Current through December 10, 2024


1. The local school board and the superintendent of schools shall exercise due diligence in performing the respective duties of each office in accordance with applicable law. The local school board's responsibilities shall pertain to matters of setting policy and shall not interfere in the day-to-day operations of the school district that include, but are not limited to, such duties as those relating to personnel and management decisions. Failure to comply shall result in the immediate downgrade of the district's accreditation status to Probation or Withdrawn as indicated in Accreditation Policy 2.5. Miss. Code Ann. §§ 25-41-1 et al.; § 25-61-1 through 17; § 37-3-4(5); §§ 37-6-7, 9, 11, and 15; §37-7-306(1-4); §§ 37-9-1 through 75; §§ 37-9-101 through 113; §37-7-301(p)(w); § 37-6-3(3-4); § 37-9-7, 13, 14; § 37-61-9; § 37-151-5(h); and Federal Civil Rights Act of 1964.
1.1 The school board assigns all executive and administrative duties to the superintendent, who is properly licensed and chosen in the manner prescribed by law. Miss. Code Ann. § 37-6-3(3-4); § 37-9-7, 13, 14; § 37-61-9; and § 37-151-5(h).
1.2 School board policies that comply with state and federal statutes, rules, and regulations serve as the basis of operation for the district, and current copies (print or electronic) of school board policies are published and available for public review. Miss. Code Ann. § 25-41-7; §§ 25-61-1 through 17; §§ 37-9-1 through 75; §§ 37-9-101 through 113; § 37-7-301(p)(w); and Federal Civil Rights Act of 1964.
1.3 School board members complete required basic and continuing education programs in order to effectively perform their duties in the manner prescribed by law. Miss. Code Ann. §§ 25-41-1 et. al; §§ 25-61-1 through 17; § 37-3-4(5); § 37-6-7, 9, 11, and 15; and § 37-7-306(1-4).
2. All district professional positions requiring licensed staff are filled by staff that are properly licensed and endorsed as required by state law and federal requirements of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). Miss. Code Ann. § 37-9-77, Miss. Admin. Code 7-3:80.1 and 80.2. State Board Policy Chapter 80, Rules 80.1 and 80.2, and ESEA, and Federal Code.
2.1 The school district employs an appropriately licensed full-time principal at each school. The principal may not have any other job duties assigned in areas that require a specific work area code unless a waiver is granted by the Commission on School Accreditation. This standard does not apply to assistant principals. Miss. Code Ann. § 37-9-7, § 37-9-15, and § 37-151-5(g).
2.2 The professional (certified) staff in each school shall not have more than 5% of Full Time Equivalent (FTE) units working outside of the area(s) of endorsement. This exception does not apply to:

* course codes that fall within the academic core content areas (English/Language Arts, Mathematics, Social Studies, Science, Foreign Language, and the Arts),

* Health and Physical Education teachers teaching subjects where a Carnegie Unit Credit is being awarded (See Miss. Admin. Code 7-3:38.12, State Board Policy Chapter 38, Rule 38.12),

* Career and Technical Education courses (See Miss. Admin. Code 7-3:92.1 State Board Policy Chapter 92, Rule 92.1),

* Driver's Education (See Miss. Code Ann. §37-25-5 and Miss. Admin. Code 7-3:29.1, State Board Policy Chapter 29, Rule 29.1),

* Federally funded special education teachers,

* alternative school teachers (See Miss. Admin. Code 7-3:7.1, State Board Policy Chapter 7, Rule 7.1), or

* other subjects that require a specific endorsement as determined by the federal and state statute.

An appropriate license is required for superintendents, principals, librarians, guidance counselors, and speech language pathologists. Assistant principals and administrative interns who are not properly endorsed may be included in the 5% FTE working outside their area of endorsement, provided they do not act in the place of the principal.

