7 Miss. Code. R. 163-2.0-2.2

Current through January 14, 2025
Section 7-163-2.0-2.2 - Process Standards

Process (input) standards address accepted educational principles and practices that are believed to promote educational quality. Any verified violation of a process standard is noted on the record of a school at the time of discovery within any school year but does not affect the current accreditation status of the school. If a noted violation of a process standard has not been corrected by the following school year when accreditation statuses are assigned, the violation is reported to the State Board of Education for appropriate action. The State Board of Education reserves the right to suspend school compliance of any accreditation process standard that is not directly mandated by state or federal law.

7 Miss. Code. R. 163-2.0-2.2

Adopted 1/18/2017
Amended 7/22/2018
Amended 5/12/2019
Amended 8/17/2020
Amended 1/18/2021
Amended 8/22/2021
Amended 11/22/2021
Amended 11/28/2021
Amended 9/19/2022
Amended 6/27/2023
Amended 5/20/2024