Miss. Code. tit. 7, pt. 163, APPENDICES, app 7-163-A

Current through January 14, 2025
Appendix 7-163-A


Effective school year 2021-2022 Appendix A-1 is no longer applicable.


Effective school year 2021-2022 Appendix A-2 is no longer applicable.


Effective school year 2021-2022 APPENDIX A-3 is no longer applicable.


Effective school year 2021-2022 APPENDIX A-4 is no longer applicable.


APPENDIX A-5 is not applicable to the Mississippi Nonpublic School Accountability Standards and has been omitted from this document.




(Entering ninth graders in 2018-2019 and thereafter)

Each student graduating from a secondary school in an accredited school district will have earned the required Carnegie units as specified in the following table. Contents of each required and elective course must include the core objectives identified in the Mississippi College- and Career-Readiness Standards. Course titles and identification numbers must appear in the current edition of the Approved Courses for Secondary Schools of Mississippi. (See Miss. Admin. Code 7- 3:28.2 and 28.3, State Board Policy, Chapter 28, Rules 28.2 and 28.3.) Students enrolled in grades 7 - 12 may be awarded a Carnegie unit credit provided the course content is a Carnegie unit bearing course in the current edition of the Approved Courses for the Secondary Schools of Mississippi. Enrollment in online courses listed in this document must have prior approval granted by the principal.

Any student who completes the minimum graduation requirements as specified below and has met the requirements for each of the required high school assessments is eligible to receive a high school diploma. The local school district may establish additional local requirements approved by the local school board as authorized under Miss. Code Ann. § 37-16-7.

Beginning school year 2018-2019 and thereafter, all entering ninth graders will be required to have a minimum of 24 Carnegie units as specified below. Student may earn the following endorsements to be added to the traditional diploma: Career and Technical Endorsement, Academic Endorsement, and/or Distinguished Academic Endorsement. The local school district may establish additional local requirements approved by the local school board as authorized under Miss. Code Ann. § 37-16-7.






English I

English II



Algebra I





3 1/2

1 World History4

1 U.S. History4

1/2 U.S. Government4

1/2 Economics5

1/2 Mississippi Studies6



1/2 Physical Education



1/2 Contemporary Health










2412, 13, 14

1Carnegie units earned for Compensatory English courses cannot be included as any of the four (4) English Carnegie units required for graduation; however, Carnegie units earned for these courses may be included in the general elective graduation requirements. Compensatory English may be taken only if a credit-bearing English course is taken in the same school year. Accelerated English 9 can be accepted in lieu of English I. Accelerated English 10 can be accepted in lieu of English II. English I is a required prerequisite course for English II. English I may not be taken after a student completes English II.

2Carnegie units earned for Compensatory Mathematics courses cannot be included as any of the four (4) Math Carnegie units required for graduation; however, Carnegie units earned for these courses may be included in the general elective graduation requirements. Compensatory Mathematics may be taken only if a credit-bearing Math course is taken in the same school year. CCR Mathematics Grade 8, Ready for High School Mathematics, and Foundations of Algebra cannot be taken after a student has received a Carnegie unit in the CCR Algebra I course. The Ready for High School Mathematics course shall only be available for 8th grade or 9th grade students. Foundations of Algebra shall only be available for 9th grade students. MYP Geometry, MYP Algebra II, IB-DP Mathematics I, IB-DP Mathematics II, IB-DP Mathematical Studies I, and IB-DP Mathematical Studies II are allowable mathematics courses higher than Algebra I for IB students. Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics I may be accepted in lieu of Algebra I. One (1) of the four (4) required Carnegie units for mathematics may be in AP Computer Science Principles. If used for a mathematics unit, AP Computer Science Principles cannot then also be used for a science or computer science unit. For approved Career and Technical course substitutions see Appendix A-12.

3One (1) of the three (3) required Carnegie units for science may be in AP Computer Science Principles. If used for a mathematics unit, AP Computer Science Principles cannot then also be used for a mathematics or computer science unit. For approved Career and Technical course substitutions see Appendix A-12. Coordinated Science I or Cambridge IGCSE Biology may be accepted in lieu of Biology. The following courses may be accepted for a science credit above Biology: any AP, Cambridge, or IB-DP science course, any approved dual credit natural or physical science course, any MDE-approved Special Topics in Science course, Botany, Chemistry, Earth and Space Science, Environmental Science, Genetics, Human Anatomy and Physiology, Marine and Aquatic Science I and II, Physical Science, Physics, Zoology I and II, PLTW Principles of Engineering, PLTW Engineering Design and Development, PLTW Human Body Systems, PLTW Medical Interventions.

4Based on the 2022 Mississippi College- and Career-Readiness Standards for Social Studies, AP World History, DC World Civilization II, AP European History, or DC Western Civilization II may be accepted in lieu of the required World History from the Age of Enlightenment to Present course. AP United States History or DC United States History II may be accepted in lieu of the required U.S. History from Post-reconstruction to Present course. A student taking an AP or DC course in lieu of a course with a required end-of-course state test shall take the requisite MAAP test. AP Government and Politics: United States and DC American National may be accepted in lieu of the required United States Government course. IB-DP History of the Americas I may be accepted in lieu of the required U.S. History course for students enrolled in the IB program. IB-DP History of the Americas II may be accepted in lieu of the required Mississippi Studies, Economics, and/or U.S. Government courses for students enrolled in the IB program. MYP U.S. Government may be accepted in lieu of the required Government course for students enrolled in the IB program. Cambridge IGCSE American History or Cambridge International AS level history may be accepted in lieu of the required U.S. History from Post-reconstruction to Present course.

5A.P. Macroeconomics, A.P. Microeconomics, DC Macroeconomics, or DC Microeconomics can be taken in lieu of the required Economics course. For approved Career and Technical course substitutions see Appendix A-12.

6The Carnegie credit earned for a State/Local Government course in any other state by an out-of-state transfer student can stand in lieu of Mississippi Studies or Mississippi State and Local Government. If a transfer enters without a State/Local Government course, then any other one-half (1/2) unit social studies course (e.g., Civics, Law Related Education, Participation in American Democracy, Law and Policy, Contemporary Issues, etc.) may be accepted excluding U.S. Government and Economics. IB-DP History of the Americas II is accepted in lieu of the required Mississippi Studies, Economics, and/or U.S. Government courses for students enrolled in the IB program.

7The graduation requirement for one-half (1/2) unit in physical education may include participation in interscholastic athletic activities, choral performance courses for show choir (i.e., Choral, Music-Choral-Ensembles), instrumental performance courses (i.e., Band, Music Instrumental Ensembles, Strings), dance courses or JROTC that meet the instructional requirements specified in the Fitness through Physical Education Framework and that are sanctioned by the Mississippi High School Activities Association. Only one (1) elective unit in physical education including participation in interscholastic athletic activities, choral performance courses for show choir (i.e., Choral, Music-Choral-Ensembles), instrumental performance courses (i.e., Band, Music Instrumental Ensembles, Strings), dance courses or JROTC that meet the instructional requirements specified in the Fitness through Physical Education Framework and that are sanctioned by the Mississippi High School Activities Association may be applied each year to the minimum 24 required Carnegie units. If a local district has graduation requirements above the state requirements, the district may award additional units as outlined in the local school board policy.