2.3 The school district employs in each school a licensed librarian or media specialist who devotes no more than one-fourth (1/4) of the workday to library/media administrative activities. Miss. Code Ann. § 37-17-6(3) (a-e).
2.3.1 If the student enrollment is 499 or less, a half-time licensed librarian or media specialist is required.
2.3.2 If the student enrollment is 500 or more, a full-time licensed librarian or media specialist is required.
2.4 Student support services (appraisal, academic, and/or personal advisement, and educational and/or career planning and referral) are provided in each school by qualified student support personnel. Student support personnel may include professional school counselors and/or other appropriately licensed student support staff, including nurses, social workers, psychometrists, psychologists, etc. Other student support personnel may only provide those services and activities in the area(s) he/she specifically qualified, trained, and certified to provide. All student support services personnel shall use an appropriate job title that reflects the area of training, expertise, and licenses.
2.4.1 If a professional school counselor is employed to provide student support services, the professional school counselor shall provide services in accordance with Miss. Code Ann. § 37-9-79. A professional school counselor shall not assume any non-counseling duties (e.g., administrator, teacher, test coordinator, interventionist, etc.).
2.5 The school district employs a school business officer/administrator whose qualifications meet the criteria established by the Mississippi Department of Education and whose primary job responsibilities are conducting, supervising, and/or directing the financial affairs and operations of the school district. (Miss. Admin. Code 7-3:71.1 and 71.2, State Board Policy Chapter 71, Rules 71.1 and 71.2.)
3. The school district implements an annual, formal personnel appraisal system for licensed staff that includes assessment of employee on-the-job performance. Miss. Code Ann. § 37-3-46(b)
3.1 Superintendent Evaluation using the assessment benchmarks established by the Mississippi School Boards Association (MSBA) and consistent with assessment components defined in Miss. Code Ann. § 37-7-301.
3.2 Principal and Assistant Principal Effectiveness using the Professional Growth System (PGS) for Administrators.
3.3 Teacher Effectiveness using the Professional Growth System (PGS) for Teachers.
3.4 Counselor Effectiveness using the Professional Growth System (PGS) for Counselors.
3.5 Annual employee performance data shall be submitted to the MDE following the guidelines in the MDE Educator and Administrator Professional Growth System Guidelines. Districts shall adhere to revision dates as determined by the MDE and implement only the current version.
3.6 Administrators who rate school-level administrators, counselors, librarians, and teachers, and teacher-observers shall complete an MDE-approved Professional Growth System (PGS) training.
3.7 Other, non-licensed, district staff evaluations as determined by local school board policy.
4. The local school board obtains an annual financial audit of the school district, as conducted under the guidelines of the Office of the State Auditor, no later than nine months after the end of the district's fiscal year. Miss. Code Ann. § 7-7-211(e) (Miss. Admin. Code 7-3:10.1, State Board Policy Chapter 10, Rule 10.1., 2 C.F.R. Part 200.
4.1 The most recent annual financial audit report of the school district, as conducted under the guidelines of the Office of the State Auditor, indicates a fixed asset system of accountability that provides verification of fixed assets and fixed assets records. Miss. Code Ann. § 37-17-6(18).
4.2 The most recent annual financial audit report of the school district, as conducted under the guidelines of the Office of the State Auditor, indicates no less than a zero fund balance (as defined by generally accepted accounting principles) for all funds of the school district. Miss. Code Ann. § 37-61-19.
4.3 The most recent annual financial audit report of the school district, as conducted under the guidelines of the Office of the State Auditor, verifies the process for distributing Educational Enhancement Fund procurement cards to all eligible teachers. Miss. Code Ann. § 37-61-33(3)(iii), Miss. Admin. Code 7-3:32.1, State Board Policy Chapter 32, Rule 32.1.
4.4 The most recent annual financial audit report of the school district, as conducted under the guidelines of the Office of the State Auditor, indicates an unqualified opinion (as defined by generally accepted auditing standards) on the financial statements of the school district. Miss. Code Ann. § 37-9-18(2) and § 37-61-29.
4.5 The most recent annual financial audit report of the school district, as conducted under the guidelines of the Office of the State Auditor, verifies the local school board has received, reviewed, and discussed, as reflected in official minutes of the regularly scheduled monthly meeting, the financial reports required by state law and/or the State Board of Education. Miss. Code Ann. § 37-9-18(1), § 37-37-7(2)(e), § 37-37-13, Miss. Admin. Code 7-3:71.3, State Board Policy Chapter 71, Rule 71.3.
4.6 The most recent annual financial audit report of the school district, as conducted under the guidelines of the Office of the State Auditor, verifies the accuracy and timely compilation and reporting of all financial data, including the year-end data provided through the Financial Exchange Transfer System (FETS), required for submission to the MS Department of Education by the fifteenth day of October, each year, in accordance with state law and/or the State Board of Education. Miss. Code Ann. § 37-37-7(2)(e), § 37-61-21(2), and § 37-37-13.
4.7 The most recent annual financial data of the school district, as submitted to the MS Department of Education, verifies a 7% fund balance of the district maintenance fund. Miss. Code Ann. § 37-61-8.
5. The most recent annual financial audit report of the school district, as conducted under the guidelines of the Office of the State Auditor, verifies the following:
5.1 The local school board submits the annual budget to the levying authority and the prescribed budgetary information to the MS Department of Education by the fifteenth day of August, each year, in accordance with state law and/or the State Board of Education. Miss. Code Ann. § 37-61-9(1) through (3).
5.2 The local school board budgets and expends funds under the Public School Health Insurance Plan as required by state law and State Board policy. Failure to remit premiums, interest penalties, and/or late charges in a timely manner may result in withholding a school district's adequate education program funds Miss. Code Ann. § 37-151-95, Miss. Admin. Code 7-3:48.4, State Board Policy Chapter 48, Rule 48.4.


