8 Miss. Code R. § 3-3-301.05-301.0513

Current through January 14, 2025
Section 8-3-3-301.05-301.0513 - APPEARANCES BEFORE THE BOARD

No person shall be entitled as a matter of right to appear before the Board of Trustees of Institutions of Higher Learning except the following persons:

1. Designated Staff of the Board;
2. Institutional Executive Officers;
3. Official guests invited by the President after consultation with the Board.

Other appearances before the Board are not a matter of right, and will only be considered if the request is material and relevant to any matters then pending before the Board. Any person who desires to be placed on the agenda to address the Board shall submit such request, including justification, in writing to the Commissioner. The request should be at least three weeks prior to the designated Board meeting at which the person desires to appear and set forth the purpose of such appearance. The three week period is necessary to permit referral to the President or appropriate Board committee to rule on such request.

8 Miss. Code. R. § 3-3-301.05-301.0513

BT Minutes, 1/91; 1/98; 11/2005