8Successful completion of JROTC I and JROTC II shall be accepted as requirement met for Contemporary Health to meet the graduation requirement for one-half (1/2) Carnegie unit in Health. Dual credit Personal and Community Health may be accepted in lieu of the graduation requirement for one-half (1/2) Carnegie unit in Health. For approved Career and Technical course substitutions see Appendix A-12.

9For approved course substitutions see Appendices A-12 and A-13.

10The Arts refers to Dance, Media Arts, Music, Theatre, and Visual Arts. The following dual credit classes: Music Appreciation, Theatre Appreciation, or Art Appreciation may be accepted in lieu of the Arts requirement for students. For approved Career and Technical course substitutions see Appendix A-12.

11The purpose of the College and Career Readiness Course is to provide planning and instruction for postsecondary transition. The following courses are approved substitutions for the CCR course:

1. One (1) credit-bearing Carnegie unit of Career and Technical Work-Based Learning

2. Dual Credit SmartStart


4. Advanced Placement Seminar or equivalent International Baccalaureate or Cambridge International Courses

5. Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, and Senior MS College and Career Readiness Seminar course for Early College High Schools.

* An out-of-state student who transfers after the completion of the first semester of their senior year may substitute any other one (1) unit social studies course or a combination of one-half (1/2) Personal Finance and one-half (1/2) social studies course.

The CCR course may be taught in one of the following sequences:

a. One (1) Carnegie unit Senior year only

b. One (1) Carnegie unit Junior year only

c. One-half (1/2) Carnegie unit in either freshman, sophomore, or junior year with the remaining one-half (1/2) Carnegie unit taught in either junior or senior year

d. One-fourth (1/4) Carnegie unit per year beginning with the freshman year

12Additional requirements above the 24 Carnegie units and the assessment requirements include:

* Students must identify an endorsement area prior to entering 9th grade. Endorsement requirements can only be changed with parental permission this includes dropping the endorsement to earn only the Traditional diploma.

* For early release, students must meet College- and Career-Readiness benchmarks of 17 in English and 19 in Math on the ACT sub-score OR earn a Silver level on the ACT WorkKeys suite of assessments. For seniors that have not met the benchmarks, to qualify for early release students, excluding those enrolled in credit-bearing work-based learning, must meet the following requirements:

* Have a GPA of 2.5 and have passed or meet the assessment option requirements for all four end-of-course assessments


* Are on track to meet the diploma requirements


* Are concurrently enrolled in the appropriate Essentials for College Math or another mathematics course above their Junior year mathematics course and/or Essentials for College Literacy or another English Language Arts course above their Junior level English Language Arts course.


* Have a GPA of 2.5 and have passed or meet the assessment option requirements for all four end-of- course assessments


* Are on track to meet the diploma requirements


* Students meet postsecondary requirements for placement and are enrolled in ENG Comp I and/or MAT College Algebra or have previously earned credit for ENG Comp I and/or MAT College Algebra

13Additional recommendations (not requirements) above the 24 Carnegie units and assessment requirements include:

* For early graduation, a student should successfully complete an area of endorsement

* Student should take a math or math equivalency senior year

14Courses designed using the Mississippi Alternate Academic Achievement Standards (MS AAAS) shall not be used as substitute courses or electives for students obtaining a traditional academic diploma with or without endorsements.



(Entering ninth graders in 2018-2019 and thereafter)

Each student graduating from a secondary school in an accredited school district will have earned the required Carnegie units as specified in the following table. Contents of each required and elective course must include the core objectives identified in the Mississippi College- and Career-Readiness Standards. Course titles and identification numbers must appear in the current edition of the Approved Courses for Secondary Schools of Mississippi. (See Miss. Admin. Code 7-3: 28.2 and 28.3, State Board Policy, Chapter 28, Rules 28.2 and 28.3.) Students enrolled in grades 7 - 12 may be awarded a Carnegie unit credit provided the course content is a Carnegie unit bearing course in the current edition of the Approved Courses for the Secondary Schools of Mississippi. Enrollment in online courses listed in this document must have prior approval granted by the principal.

To earn the Career and Technical or JROTC Endorsement, a student must complete the minimum graduation requirements as specified below, meet the requirements for each of the required high school assessments and complete all career and technical endorsement additional requirements. The local school district may establish additional local requirements approved by the local school board as authorized under Miss. Code Ann. § 37-16-7.

Beginning school year 2018-2019 and thereafter, all entering ninth graders will be required to have a minimum of 26 Carnegie units as specified below to earn a Traditional Diploma with a Career and Technical Endorsement. The local school district may establish additional local requirements approved by the local school board as authorized under Miss. Code Ann. § 37-16-7.






English I

English II



Algebra I






1 World History4

1 U.S. History4

1/2 U.S. Government4

1/2 Economics5

1/2 Mississippi Studies6



1/2 Physical Education



1/2 Contemporary Health












2612, 13, 14

1Carnegie units earned for Compensatory English courses cannot be included as any of the four (4) English Carnegie units required for graduation; however, Carnegie units earned for these courses may be included in the general elective graduation requirements. Compensatory English may be taken only if a credit-bearing English course is taken in the same school year. Accelerated English 9 can be accepted in lieu of English I. Accelerated English 10 can be accepted in lieu of English II. English I is a required prerequisite course for English II. English I may not be taken after a student completes English II.

2Carnegie units earned for Compensatory Mathematics courses cannot be included as any of the four (4) Math Carnegie units required for graduation; however, Carnegie units earned for these courses may be included in the general elective graduation requirements. Compensatory Mathematics may be taken only if a credit-bearing Math course is taken in the same school year. CCR Mathematics Grade 8, Ready for High School Mathematics, and Foundations of Algebra cannot be taken after a student has received a Carnegie unit in the CCR Algebra I course. The Ready for High School Mathematics course shall only be available for 8th grade or 9th grade students. Foundations of Algebra shall only be available for 9th grade students. MYP Geometry, MYP Algebra II, IB-DP Mathematics I, IB-DP Mathematics II, IB-DP Mathematical Studies I, and IB-DP Mathematical Studies II are allowable mathematics courses higher than Algebra I for IB students. Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics I may be accepted in lieu of Algebra I. One (1) of the four (4) required Carnegie units for mathematics may be in AP Computer Science Principles. If used for a mathematics unit, AP Computer Science Principles cannot then also be used for science or computer science unit. For approved Career and Technical course substitutions see Appendix A-12.

3One (1) of the three (3) required Carnegie units for science may be in AP Computer Science Principles. If used for a science unit, AP Computer Science Principals cannot then also be used for a mathematics or computer science unit. For approved Career and Technical course substitutions see Appendix A-12. Coordinated Science I or Cambridge IGCSE Biology may be accepted in lieu of Biology. The following courses may be accepted for a science credit above Biology: any AP, Cambridge, or IB-DP science course, any approved dual credit natural or physical science course, any MDE-approved Special Topics in Science course, Botany, Chemistry, Earth and Space Science, Environmental Science, Genetics, Human Anatomy and Physiology, Marine and Aquatic Science I and II, Physical Science, Physics, Zoology I and II, PLTW Principles of Engineering, PLTW Engineering Design and Development, PLTW Human Body Systems, PLTW Medical Interventions.

