7 Miss. Code. R. 3-84.15

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 7-3-84.15 - Public Hearings - Career and Technical Education

The State Board Education, during the years in which it formulates a state plan for career and technical education, shall conduct a series of public hearings, after giving sufficient public notice throughout all regions of the state. Sufficient public notice shall consist of the following:

1. Legal notices shall be published beginning at least 30 days prior to the public hearings in the major newspapers serving the area of the state in which the hearing is to be held, and shall be run three times.
2. Organizations or individuals having an interest in career and technical education shall, upon their request, be notified as to the dates and times of the public hearings.
3. Announcements of public hearings on career and technical education shall be sent to major television and radio stations serving the area in which the hearings are to be held. These hearings shall be held in order to permit all segments of the population to give their views on the goals which should be adopted in the state plan, including the courses to be offered and allocations of responsibility for these courses among the various institutions of the state. Also, these public hearings shall give all segments of the population an opportunity to give input to allocations of local, state and federal sources to meet the goals as set forth in the state plan. The views of the public expressed at the hearings shall be included in the final state plan, with a description of how such views are not reflected then the documents shall set out reasons for rejecting them.

7 Miss. Code. R. 3-84.15

Public Law 105-332, Sec. 122 (a),(1),(2),(3) (Revised 10/2011)
Adopted 12/30/2015