6. The school district complies with state law and State Board of Education policy on enrollment requirements.
6.1 Residency requirements. Miss. Code Ann. § 37-15-29, Miss. Admin. Code 7-3:68.1, State Board Policy Chapter 68, Rule 68.1
6.2 Immunization requirements. Miss. Code Ann. § 37-7-301(i), § 37-15-1, and § 41-23-37
6.3 Age of entry requirements. Miss. Code Ann. §37-15-9
7. Any transfer student from a school or program (correspondence, tutorial, or home study) not accredited regionally or by a state board of education [or its designee(s)] is given either a standardized achievement test(s) or teacher-made special subject test(s) to determine the appropriate classification of the student within thirty (30) days after filing for transfer. Notice of the administering of such test(s) shall be given to the applicant not less than five (5) days prior to the date of the administration of such test. Miss. Code Ann. § 37-15-33, Miss. Admin. Code 7-3:36.2, 36.4, State Board Policy Chapter 36, Rules 36.2-36.4.
8. Permanent records and cumulative folders for individual students contain all required data and are collected, maintained, and disseminated in compliance with state law, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, and the Confidentiality Section of the Individuals with Disabilities Act, 1997 Amendments. See Appendix E and the current edition of the Mississippi Cumulative Folders and Permanent Records Manual of Directions. Miss. Code Ann. §§ 37-15-1 through 3; § 37-15-6; § 37-15-10.
9. The school district engages in planning to review the educational status of each school in the district and to address specific actions relative to accreditation and performance separately. Miss. Code Ann. § 37-3-49(2)(e).
10. The school district implements procedures for monitoring and reporting student absences as specified in the Mississippi Compulsory Attendance Law. Miss. Code Ann. § 37-13-91, Miss. Admin. Code 7-3:30.1 and 30.2, State Board Policy Chapter 30, Rules 30.1 and 30.2.
10.1 The most recent annual audit report of the school district, as conducted under the guidelines of the State Auditor's Office, verifies the accuracy, validity, and timely reporting of all student data submitted to the MDE, including, but not limited to, the electronic transmission of student enrollment, attendance, transportation, absenteeism, graduation, dropouts, and any other student data and administrative functions as deemed necessary. Miss. Code Ann. § 37-37-7(2)(b)(c)(d) and § 37-37-13.
11. The school district shall develop and implement a program designed to keep students in school and to lower student dropout rates. Miss. Code Ann. § 37-13-80, Miss. Admin. Code 7-3:30.5, State Board Policy Chapter 30, Rule 30.5.
12. There is an organized system to encourage community involvement, parental communication, and business partnerships in school district decision-making. Miss. Code Ann. § 37-7-337 (Districts Meeting the Highest Levels of Performance are exempted.)
12.1 A school district that has been designated as Failing (F) as defined by the State Board of Education shall establish a community-based pre-kindergarten through higher education (P-16) council. Miss. Code Ann. § 37-18-5(4)
12.2 A district and/or a school designated as a D or F shall establish a community-based pre-kindergarten through higher education (P-16) council.
13. The academic year provides a minimum of 180 teaching days in which both teachers and pupils are in regular attendance for scheduled classroom instruction. Any request for an exception to this standard must be submitted in writing to the Commission on School Accreditation for review and action. If the Governor has declared a disaster emergency or the President of the United States has declared an emergency or major disaster to exist in this state, the local school board may request approval from the State Board of Education to operate the schools in its district for less than one hundred eighty (180) days. Miss. Code Ann. § 37-151-7(3)(c), Miss. Code Ann. § 37-3-49, §§ 37-13-61 through 69, § 37-151-5(j), and § 37-151-7(3)(c).
13.1 The teaching day must provide at least 330 minutes of instruction per day. Miss. Code Ann. 37-13-67.
13.2 The school district must ensure that during the academic school year a minimum of 140 hours of instruction is provided for each Carnegie unit of credit offered and 70 hours for each one-half (1/2) unit offered, except for remedial instructional programs, dual enrollment/dual credit, correspondence courses, and innovative programs authorized by the State Board of Education.