4Based on the 2022 Mississippi College- and Career- Readiness Standards for Social Studies, AP World History, DC World Civilization II, AP European History, or DC Western Civilization II may be accepted in lieu of the required World History from the Age of Enlightenment to Present course. AP United States History or DC United States History II may be accepted in lieu of the required U.S. History from Post-reconstruction to Present course. A student taking an AP or DC course in lieu of a course with a required end-of-course state test shall take the requisite MAAP test. AP Government and Politics: United States and DC American National may be accepted in lieu of the required United States Government course. IB-DP History of the Americas I may be accepted in lieu of the required U.S. History course for students enrolled in the IB program. IB-DP History of the Americas II may be accepted in lieu of the required Mississippi Studies, Economics, and/or U.S. Government courses for students enrolled in the IB program. MYP U.S. Government may be accepted in lieu of the required Government course for students enrolled in the IB program. Cambridge IGCSE American History or Cambridge International AS level history may be accepted in lieu of the required U.S. History from Post-reconstruction to Present course.

5A.P. Macroeconomics, A.P. Microeconomics, DC Macroeconomics, or DC Microeconomics can be taken in lieu of the required Economics course. For approved Career and Technical course substitutions see Appendix A-12.

6The Carnegie credit earned for a State/Local Government course in any other state by an out-of-state transfer student can stand in lieu of Mississippi Studies or Mississippi State and Local Government. If a transfer student enters without a State/Local Government course, then any other one-half (1/2) unit social studies course (e.g., Civics, Law Related Education, Participation in American Democracy, Law and Policy, Contemporary Issues, etc.) may be accepted excluding U.S. Government and Economics. IB-DP History of the Americas II is accepted in lieu of the required Mississippi Studies, Economics, and/or U.S. Government courses for students enrolled in the IB program.

7The graduation requirement for one-half (1/2) unit in physical education may include participation in interscholastic athletic activities, choral performance courses for show choir (i.e., Choral, Music-Choral-Ensembles), instrumental performance courses (i.e., Band, Music Instrumental Ensembles, Strings), dance courses or JROTC that meet the instructional requirements specified in the Fitness through Physical Education Framework and that are sanctioned by the Mississippi High School Activities Association. Only one (1) elective unit in physical education including participation in interscholastic athletic activities, choral performance courses for show choir (i.e., Choral, Music-Choral-Ensembles), instrumental performance courses (i.e., Band, Music Instrumental Ensembles, Strings), dance courses or JROTC that meet the instructional requirements specified in the Fitness through Physical Education Framework and that are sanctioned by the Mississippi High School Activities Association may be applied each year to the minimum 24 required Carnegie units. If a local district has graduation requirements above the state requirements, the district may award additional units as outlined in the local school board policy.

8Successful completion of JROTC I and JROTC II shall be accepted as requirement met for Contemporary Health to meet the graduation requirement for one-half (1/2) Carnegie unit in Health. Dual credit Personal and Community Health may be accepted in lieu of the graduation requirements for one-half (1/2) Carnegie unit in Health. For approved Career and Technical course substitutions see Appendix A-12.

9For approved course substitutions see Appendices A-12 and A-13.

10The Arts refers to Dance, Media Arts, Music, Theatre, and Visual Arts. The following dual credit classes: Music Appreciation, Theatre Appreciation, or Art Appreciation may be accepted in lieu of the Arts requirement for students. For approved Career and Technical course substitutions see Appendix A-12.

11The purpose of the College and Career Readiness Course is to provide planning and instruction for postsecondary transition. The following courses are approved substitutions for the CCR course:

1. One (1) credit-bearing Carnegie unit of Career and Technical Work-Based Learning

2. Dual Credit SmartStart


4. Advanced Placement Seminar or equivalent International Baccalaureate or Cambridge International Courses

5. Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, and Senior MS College and Career Readiness Seminar course for Early College High Schools.

* An out-of-state student who transfers after the completion of the first semester of their senior year may substitute any other one (1) unit social studies course or a combination of one-half (1/2) Personal Finance and one-half (1/2) social studies course.

The CCR course may be taught in one (1) of the following sequences:

a. One (1) Carnegie unit Senior year only

b. One (1) Carnegie unit Junior year only

c. One-half (1/2) Carnegie unit in either freshman, sophomore, or junior year with the remaining one-half (1/2) Carnegie unit taught in either junior or senior year

d. One-fourth (1/4) Carnegie unit per year beginning with the freshman year

12Additional requirements above Traditional Diploma Option and the 26 Carnegie units and the assessment include:

* Earn an overall GPA of 2.5

* Earn Silver level on ACT WorkKeys

* Must successfully complete one (1) of the following:

* One (1) dual credit

* Work-based Learning

* Earn a State Board of Education approved national credential

* One (1) AP, Diploma Program-IB, or Cambridge (AICE) course aligned to their career pathway. Students must earn a C or higher and take the appropriate exam.

* NOCTI/JROTC Leadership and Employability Skills Credential

13Additional recommendations (not requirements) above 26 Carnegie Units and assessment requirements include:

* For early graduation, a student should successfully complete an area of endorsement

* Student should take a math or math equivalency senior year

14Courses designed using the Mississippi Alternate Academic Achievement Standards (MS AAAS) shall not be used as substitute courses or electives for students obtaining a traditional academic diploma with or without endorsements.



(Entering ninth graders in 2018-2019 and thereafter)

Each student graduating from a secondary school in an accredited school district will have earned the required Carnegie units as specified in the following table. Contents of each required and elective course must include the core objectives identified in the Mississippi College- and Career-Readiness Standards. Course titles and identification numbers must appear in the current edition of the Approved Courses for Secondary Schools of Mississippi. (See Miss. Admin. Code 7-3: 28.2 and 28.3, State Board Policy, Chapter 28, Rules 28.2 and 28.3.) Enrollment in online courses listed in this document must have prior approval granted by the principal.

Any student who completes the minimum graduation requirements as specified below and has met requirements for each of the required high school assessments is eligible to receive a high school diploma. Students enrolled in grades 7 - 12 may be awarded a Carnegie unit credit provided the course content is a Carnegie unit bearing course in the current edition of the Approved Courses for the Secondary Schools of Mississippi.

Beginning school year 2018-2019 and thereafter, all entering ninth graders will be required to have a minimum of 26 Carnegie units as specified below to earn a Traditional Diploma with an Academic Endorsement. The local school district may establish additional local requirements approved by the local school board as authorized under Miss. Code Ann. § 37-16-7.






English I

English II

Two (2) additional English Courses above English II



Algebra I

Two (2) additional Math Courses above Algebra I




Two (2) additional science courses above Biology



1 World History4

1 U.S. History4

1/2 U.S. Government4

1/2 Economics5

1/2 Mississippi Studies6



1/2 Physical Education



1/2Contemporary Health









Must Include two (2) advanced electives of the College Preparatory Curriculum requirements (This information is available from Institutions of Higher Learning.)


