *Original authority: 643.050, RSMo 1965, amended 1972, transferred from 203.050 in 1986, 1992, 1993, 1995.