7 Miss. Code. R. 163-3.0-3.1

Current through January 14, 2025
Section 7-163-3.0-3.1 - Annual Application Process

A nonpublic school voluntarily seeking Accreditation from the State Board of Education must request annual accreditation by direct application. The official request for State Board of Education accreditation must be signed by the chief school administrator and the local governing body. Completed applications must be received no later than October 1 of each school year. Any changes or revisions of data on the application form should be reported immediately to the Office of District Accreditation. The application form includes the areas listed below.

3.1.1Identifying Information

* Name, mailing address, and telephone number(s) of the school;

* Name of the chief school administrator; and

* Name, address, and phone number of the official designee of the local governing body.

3.1.2Enrollment Data and Staffing

* Number of students currently enrolled by grade, race, and gender; and

* Number of instructional staff members by grade level and total.

3.1.3Annual Calendar of School
3.1.4Participation in Federal/State Funded Programs
3.1.5Graduation Data
3.1.6Preliminary List of School Staff

7 Miss. Code. R. 163-3.0-3.1

Adopted 1/18/2017
Amended 7/22/2018
Amended 5/12/2019
Amended 8/17/2020
Amended 1/18/2021
Amended 8/22/2021
Amended 11/22/2021
Amended 11/28/2021
Amended 9/19/2022
Amended 6/27/2023
Amended 5/20/2024