13.3 No more than two (2) of the 180 days may be 60% days. Both teachers and pupils must be in attendance for not less than 60% of the normal school day. Miss. Code Ann. § 37-151-5(j).
13.4 The school district schedules preparation for graduation ceremonies in such manner that graduating seniors are absent from classes for no more than three (3) days prior to the end of the school year. (Districts Meeting the Highest Levels of Performance are exempted.)
13.5 The summer school/extended year program [not Extended School Year (ESY) provided through special education programs] meets all applicable requirements of the general school program. Miss. Code Ann. § 37-3-49.
13.5.1 Students from other schools enrolled in summer programs provide written approval from the principal of their home schools.
13.5.2 Students enrolled in an extended year program complete all remaining course/subject requirements/objectives before credit for the course/subject is issued. Miss. Code Ann. § 37-3-49.
13.5.3 Students enrolled in a summer program are limited to earning one (1) Carnegie unit of credit during a traditional summer school session, which does not apply to extended year programs and approved virtual courses. (Districts Meeting the Highest Levels of Performance may be exempted under Miss. Code Ann. § 37-17-11.)
14. The school district requires each student, in order to receive a high school diploma, to have met the requirements established by its local board of education and by the State Board of Education. Miss. Code Ann. § 37-16-7, Miss. Admin. Code 7-3:36.2-36.4, State Board Policy Chapter 36, Rules 36.2 through 36.4.
14.1 Each student receiving a standard high school diploma has earned the minimum number of Carnegie units as specified in Appendix A. (See Appendix A) (Miss. Admin. Code 7-3:28.2 and 28.3, State Board Policy Chapter 28, Rules 28.2 and 28.3.) Students receiving a standard diploma shall select from graduation pathways as specified by the local school district's graduation requirements, which must include the diploma endorsement options outlined in Process Standards 14.1.4, 14.1.5, and 14.1.6. Diploma endorsement options shall be required of all school districts effective with the incoming ninth graders of 2019-2020. Prior cohorts of students shall be eligible to earn endorsement(s) if all applicable requirements are met.
14.1.1 Beginning in school year 2018-2019, all seventh-grade students are required to have an Individual Success Plan (ISP) prior to exiting the seventh grade.
14.1.2 Innovative Programs
14.1.3 Entering ninth graders in 2018-2019 and thereafter, are required to have a minimum of 24 Carnegie units as specified in Appendix A-6.
14.1.4 Entering ninth graders in 2018-2019 and thereafter, are required to have a minimum of 26 Carnegie units and meet additional requirements as specified in Appendix A-7 to earn a Traditional Diploma with a Career and Technical Endorsement.
14.1.5 Entering ninth graders in 2018-2019 and thereafter, are required to have a minimum of 26 Carnegie units and meet additional requirements as specified in Appendix A-8 to earn a Traditional Diploma with an Academic Endorsement.
14.1.6 Entering ninth graders in 2018-2019 and thereafter, are required to have a minimum of 28 Carnegie units and meet additional requirements as specified in Appendix A-9 to earn a Traditional Diploma with a Distinguished Academic Endorsement.
14.1.7 Entering ninth graders with a significant cognitive disability in 2018-2019 and thereafter, are required to have a minimum of 24 Credits as described in Appendix A-10 to earn an Alternate Diploma.
14.2 Each student receiving a standard diploma has met assessment requirements on each of the required high school end-of-course subject area tests or assessments or met one (1) of the options in lieu of passing the test (or assessment) as outlined in Appendix A-5. Miss. Code Ann. § 37-16-7, Miss. Admin. Code 7-3:36.3, and 36.4, State Board Policy Chapter 36, Rules 36.3, and 36.4. See Appendix A-5.
14.3 Beginning with incoming ninth graders of 2018-2019, each student who has met the criteria for the certification of completion, may be issued a certificate of completion. Students receiving a certificate of completion may participate in high school graduation exercises. Miss. Code Ann. § 37-16-11(1). See Appendix A-11.
14.4 Ending with the incoming ninth grade class of 2016-2017, each student with disabilities receiving a Mississippi Occupational Diploma has successfully completed all minimum requirements established by the State Board of Education. Miss. Code Ann. § 37-16-11(2). See Appendix G.
14.5 The student who fails to meet the graduation requirements is not permitted to participate in the graduation exercises.

