7 Miss. Code. R. 3-2.3

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 7-3-2.3 - Grading

Each school district shall have a grading policy that is uniform by school grade designation. The grading policy is not required to be uniform across all grade levels. The grading policy shall be adopted by the local school board, published in the student handbook, and disseminated to parents.

It is the intent of the Commission on School Accreditation and the State Board of Education that grading is the responsibility of teachers.

Any change of grades, other than a final grade, shall be addressed with the teacher who issued the grade and the building level administrator.

Any change of a final grade (as recorded on a cumulative folder or permanent record) shall be presented and approved by a panel consisting of, at a minimum, the teacher issuing the grade, the building level administrator, and a central office administrator.

Written documentation (which includes signatures of all panel members) of all actions must be included in the cumulative folder and available for review by the Mississippi Department of Education. Any changes or corrections must be made on the cumulative folder and permanent record as required by the Mississippi Cumulative Folders and Permanent Records Manual of Directions. If the district is going to mandate or require the awarding of a minimum grade, then the district must adopt a written board policy that includes input and support from administrators, teachers, and stakeholders in the development of said policy. Districts may adopt specific grading policies that address the needs of special populations such as students with disabilities and English Language Learners.

For a copy of the Mississippi Cumulative Folders and Permanent Records Manual of Directions, please visit the Mississippi Secretary of State's website at Regulations and Enforcement, Administrative Code, Title 7: Education K-12; Part # 22.

7 Miss. Code. R. 3-2.3

Miss. Code Ann. § 37-1-3 (Adopted 9/2010)
Adopted 12/30/2015