7 Miss. Code R. § 22-II

Current through January 14, 2025
A. Purpose of the cumulative folder

The cumulative folder is a record developed to assist in the student's educational growth and progress. The teacher and other school personnel use it as a tool for student guidance and the improvement of instruction. A well-developed cumulative folder may afford a teacher an opportunity to analyze students' school history, test scores, and rate of growth so that a proper course of action for helping the student can be determined. The cumulative folder is only as useful as the quality of data entered. The Special Education record is an essential part of the cumulative folder and must be maintained accordingly with all security and confidentiality requirements.

B. Required information in the cumulative folder

Required information includes date of birth, record of attendance, grades and withdrawal from school, date of expulsion, act or behavior resulting in expulsion, immunization, and any other information required by school board policies or prescribed by the State Board of Education.

C. Individual responsible for the cumulative folder

The principal is responsible for supervising the proper maintenance of cumulative folders even though he/she may delegate responsibility to other personnel. The principal is ultimately responsible for maintaining security, confidentiality, and accuracy of student records. The cumulative folder for each student shall be kept in the school where the student is enrolled. Files containing cumulative folders shall be placed so that security is unquestionable, yet accessibility to teachers and other designated personnel is assured. The cumulative folder is a confidential document and is to be treated as such.

D. Access to cumulative folders

The school shall keep a current list of employees by name and position who are authorized to have access to cumulative folders. This list of current employees must be available for public inspection. Each school will keep a list of the names of individuals granted access to the cumulative folder, date on which the person viewed the cumulative folder, and for what purpose. This rule does not apply to parents or authorized employees of the agency. If a non-custody parent requests information concerning his/her child's records, the school district would be permitted to provide such records in the absence of a court order terminating the parental right.

(See Appendix A.)

E. Requesting the cumulative folder

Document efforts to gather required information needed to complete the cumulative folder and use all available information (report cards, copy of permanent record, etc.). If the cumulative folder has been lost or destroyed, then it is the duty of the superintendent or principal of the school where the pupil last attended school to initiate a new cumulative folder.

F. Transferring the cumulative folder

* Transferring the cumulative folder to a public school in-state

The cumulative folder follows the student and may not be held for any reason, including fees and fines owed to the school. The cumulative folder must be forwarded promptly upon request. The cumulative folder of a student transferring to a school within a district follows the student. When a student transfers to another public school and an official request is made, the cumulative folder shall be furnished to the head of the school to which the student transfers. When the agency or institution includes a notice in its policies and procedures (formulated under the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act 99.5) that it forwards education records on request to a school in which a student seeks or intends to enroll, the agency or institution does not have to provide any further notice of the transfer.

* Transferring the cumulative folder to a private school or non-public accredited school

If the student transfers to a private school or non-public accredited school, a copy of the cumulative folder shall be furnished to the head of the school to which the student transfers. The regulation applies whether the student is transferring to a school in or out of the State of Mississippi.

* Transferring the cumulative folder out-of-state

If the student transfers to a public or private school out of the state, a copy of the cumulative folder shall be furnished to the head of the school to which the student transfers.

G. Storage of the cumulative folder

Cumulative folders must be kept in a secure, fire resistant location. There is no requirement to store the cumulative folder and permanent record in two separate locations. This is based on local district policy. Some schools keep both records together and some keep them separate. For security, it is recommended that the cumulative folder be kept in a separate location.

H. Destroying the cumulative folder

The cumulative folder may be destroyed by order of the school board of the school district in not less than five (5) years after the permanent record of the student has become inactive and has been transferred to the central depository of the district.

I. Recording data on the cumulative folder

All information should be typed or recorded in permanent black ink except addresses, telephone numbers, and transfer of attendance, which should be written in pencil.

J. Making corrections or covering up labels on the cumulative folder

When any change or correction is made on the cumulative folder, draw a line through the incorrect information, record the correct information, and initial the correction. Correction fluid is not to be used. Do not place a new label on top of an existing label. Never remove or cover up any data that has been recorded on the student's cumulative folder. Always document the date and reason for making a correction and include the name or initials of the person who changed the data. If necessary, include a written description of the details concerning a change of grades.

K. Maintenance of cumulative folders when a school closes

Cumulative folders of any school (public or nonpublic) that closes are transferred to the central depository of the school district wherein the closed school is located.

7 Miss. Code. R. § 22-II