Note: Students enrolled in grades 7-12 may be awarded a Carnegie unit credit provided the course content is a Carnegie unit bearing course in the current edition of the Approved Courses for the Secondary Schools of Mississippi Manual.

15. The school district implements a professional development program aligned with the Learning Forward Standards for Professional Learning. (Districts Meeting the Highest Levels of Performance are exempted.) Miss. Code Ann. § 37-17-8, Miss. Admin. Code 7-3:44.1, State Board Policy Chapter 44, Rule 44.1.
16. The school district adheres to all requirements of the Mississippi Statewide Assessment System. See Appendix F. Miss. Code Ann. §§ 37-16-1 through 4 and § 37-16-9, and Miss. Admin. Code 7-3:78.1 and 78.7, State Board Policy Chapter 78, Rules 78.1 and 78.7.


17 The school district is in compliance with state and/or federal requirements for the following programs:
17.1 Early Childhood Programs (kindergarten and teacher assistant). Miss. Code Ann. § 37-21-1, et seq., Miss. Admin. Code 7-3:42.1, State Board Policy Chapter 42, Rule 42.1, and Miss. Admin. Code 7-3:62.6, State Board Policy Chapter 62, Rule 62.6, Refer to the Mississippi Kindergarten Guidelines. (Districts Meeting the Highest Levels of Performance are exempted from Miss. Code Ann. § 37-21-7(4).)
17.2 Pre-Kindergarten. Miss. Code Ann. § 37-7-301(ss), Miss. Admin. Code 7-3:28.4, State Board Policy Chapter 28, Rule 28.4. Refer to the Mississippi Early Learning Guidelines. Miss. Code Ann. § 37-7-301 (zz).
17.3 Career-Technical Education. Miss. Code Ann. § 37-31-1, et seq., Miss. Admin. Code 7-3:83-96, State Board Policy Chapters 83 through 96, and Federal Code.
17.4 Special Education. Miss. Code Ann. §37-11-57, § 37-23-1 through § 37-23-9, Miss. Admin. Code 7-3:74.1, 74.3 through 74.6, 74.8, 74.10 through 74.14, and 74.19, State Board Policy Chapter 74, Rules 74.1, 74.3 through 74.6, 74.8, 74.10 through 74.14, and 74.19, and Federal Code. See State Policies Regarding Children with Disabilities under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 2004 (IDEA 2004).
17.5 Child Nutrition. Miss. Code Ann. § 37-11-7, Miss. Admin. Code 7-3:17.1, 17.2, 17.4, 17.7, and 17.9, State Board Policy Chapter 17, Rules 17.1, 17.2, 17.4, 17.7, and 17.9 and Federal Code.
17.5.1 School Wellness Policy.
17.6 Elementary and Secondary Education Act: Titles I, II, III, IV, V, VI, X, and any other federally funded programs and grants. Miss. Admin. Code 7-3:80.1-80.3, State Board Policy Chapter 80, Rules 80.1 through 80.3, and Federal Code.
17.7 Driver Education. Miss. Code Ann. § 37-25-1, et seq., Miss. Admin. Code 7-3:29.1, State Board Policy Chapter 29, Rule 29.1.
17.8 Gifted Education. Miss. Code Ann. §§ 37-23-171 through 181, Miss. Admin. Code 7-3:35.1, State Board Policy Chapter 35, Rule 35.1. Refer to the current edition of the Regulations for Gifted Education Programs in Mississippi and the Gifted Education Program Standards.
17.9 Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Training. Miss. Code Ann. §§ 37-3-83(9), 37-3-101, and 37-3-103.
18. Each school has a library media center. Refer to the current edition of the Mississippi School Library Media Guide. Miss. Code Ann. §§ 37-17-6(3)(a-e).
18.1 Each school has a library media center with an organized collection of materials and equipment that represents a broad range of current learning media, including instructional technology (Accreditation Policy 4.2.1-Exemptions for Schools Meeting the Highest Levels of Performance).
18.2 The library staff offers a systematic program of service to students and staff by providing access to the materials and equipment, by providing instruction in the use of the materials and equipment, and by working with teachers and other staff members to provide learning activities for the students (Accreditation Policy 4.2.1 -Exemptions for Schools Meeting the Highest Levels of Performance).