26 12. 13. 14

1Carnegie units earned for Compensatory English courses cannot be included as any of the four (4) English Carnegie units required for graduation; however, Carnegie units earned for these courses may be included in the general elective graduation requirements. Compensatory English may be taken only if a credit-bearing English course is taken in the same school year. Accelerated English 9 can be accepted in lieu of English I. Accelerated English 10 can be accepted in lieu of English II. English I is a required prerequisite course for English II. English I may not be taken after a student completes English II.

2Carnegie units earned for Compensatory Mathematics courses cannot be included as any of the four (4) Math Carnegie units required for graduation; however, Carnegie units earned for these courses may be included in the general elective graduation requirements. Compensatory Mathematics may be taken only if a credit-bearing Math course is taken in the same school year. CCR Mathematics Grade 8, Ready for High School Mathematics, and Foundations of Algebra cannot be taken after a student has received a Carnegie unit in the CCR Algebra I course. At least two (2) of the four (4) required mathematics Carnegie units must be earned in courses higher than the CCR Algebra I course. The Ready for High School Mathematics course shall only be available for 8th grade or 9th grade students. Foundations of Algebra shall only be available for 9th grade students. MYP Geometry, MYP Algebra II, IB- DP Mathematics I, IB-DP Mathematics II, IB-DP Mathematical Studies I, and IB-DP Mathematical Studies II are allowable mathematics courses higher than Algebra I for IB students. Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics I may be accepted in lieu of Algebra I. One (1) of the four (4) required Carnegie units for mathematics may be in AP Computer Science Principles. If used for a mathematics unit, AP Computer Science Principles cannot then also be used for a science or computer science unit. For approved Career and Technical course substitutions see Appendix A-12.

3One (1) of the three (3) required Carnegie units for science may be in AP Computer Science Principles. If used for a science unit, AP Computer Science Principles cannot then also be used for a mathematics or computer science unit. For approved Career and Technical course substitutions see Appendix A-12. Coordinated Science I or Cambridge IGCSE Biology may be accepted in lieu of Biology. The following courses may be accepted for a science credit above Biology: any AP, Cambridge, or IB-DP science course, any approved dual credit natural or physical science course, any MDE-approved Special Topics in Science course, Botany, Chemistry, Earth and Space Science, Environmental Science, Genetics, Human Anatomy and Physiology, Marine and Aquatic Science I and II, Physical Science, Physics, Zoology I and II, PLTW Principles of Engineering, PLTW Engineering Design and Development, PLTW Human Body Systems, PLTW Medical Interventions.

4Based on the 2022 Mississippi College- and Career-Readiness Standards for Social Studies, AP World History, DC World Civilization II, AP European History, or DC Western Civilization II may be accepted in lieu of the required World History from the Age of Enlightenment to Present course. AP United States History or DC United States History II may be accepted in lieu of the required U.S. History from Post-reconstruction to Present course. A student taking an AP or DC course in lieu of a course with a required end-of-course state test shall take the requisite MAAP test. AP Government and Politics: United States and DC American National may be accepted in lieu of the required United States Government course. IB-DP History of the Americas I may be accepted in lieu of the required U.S. History course for students enrolled in the IB program. IB-DP History of the Americas II may be accepted in lieu of the required Mississippi Studies, Economics, and/or U.S. Government courses for students enrolled in the IB program. MYP U.S. Government may be accepted in lieu of the required Government course for students enrolled in the IB program. Cambridge IGCSE American History or Cambridge International AS level history may be accepted in lieu of the required U.S. History from Post-reconstruction to Present course.

5 A.P. Macroeconomics, A.P. Microeconomics, DC Macroeconomics, or DC Microeconomics can be taken in lieu of the required Economics course. For approved Career and Technical course substitutions see Appendix A-12.

6 The Carnegie credit earned for a State/Local Government course in any other state by an out-of-state transfer student can stand in lieu of Mississippi Studies or Mississippi State and Local Government. If a transfer student enters without a State/Local Government course, then any other one-half (1/2) unit social studies course (e.g., Civics, Law Related Education, Participation in American Democracy, Law and Policy, Contemporary Issues, etc.) may be accepted excluding U.S. Government and Economics. IB-DP History of the Americas II is accepted in lieu of the required Mississippi Studies, Economics, and/or U.S. Government courses for students enrolled in the IB program.

7The graduation requirement for one-half (1/2) unit in physical education may include participation in interscholastic athletic activities, choral performance courses for show choir (i.e., Choral, Music-Choral-Ensembles), instrumental performance courses (i.e., Band, Music Instrumental Ensembles, Strings), dance courses or JROTC that meet the instructional requirements specified in the Fitness through Physical Education Framework and that are sanctioned by the Mississippi High School Activities Association. Only one (1) elective unit in physical education including participation in interscholastic athletic activities, choral performance courses for show choir (i.e., Choral, Music-Choral-Ensembles), instrumental performance courses (i.e., Band, Music Instrumental Ensembles, Strings), dance courses or JROTC that meet the instructional requirements specified in the Fitness through Physical Education Framework and that are sanctioned by the Mississippi High School Activities Association may be applied each year to the minimum 24 required Carnegie units. If a local district has graduation requirements above the state requirements, the district may award additional units as outlined in the local school board policy.

8Successful completion of JROTC I and JROTC II shall be accepted as requirement met for Contemporary Health to meet the graduation requirement for one-half (1/2) Carnegie unit in Health. Dual credit Personal and Community Health may be accepted in lieu of the graduation requirement for one-half (1/2) Carnegie unit in Health. For approved Career and Technical course substitutions see Appendix A-12.

9For approved course substitutions see Appendices A-12 and A-13.

10The Arts refers to Dance, Media Arts, Music, Theatre, and Visual Arts. The following dual credit classes: Music Appreciation, Theatre Appreciation, or Art Appreciation may be accepted in lieu of the art requirement for students. For approved Career and Technical course substitutions see Appendix A-12.

11The purpose of the College and Career Readiness Course is to provide planning and instruction for postsecondary transition. The following courses are approved substitutions for the CCR course:

1. One-credit of Career and Technical Work-Based Learning

2. Dual Credit SmartStart


4. Advanced Placement Seminar or equivalent International Baccalaureate or Cambridge International Courses.

5. Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, and Senior MS College and Career Readiness Seminar course for Early College High Schools.

*An out-of-state student who transfers after the completion of the first semester of their senior year may substitute any other one (1) unit social studies course or a combination of one-half (1/2) Personal Finance and one-half (1/2) social studies course.

The CCR course may be taught in one (1) of the following sequences:

a. One (1) Carnegie unit Senior year only

b. One (1) Carnegie unit Junior year only

c. One-half (1/2) Carnegie unit in either freshman, sophomore, or junior year with the remaining one- half (1/2) Carnegie unit taught in either junior or senior year

d. One-fourth (1/4) Carnegie unit per year beginning with the freshman year

12Additional requirements above the Traditional Diploma Option, the 26 Carnegie units and the assessment requirements include:

* Earn an overall GPA of 2.5

* Two (2) elective courses must meet MS IHL college preparatory curriculum (CPC) requirements

* Must successfully complete one (1) of the following:

* ACT sub scores of 17 in English and 19 in Math

* Essentials for College Math or Essentials for College Literacy (in senior year)

* SAT equivalency subscore

* Must successfully complete one (1) of the following:

* One (1) AP course with a C or higher and take the appropriate AP exam

* One (1) Diploma Program-IB or Cambridge (AICE) course with a C or Higher and take the appropriate exam

* One (1) dual credit course and earn a C or higher in the course

13Additional recommendations (not requirements) above 26 Carnegie units and assessment requirements include:

* For early graduation, a student should successfully complete an area of endorsement.

