The State Board of Education shall require the local educational agencies to maintain established minimum standards in order to apply for support for ongoing career and technical programs.
The Office of Career and Technical Education shall be responsible for collecting and monitoring the data for these minimums/maximums and standards to insure that the following requirements are met:
The local educational agency shall meet minimum established career program standards to be eligible to receive reimbursement and continuation of other career support. Standards are to include the utilization of state adopted curricula for each career program.
The Office of Career and Technical Education shall annually collect and monitor the enrollments, completers, and placement of all ongoing career program students and review programs for minimum performance requirements. The Office of Career and Technical Education, with the approval of the State Board of Education, shall establish a process to review career-technical programs for minimum performance requirements. Programs in local improvement and/or joint improvement or programs with extremely low enrollment shall be monitored and notified of deobligation prior to March 1 of the following year. Programs that can document improvements in their performance within the first six (6) months of the following year for which the data was collected shall be allowed to continue eligibility for funding pending formal documentation and approval. Local school districts with programs that do not meet minimum performance requirements may be allowed to convert their career resources to more applicable programs to meet the needs of employers and students within the district through the New Program Approval Process.
Minimum enrollments per teacher are to be evaluated annually; and extremely low enrollments per teacher shall be adjusted by teacher/program reductions. Any on-going teacher/program reductions must be determined prior to March 1.
Written notification of all deobligations shall be mailed to affected local educational agencies no later than March 1 of each year.
7 Miss. Code. R. 3-84.5