19. The school district is compliance with state law and State Board of Education policies for state adopted textbooks. Miss. Code Ann. §§ 37-43-1, 37-43-24, 37-43-31(2), 37-43-51, 37-9-14(2)(b), and 37-7-301(ff)Miss. Admin. Code 7-3:79.1 and 79.2, State Board Policy Chapter 79, Rules 79.1 and 79.2. Refer to the current edition of the Textbook Administration Handbook Rules and Regulations.
19.1 Each school district provides students in each school with access to current or otherwise appropriate textbooks that are in good condition. See glossary for definition of textbook. Miss. Code Ann. § 37-43-1, § 37-9-14(2)(b), and § 37-7-301(ff).
19.2 Each school district shall keep an active and surplus inventory for each school in the district to be completed by June 15 of each year. The district shall report the inventory in the Textbook Inventory Management System. Miss. Code Ann. § 37-43-51. Refer to the current edition of the Textbook Administration Handbook Rules and Regulations.
20. The school district meets the following instructional management requirements Miss. Code Ann. §§ 37-3-49(2)(a-c) and 37-3-49(5), Miss. Admin. Code 7-3:41.1, State Board Policy Chapter 41, Rule 41.1.
20.1 The school district implements an instructional management system that has been adopted by the school board and includes, at a minimum, the competencies and objectives required in the curriculum frameworks approved by the State Board of Education that are available to all teachers in each school. (Districts Meeting the Highest Levels of Performance are exempted.)
20.2 The instructional management system includes a tiered instructional model in accordance with Miss. Admin. Code 7-3:41.1, State Board Policy Chapter 41, Rule 41.1, including academic interventions, behavioral interventions, and Literacy-Based Promotion Act requirements.
21. The district follows an established board policy that defines criteria for the academic promotion/progression/retention of students. Such criteria prohibit the retention of students for extracurricular purposes.
21.1 The school district implements a uniform grading policy. Miss. Admin. Code 7-3: Chapter 2, Rule 2.3, State Board Policy Chapter 2, Rule 2.3, Miss. Code Ann. § 37-11-64 and 37-11-66.
21.2 A student who is enrolled in any grade higher than Grade 6 in a school district must be suspended from participation in any extracurricular or athletic activity sponsored or sanctioned by the school district after a semester in which the student's cumulative grade point average is below 2.0 on a 4.0 scale in accordance with the Mississippi High School Activities Association (MHSAA). This portion of the standard will be jointly monitored and enforced by the State Board of Education and the MHSAA. Miss. Code Ann. § 37-11-65.
22. The school district provides access to an alternative education program that meets the program guidelines outlined in Miss. Code Ann. § 37-13-92 and the guidelines established by the State Board of Education. Miss. Admin. Code 7-3:7.1, State Board Policy, Chapter 7, Rule 7.1. See guidelines for Alternative/GED School Programs.
23. The school district, in its discretion, may provide access to a GED Option program that meets the program guidelines outlined in Miss. Code Ann. § 37-13-92(4) and Miss. Admin Code 7-3:7.2, State Board Policy Chapter 7, Rule 7. See guidelines for Alternative/GED Programs.
24. Each full-time classroom teacher has an unencumbered period during the teaching day/week to be used for individual or departmental planning.
24.1 If the school utilizes a traditional six-period or seven-period day schedule, the instructional planning time provided for secondary teachers is a minimum of 225 minutes per week, exclusive of lunch period. If the school utilizes any form of a modular/block schedule, the instructional planning time provided is a minimum of either 225 minutes per week or an average of 225 minutes per week per instructional cycle, exclusive of lunch period.