* Student should take a math or math equivalency senior year

14Courses designed using the Mississippi Alternate Academic Achievement Standards (MS AAAS) shall not be used as substitute courses or electives for students obtaining a traditional academic diploma with or without endorsements.




(Entering ninth graders in 2018-2019 and thereafter)

Each student graduating from a secondary school in an accredited school district will have earned the required Carnegie units as specified in the following table. Contents of each required and elective course must include the core objectives identified in the Mississippi College- and Career-Readiness Standards. Course titles and identification numbers must appear in the current edition of the Approved Courses for Secondary Schools of Mississippi. (See Miss. Admin. Code 7-3: 28.2 and 28.3, State Board Policy, Chapter 28, Rules 28.2 and 28.3.) Enrollment in online courses listed in this document must have prior approval granted by the principal.

Any student who completes the minimum graduation requirements as specified below and has met the requirements for each of the required high school assessments is eligible to receive a high school diploma. Students enrolled in grades 7 - 12 may be awarded a Carnegie unit credit provided the course content is a Carnegie unit bearing-course in the current edition of the Approved Courses for the Secondary Schools of Mississippi.

Beginning school year 2018-2019 and thereafter, all entering ninth graders will be required to have a minimum of 28 Carnegie units as specified below to earn a Traditional Diploma with a Distinguished Academic Endorsement. The local school district may establish additional local requirements approved by the local school board as authorized under Miss. Code Ann. § 37-16-7.






English I

English II

Two (2) additional English Courses above English II



Algebra I

Two (2) additional Math Courses above Algebra I




Two (2) additional science courses above Biology



1 World History4

1 U.S. History4

1/2 U.S. Government4

1/2 Economics5

1/2 Mississippi Studies6



1/2 Physical Education



1/2Contemporary Health









Must Include two (2) advanced electives of the College Preparatory Curriculum requirements (This information is available from Institutions of Higher Learning.)


28 12,13,14

1Carnegie units earned for Compensatory English courses cannot be included as any of the four (4) English Carnegie units required for graduation; however, Carnegie units earned for these courses may be included in the general elective graduation requirements. Compensatory English may be taken only if a credit-bearing English course is taken in the same school year. Accelerated English 9 can be accepted in lieu of English I. Accelerated English 10 can be accepted in lieu of English II. English I is a required prerequisite course for English II. English I may not be taken after a student completes English II.

2Carnegie units earned for Compensatory Mathematics courses cannot be included as any of the four (4) Math Carnegie units required for graduation; however, Carnegie units earned for these courses may be included in the general elective graduation requirements. Compensatory Mathematics may be taken only if a credit-bearing Math course is taken in the same school year. CCR Mathematics Grade 8, Ready for High School Mathematics, and Foundations of Algebra cannot be taken after a student has received a Carnegie unit in the CCR Algebra I course. At least two (2) of the four (4) required mathematics Carnegie units must be earned in courses higher than the CCR Algebra I course. The Ready for High School Mathematics course shall only be available for 8th grade or 9th grade students. Foundations of Algebra shall only be available for 9th grade students. MYP Geometry, MYP Algebra II, IB-DP Mathematics I, IB-DP Mathematics II, IB-DP Mathematical Studies I, and IB-DP Mathematical Studies II are allowable mathematics courses higher than Algebra I for IB students. Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics I may be accepted in lieu of Algebra I. One (1) of the four (4) required Carnegie units for science may be in AP Computer Science Principles. If used for a mathematics unit, AP Computer Science Principles cannot then also be used for a science or computer science unit. For approved Career and Technical course substitutions see Appendix A-12.

3One (1) of the four (4) required Carnegie units for science may be in AP Computer Science Principles. If used for science unit, AP Computer Science Principles cannot then also be used for a mathematics or computer science unit. For approved Career and Technical course substitutions see Appendix A-12. Coordinated Science I or Cambridge IGCSE Biology may be accepted in lieu of Biology. The following courses may be accepted for a science credit above Biology: any AP, Cambridge, or IB-DP science course, any approved dual credit natural or physical science course, any MDE-approved Special Topics in Science course, Botany, Chemistry, Earth and Space Science, Environmental Science, Genetics, Human Anatomy and Physiology, Marine and Aquatic Science I and II, Physical Science, Physics, Zoology I and II, PLTW Principles of Engineering, PLTW Engineering Design and Development, PLTW Human Body Systems, PLTW Medical Interventions.

4Based on the 2022 Mississippi College- and Career- Readiness Standards for Social Studies, AP World History, DC World Civilization II, AP European History, or DC Western Civilization II may be accepted in lieu of the required World History from the Age of Enlightenment to Present course. AP United States History or DC United States History II may be accepted in lieu of the required U.S. History from Post-reconstruction to Present course. A student taking an AP or DC course in lieu of a course with a required end-of-course state test shall take the requisite MAAP test. AP Government and Politics: United States and DC American National may be accepted in lieu of the required United States Government course. IB-DP History of the Americas I may be accepted in lieu of the required U.S. History course for students enrolled in the IB program. IB-DP History of the Americas II may be accepted in lieu of the required Mississippi Studies, Economics, and/or U.S. Government courses for students enrolled in the IB program. MYP U.S. Government may be accepted in lieu of the required Government course for students enrolled in the IB program. Cambridge IGCSE American History or Cambridge International AS level history may be accepted in lieu of the required U.S. History from Post-reconstruction to Present course.

5A.P. Macroeconomics, A.P. Microeconomics, DC Macroeconomics, or DC Microeconomics can be taken in lieu of the required Economics course. For approved Career and Technical course substitutions see Appendix A-12.

6The Carnegie credit earned for a State/Local Government course in any other state by an out-of-state transfer student can stand in lieu of Mississippi Studies or Mississippi State and Local Government. If a transfer student enters without a State/Local Government course, then any other one-half (1/2) unit social studies course (e.g., Civics, Law Related Education, Participation in American Democracy, Law and Policy, Contemporary Issues, etc.) may be accepted excluding U.S. Government and Economics. IB-DP History of the Americas II is accepted in lieu of the required Mississippi Studies, Economics, and/or U.S. Government courses for students enrolled in the IB program.

7The graduation requirement for one-half (1/2) unit in physical education may include participation in interscholastic athletic activities, choral performance courses for show choir (i.e., Choral, Music-Choral-Ensembles), instrumental performance courses (i.e., Band, Music Instrumental Ensembles, Strings), dance courses or JROTC that meet the instructional requirements specified in the Fitness through Physical Education Framework and that are sanctioned by the Mississippi High School Activities Association. Only one (1) elective unit in physical education including participation in interscholastic athletic activities, choral performance courses for show choir (i.e., Choral, Music-Choral-Ensembles), instrumental performance courses (i.e., Band, Music Instrumental Ensembles, Strings), dance courses or JROTC that meet the instructional requirements specified in the Fitness through Physical Education Framework and that are sanctioned by the Mississippi High School Activities Association may be applied each year to the minimum 24 required Carnegie units. If a local district has graduation requirements above the state requirements, the district may award additional units as outlined in the local school board policy.