24.2 Instructional planning time for the elementary school teacher is no less than 150 minutes per week, exclusive of lunch period.
25. Individual teachers (grades 9-12) are limited to three (3) course preparations per scheduling cycle or five (5) in the same subject/content area. Any request for an exception must be submitted in writing to the Commission on School Accreditation for review and action.
26. The curriculum of each high school at a minimum consists of required and approved courses that generate at least 331/2 Carnegie units annually. Any request for an exemption from teaching the courses listed in Appendix B must be submitted in writing to the Commission on School Accreditation for review and action. (See Appendix B), Miss. Code Ann. § 37-1-3(2), and Miss. Admin. Code 7-3:28.2 and 28.3, State Board Policy Chapter 28, Rules 28.2 and 28.3.
27. The curriculum of each elementary or middle school (any configuration of grades K-8) at a minimum consists of reading/language arts, mathematics, science, social studies, the arts, health education, elementary computer science and physical education (which may be taught by the classroom teacher). Miss. Code Ann.§§ 37-1-3(2), 37-13-134, and 37-13-201.
27.1 In any configuration of grades K-8, the curriculum must include 150 minutes of activity-based instruction per week and 45 minutes of instruction in health education per week.
27.2 Implementation of the activity-based instruction must meet or exceed the standards as approved by the State Board of Education.
27.3 A general education classroom teacher may provide instruction in the arts, health education, and physical education in a self-contained classroom setting.
27.4 In any elementary configuration of grades K-6, the curriculum must include 60 minutes of computer science instruction per week. Miss. Code Ann. §37-13-201.
28. Student teacher ratios do not exceed the following:
28.1 Student teacher ratios do not exceed 22 to 1 in kindergarten, except in instances in which a fulltime assistant teacher is in the classroom. If a full-time assistant teacher is employed, 27 may be enrolled. Miss. Code Ann. § 37-151-77, See Mississippi Kindergarten Guidelines, Miss. Admin. Code 7-3:19.1, State Board Policy Chapter 19, Rule 19.1.
28.2 Student teacher ratios do not exceed 27 to 1 in classrooms serving grades 1 through 4 unless approved by the State Board of Education. Schools Meeting the Highest Levels of Performance are exempted. Miss. Code Ann. § 37-151-77, Miss. Admin. Code 7-3:19.1, State Board Policy Chapter 19, Rule 19.1.
28.3 Student teacher ratios do not exceed 30 to 1 in self-contained classes serving grades 5-8. Miss. Code Ann. § 37-151-77. A one-year waiver may be requested for classes that do not exceed more than two (2) students beyond the allowable student teacher ratio.
28.4 Student teacher ratios do not exceed 33 to 1 in departmentalized academic core classes serving grades 5-12. Miss. Code Ann. § 37-151-77. A one-year waiver may be requested for classes that do not exceed more than two (2) students beyond the allowable student teacher ratio.
28.5 The total number of students taught by an individual teacher in academic core subjects at any time during the school year shall not exceed 150. A teacher who provides instruction through intra-district or inter-district distance learning or supervises students taking virtual courses will be exempt from the 150-student limitation. A lab facilitator or principal designee will be responsible for the assignment of grades and related activities at the receiving school. Schools Meeting the Highest Levels of Performance are exempted.