8Successful completion of JROTC I and JROTC II shall be accepted as requirement met for Contemporary Health to meet the graduation requirement for one-half (1/2) Carnegie unit in Health. Dual credit Personal and Community Health may be accepted in lieu of the graduation requirement for one-half (1/2) Carnegie unit in health. For approved Career and Technical course substitutions see Appendix A-12.

9For approved course substitutions see Appendices A-12 and A-13.

10The Arts refers to Dance, Media Arts, Music, Theatre, and Visual Arts. The following dual credit classes: Music Appreciation, Theatre Appreciation, or Art Appreciation may be accepted in lieu of the art requirement for students. For approved Career and Technical course substitutions see Appendix A-12.

11The purpose of the College and Career Readiness Course is to provide planning and instruction for postsecondary transition. The following courses are approved substitutions for the CCR course:

1. One-credit of Career and Technical Work-Based Learning

2. Dual Credit SmartStart


4. Advanced Placement Seminar or equivalent International Baccalaureate or Cambridge International Courses

5. Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, and Senior MS College and Career Readiness Seminar course for Early College High Schools.

* An out-of-state student who transfers after the completion of the first semester of their senior year may substitute any other one (1) unit social studies course or a combination of one-half (1/2) Personal Finance and one-half (1/2) social studies course.

The CCR course may be taught in one (1) of the following sequences:

a. One (1) Carnegie unit Senior year only

b. One (1) Carnegie unit Junior year only

c. One-half (1/2) Carnegie unit in either freshman, sophomore, or junior year with the remaining one- half (1/2) Carnegie unit taught in either junior or senior year

d. One-fourth (1/4) Carnegie unit per year beginning with the freshman year

12Additional requirements above the Traditional Diploma Option, the 28 Carnegie units and the assessment requirements include:

* Earn an overall GPA of 3.0

* Two (2) elective courses must meet MS IHL CPC recommended requirements

* Must successfully complete one (1) of the following: o ACT sub scores of 18 in English and 22 in Math o SAT equivalency subscore

* Must successfully complete one (1) of the following:

* One (1) AP course with a B or higher and take the appropriate AP exam

* One (1) Diploma Program-IB or Cambridge (AICE) course with a B or higher and take the appropriate exam

* One (1) dual credit course earning a B or higher in the course

13Additional recommendations (not requirements) above 28 Carnegie units and assessment requirements include:

* For early graduation, a student should successfully complete an area of endorsement

* Student should take a math or math equivalency senior year

14Courses designed using the Mississippi Alternate Academic Achievement Standards (MS AAAS) shall not be used as substitute courses or electives for students obtaining a traditional academic diploma with or without endorsements.




NOTE: This option shall be offered by districts for incoming ninth graders with significant cognitive disabilities in 2018-2019 and thereafter.

only students identified by their Individualized Education Program Committee as having a significant cognitive disability, as defined by the current edition of Testing Students with Disabilities Regulations and Miss. Admin Code 7-3: 78.1, State Board Policy Chapter 78, Rule 78.1, may be eligible to earn the Alternate Diploma. Each student graduating from a secondary school in an accredited school district with the Alternate Diploma will have earned the required units as specified in the following table. Contents of each required and elective course must include the core objectives identified in the State Board approved Alternate Academic Achievement Standards. Course titles and identification numbers must appear in the current edition of the Approved Courses for Secondary Schools of Mississippi. (See Miss. Admin. Code 7- 3: 28.2 and 28.3, State Board Policy, Chapter 28, Rules 28.2 and 28.3.) Students with significant cognitive disabilities enrolled in grades 7 - 12 may be awarded a credit provided the course content is a credit bearing course in the current edition of the Approved Courses for the Secondary Schools of Mississippi.

Any student with a significant cognitive disability who completes the minimum graduation requirements as specified below and has achieved a level of Passing or Proficient on the end-of-course alternate assessments, is eligible to receive an Alternate Diploma. Students must participate in the alternate assessments during the year the student is enrolled in the corresponding courses (Alternate Biology, Alternate English II, Alternate Algebra). The local school district may establish additional local requirements approved by the local school board as authorized under Miss. Code Ann. § 37- 16-7.

The Alternate Diploma meets the requirements for graduation rate in the same manner as a Traditional Diploma. Students with this diploma must contact the postsecondary institution to determine Ability to Benefit (ATB) and eligibility for enrollment.







Alternate English I

* CCR English I

Alternate English II

* CCR English II

Alternate English III

Alternate English IV

* CCR English III

* CCR English IV

* Broadcast Journalism

* Debate

* Foundations of Journalism

* Mississippi Writers

* Oral Communications

* Print Journalism

* Survey of African American Writing

* Technical and Workplace Writing

* World Literature



Alternate Math I

* CCR Compacted Math 7

* CCR Compacted Math Grade 8 with Algebra I (prior to entering HS)

* Foundations of Algebra (Grade 9 only)

Alternate Math II

* CCR Compacted Math Grade 8 with Algebra I (prior to entering HS)

* Foundations of Algebra (Grade 9 only)

* Advanced Technical Mathematics

Alternate Math III

* Advanced Technical Mathematics (must be taken prior to CCR Algebra I)

* CCR Geometry

* CCR Algebra II (contingent on passing CCR Algebra I)

Alternate Algebra

* CCR Algebra I



Alternate Biology

* Biology

Alternate Science II

Courses worth 1 Carnegie Unit

* Physical Science

* Earth and Space Science

* Human Anatomy and Physiology

* Foundations of Biology OR

Courses worth 1/2 Carnegie Unit

* Environmental Science

* Genetics

* Geology

* Zoology I

* Zoology II

* Astronomy

* Botany

* Foundations of Science Literacy



Alternate History

* US History

Alternate Social Studies

Courses worth 1 Carnegie Unit

* World History

Courses worth 1/2 Carnegie Unit

* Economics

* US Government

* Mississippi Studies

* Psychology

* Sociology

* World Geography



Alternate Health

* Contemporary Health

* Healthcare & Clinical Services I

* Theory and Application of Health Sciences

* JROTC I and II



Physical Education

* Physical Education



Career Readiness I-IV

* Career Readiness was designed specifically for the Alternate Diploma



Life Skills Development I-IV

* Life Skills Development was designed specifically for the Alternate Diploma



The Arts



* Any Carnegie unit credit bearing courses or a combination of 1/2 Carnegie unit credit bearing courses



1Carnegie units earned for Compensatory English courses cannot be included as any of the four (4) English Carnegie units required for graduation; however, Carnegie units earned for these courses may be included in the general elective graduation requirements. Compensatory English may be taken only if a credit-bearing English course is taken in the same school year.