29. The school district complies with the applicable policies of the State Board of Education and state and federal laws in the operation of its transportation program. The school district implements Nathan's Law as a priority for promoting school bus safety. Miss. Code Ann. §§ 37-41-53, 63-3-615, 63-1-73, 97-3-7, and 63-1-33, Miss. Admin. Code 7-3:81.3, 81.4, 81.6, 81.7, 81.9, State Board Policy Chapter 81, Rules 81.3, 81.4, 81.6, 81.7, and 81.9.
29.1 All buses are inspected on a quarterly basis and are well-maintained and clean. Miss. Admin. Code 7-3:81.9, State Board Policy Chapter 81, Rule 81.9.
29.2 Each bus driver has a valid bus driver certificate and a commercial driver's license and operates the bus according to all specified safety procedures. The school district has on file a yearly motor vehicle report on each driver and evidence that each driver has received two (2) hours of in-service training per semester. Miss. Code Ann. § 63-3-615, Miss. Admin. Code 7-3:81.3 and 81.6, State Board Policy Chapter 81, Rules 81.3 and 81.6.
29.3 Bus schedules ensure arrival of all buses at their designated school sites prior to the start of the instructional day.
29.4 Emergency bus evacuation drills are conducted at least two (2) times each year. Miss. Admin. Code 7-3:81.4, State Board Policy Chapter 81, Rule 81.4.
30. The school district provides clean and sanitary facilities in a safe and secure environment. All classrooms in each school will be air conditioned. Miss. Code Ann. §§ 37-7-301(c) (d) and (j), 37-11-5, 37-11-49; and 45-11-101.
31. The school district complies with State Board Policies and State and Federal laws to provide Safe Schools. Each school has a comprehensive School Safety Plan on file that has been approved annually by the local school board. Miss. Code Ann. §§ 37-3-81, 37-3-82, 37-3-83, 37-7-321, 37-11-5, 37-11-29, 37-11-53, 37-11-67, and 37-11-69, and the Mississippi School Safety Manual.
32. The school district complies with state statute and State Board of Education policy for education of juveniles in youth detention centers.
32.1 Educational requirements. Miss. Code Ann. § 42-21-321, Miss. Admin. Code 7-3:30.6, State Board Policy Chapter 30, Rule 30.6.
32.2 Financial reimbursement requirement. Miss. Admin. Code 7-3:30.6, State Board Policy Chapter 30, Rule 30.6. See the current edition of the Guidebook for Educating Juveniles in Detention Centers.


Amended 12/14/2014
Amended 3/26/2015
Amended 6/20/2015
Amended 9/20/2015
Amended 2/3/2016
Amended 3/19/2016
Amended 7/27/2016
Amended 10/19/2016
Amended 12/28/2016
Amended 11/18/2017
Amended 5/26/2018
Amended 7/22/2018
Amended 10/21/2018
Amended 3/25/2019
Amended 5/12/2019
Amended 6/9/2019
Amended 7/14/2019
Amended 8/24/2019.
Amended 8/17/2020
Amended 1/18/2021
Amended 5/17/2021
Amended 8/15/2021
Amended 11/22/2021
Amended 11/28/2021
Amended 6/27/2022
Amended 9/25/2022
Amended 12/5/2022
Amended 6/27/2023
Amended 8/28/2023
Amended 5/20/2024
Amended 7/22/2024
Amended 7/26/2024