2Carnegie units earned for Compensatory Mathematics courses cannot be included as any of the four (4) Math Carnegie units required for graduation; however, Carnegie units earned for these courses may be included in the general elective graduation requirements. Compensatory Mathematics may be taken only if a credit-bearing Math course is taken in the same school year.

3Successful completion in JROTC I and JROTC II shall be accepted as requirement met for Contemporary Health to meet graduation requirement for one-half (1/2) Carnegie unit in Health. Dual credit Personal and Community Health may be accepted in lieu of the graduation requirement for one-half (1/2) Carnegie unit in Health. For approved Career and Technical course substitutions see Appendix A-12.

4The graduation requirement for one-half (1/2) unit in physical education may include participation in interscholastic athletic activities, choral performance courses for show choir (i.e., Choral, Music-Choral-Ensembles), instrumental performance courses (i.e., Band, Music Instrumental Ensembles, Strings), dance courses or JROTC that meet the instructional requirements specified in the Fitness through Physical Education Framework and that are sanctioned by the Mississippi High School Activities Association. Only one (1) elective unit in physical education including participation in interscholastic athletic activities, choral performance courses for show choir (i.e., Choral, Music-Choral-Ensembles), instrumental performance courses (i.e., Band, Music Instrumental Ensembles, Strings), dance courses or JROTC that meet the instructional requirements specified in the Fitness through Physical Education Framework and that are sanctioned by the Mississippi High School Activities Association may be applied each year to the minimum 24 required Carnegie units. If a local district has graduation requirements above the state requirements, the district may award additional units as outlined in the local school board policy.

5Evidence of proficiency in technology is embedded in the course strands for both Career Readiness and Life Skills Development so that students with significant cognitive disabilities may be taught these skills within the natural environment assuring greater application and generalization of the skills.

6The Arts refers to Dance, Media Arts, Music, Theatre, and Visual Arts. The following dual credit classes: Music Appreciation, Theatre Appreciation, or Art Appreciation may be accepted in lieu of the art requirement for students. For approved Career and Technical course substitutions see Appendix A-12.



Certificate of Completion

Note: This option shall be offered by districts for incoming freshmen beginning in school year 2018-2019 and thereafter.

A Certificate of Completion is not a high school diploma or an Alternate Diploma, but rather an acknowledgement of the student's participation in and completion of his/her Individualized Education Program (IEP). Students eligible to receive a Certificate of Completion should fall into one (1) of the following categories:

1. Students without a Significant Cognitive Disability at the end of 8th grade who:

* Are 16 years old or older; AND

* At least three (3) or more grade levels below their peers in reading and math; AND

* Have a signed statement from the parent acknowledging the Certificate of Completion is not a traditional high school diploma and will not meet the requirements for entry into careers or post-secondary opportunities requiring a diploma.

2. Students without a Significant Cognitive Disability who have not yet turned sixteen (16) by the end of the eighth grade should transition to the ninth grade on a diploma path.

3. Students with a Significant Cognitive Disability at the end of 8th grade who:

* Have extremely limited or no receptive and expressive communication skills AND

* Have a signed statement from the parent acknowledging the Certificate of Completion is not a traditional high school diploma and will not meet the requirements for entry into careers or post- secondary opportunities requiring a diploma.

4. Students with or without a Significant Cognitive Disability at the end of their third year of high school (6 semesters) who:

* Have not earned at minimum of 3 English units, 3 math units, 2 science units, 2 social studies units, and 5 electives; AND

* Have a signed statement from the parent acknowledging the Certificate of Completion is not a traditional high school diploma and will not meet the requirements for entry into careers or post-secondary opportunities requiring a diploma; AND

* Have evidence of 3 or more years of intensive intervention implemented in middle and/or high school to earn Carnegie units. Evidence may include, but is not limited to:

* Progress monitoring data from reading intervention programs or math intervention programs

* Documentation of accommodations and modifications provided in the general education courses and assessments

* Course schedules outlining dedicated time for intervention.

The student's IEP committee determines the course of study for the Certificate of Completion. Areas of instruction should be developed based on the unique needs of the individual student. Course work shall be appropriate for the student and may include:

* Intensive remediation in deficit area skills

* Career preparation courses

* Life skills courses

Students earning the Certificate of Completion should have completed at least four (4) years of high school and/or be at least 19 years of age at the time of graduation.

Students pursuing a Certificate of Completion are required to participate in the Mississippi statewide assessment program deemed appropriate by their Individualized Educational Plan (IEP) Committee.

Students working toward the Certificate of Completion who meet the criteria for a Significant Cognitive Disability are required to participate in the high school end-of-course alternate assessment during the school year the student is enrolled in the corresponding alternate course (Alternate Biology, Alternate English II, Alternate Algebra).

Students working toward the Certificate of Completion who do not meet the criteria for a Significant Cognitive Disability are required to participate in the regular high school end-of course subject area test(s) during the school year the student is enrolled in the corresponding course(s).

It is ultimately the responsibility and decision of the IEP Committee to determine the appropriate exit option for a student with disabilities based on the appropriate data.


Career and Technical Acceptable Course Substitutions for Appendices A-6, A-7, A-8, A-9

Career and Technical Acceptable Course Substitutions for Appendices A-6, A-7, A-8, A-9 CTE Curriculum Name (Course Code)

Equivalent HS Graduation Requirements Met

Equivalent IHL College Preparatory Curriculum (CPC) Credit

Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources

AEST Science of Agricultural Plants I (991013) (No longer offered)

AEST Science of Agricultural Plants II (991023) (No longer offered)


AEST Science of Agricultural Animals I (991010) (No longer offered)

AEST Science of Agricultural Animals II (991020) (No longer offered)


AEST Science of Agricultural Environment I (991011) (No longer offered)

AEST Science of Agricultural Environment II (991021) (No longer offered)

Note: The above courses end with freshman cohort class 2021-2022

1 unit of science (other than Biology I) may be awarded as a Requirement Met upon completion of the single course. No additional Carnegie units awarded other than the 1 Carnegie unit for the CTE course.

No CPC Credit

Agriculture & Natural Resources I (991100)

Agriculture & Natural Resources II (991101)


Fundamentals of Ag. & Nat. Resources (991102)

Ag. & Nat. Res.: Soils and Ag. Lab Operations (991103)

Ag. & Nat. Res.: Environmental Science (991104)

Ag. & Nat. Res.: Equipment Operation and Business Management (991105)

2 units of science (other than Biology I) may be awarded as a Requirement Met upon completion of the sequence of courses. No additional Carnegie units are awarded other than the 4 Carnegie units for the CTE course.

1 Science Credit


1 Advanced Elective Credit

Aquaculture Concepts (991600)

Aquaculture Application (991601)


Introduction to Aquaculture (991602)

Basic Aquaculture (991603)

Advanced Aquaculture (992604)

Application of Aquaculture (991605)

2 units of science (other than Biology I) may be awarded as a Requirement Met upon completion of the sequence of courses. No additional Carnegie units are awarded other than the 4 Carnegie units for the CTE course.

1 Science Credit


1 Advanced Elective Credit

Forestry I (991500)

Forestry II (991501)


Forestry Introduction (991502)

Forestry Surveying and Measurements (991503)

Forestry Cruising (991504)

Forestry Marketing (991505)

2 units of science (other than Biology I) may be awarded as a Requirement Met upon completion of the sequence of courses. No additional Carnegie units are awarded other than the 4 Carnegie units for the CTE course.

1 Science Credit


1 Advanced Elective Credit

Horticulture I (991400)

Horticulture II (991401)


Introduction to Horticulture (991402)

Horticulture Plant Processes (991403)

Horticulture Nursery (991404)

Horticulture Landscape and Turfgrass (991405)

2 units of science (other than Biology I) may be awarded as a Requirement Met upon completion of the sequence of courses. No additional Carnegie units are awarded other than the 4 Carnegie units for the CTE course.

1 Science Credit


1 Advanced Elective Credit

Principles of Agriscience (993460)


Diversified Agriculture Animals Core (993423)

Diversified Agriculture Environment Core (993424)

Diversified Agriculture Food Science (993425)

Diversified Agriculture Plants Core (993427)

Diversified Agriculture Poultry Science (993428)

Diversified Agriculture Veterinary Science (993429)

Diversified Agriculture Precision Agriculture (993432)

Diversified Agriculture Turfgrass Management (993431)


Diversified Agriculture Capstone (993433)

2 units of science (other than Biology I) may be awarded as a Requirement Met upon completion of the sequence of courses. No additional Carnegie units are awarded other than the 4 Carnegie units for the CTE course.

1 Science Credit


1 Advanced Elective Credit

Principles of Agriscience (993460)

1 unit of science (other than Biology I) may be awarded as a Requirement Met upon completion of the single course. No additional Carnegie units awarded other than the 1 Carnegie unit for the CTE course.

No CPC Credit

Concepts of Agriscience (991000) (No longer offered)

Note: The above course ends with freshman cohort class 2021-2022

1 unit of science (other than Biology I) may be awarded as a Requirement Met upon completion of the single course. No additional Carnegie units awarded other than the 1 Carnegie unit for the CTE course.

No CPC Credit

Introduction to Agriscience (029990) (No longer offered)

Note:The above course ends with freshman cohort class 2021-2022

1 unit of science (other than Biology I) may be awarded as a Requirement Met upon completion of the single course. No additional Carnegie units awarded other than the 1 Carnegie unit for the CTE course.

No CPC Credit

Architecture and Construction

Architectural Design & Drafting I (994300)

Architectural Design & Drafting II (994301)


Concepts of Drafting (994302)

Drafting and Design (994303)

Architectural Drafting (994304)

Architectural Drafting Application (994305)

1 unit of Technologyand 1 unit of Math(other than Algebra I) may be awarded as a Requirement Met upon completion of the sequence of courses. No additional Carnegie units are awarded other than the 4 Carnegie units for the CTE course.

1 Technology Credit


1 Math Credit


1 Advanced Elective Credit

Arts, Audio-Video Technology, and Communications

Digital Media Technology I (994100)

Digital Media Technology II (994101)


Orientation to Digital Media (994108)

Fundamentals of Digital Media (994109)

Theory and Applications of Digital Media I (994110)

Theory and Applications of Digital Media II (994111)

1 unit of Technology and 1 unit of Art may be awarded as a Requirement Met upon completion of the sequence of courses. No additional Carnegie units are awarded other than the 4 Carnegie units for the CTE course.

1 Technology


1 Art Credit


1 Advanced Elective Credit

Simulation and Animation Design I (994400)

Simulation and Animation Design II (994401)


Ethics, Design Theory, and Photography (994402)

Design Visualization and Character Development (994403)

Audio and Video Production (994404)

Business, Evaluation, and Development of Simulation and Animation Projects (994405)

1 unit of Technology/Computer Science and 1 unit of Art may be awarded as a Requirement Met upon completion of the sequence of courses. No additional Carnegie units are awarded other than the 4 Carnegie units for the CTE course.

1 Technology Credit


1 Advanced Elective Credit

Broadcasting Journalism I (994600)

Broadcasting Journalism II (994601)


Television Broadcasting and Production I (994602)

Television Broadcasting and Production II (994603)

Television Broadcasting and Production III (994604)

Television Broadcasting and Production IV (994605)

1 unit of Technology and 1 unit of Art may be awarded as a Requirement Met upon completion of the sequence of courses. No additional Carnegie units are awarded other than the 4 Carnegie units for the CTE course.

1 Technology Credit


1 Advanced Elective Credit

Business, Marketing, and Finance

Business Fundamentals (992300) (No longer offered)


Business Fundamentals I (992301) (No longer offered)

Business Fundamentals II (992302) (No longer offered)

Note:The above courses end with freshman

cohort class 2021-2022

May be accepted in lieu of the 1/2 Economics requirement for graduation.

1/2 Social Studies Credit

Business, Marketing, and Finance I (992004)

Business, Marketing, and Finance II (992005)


Fundamentals of Business & Entrepreneurship (992404)

Marketing (992403)

Management (992309)

Finance (992003)

Completion of the 4 Carnegie units may satisfy the 1/2 unit Personal Finance requirement.


Completion of the 4 Carnegie units may satisfy the 1/2 unit Economics requirement for graduation.

1 Social Studies Credit


1 Advanced Elective Credit

Health Science

Health Science Core (995100)

Healthcare and Clinical Services (995101)


Health Science Core I (995102)

Health Science Core II (995103)

Healthcare and Clinical Services I (995104)

Healthcare and Clinical Services II (995105)

2 units of science (other than Biology I) may be awarded as a Requirement Met upon completion of the sequence of courses. No additional Carnegie units are awarded other than the 4 Carnegie units for the CTE course.

1 Science Credit


1 Advanced Elective Credit

Health Science Core (995100)


Health Science Core I (995102)

Health Science Core II (995103)

Requirement Met for 1/2 credit of Contemporary Health. No additional Carnegie units are awarded.

No CPC Credit

Information Technology

Information Technology I (992206)

Information Technology II (992207)


Information Technology Fundamentals I (992208)

Information Technology Fundamentals II (992209)

Information Technology Networking I (992210)

Information Technology Networking II (992211)

1 unit of Technology may be awarded as a Requirement Met upon completion of the sequence of courses. No additional Carnegie units are awarded other than the 4 Carnegie units for the CTE course.

1 Technology Credit


1 Advanced Elective Credit

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics

Engineering I (994000)

Engineering II (994001)


Engineering Fundamentals (994002)

Engineering Applications (994003)

Engineering Design (994004)

Engineering Systems (994005)

2 units of science (other than Biology I) may be awarded as a Requirement Met upon completion of the sequence of courses. No additional Carnegie units are awarded other than the 4 Carnegie units for the CTE course.

1 Science Credit


1 Advanced Elective Credit

Engineering (994000) Engineering II (994001)


Engineering Fundamentals (994002)

Engineering Applications (994003)

Engineering Design (994004)

Engineering Systems (994005)

1 unit of Technology and 1 unit of Science (other than Biology I) may be awarded as a Requirement Met upon completion of the sequence of courses. No additional Carnegie units are awarded other than the 4 Carnegie units for the CTE course.

1 Technology Credit


1 Advanced Elective Credit

Polymer Science I (994500)

Polymer Science II (994501)


Introduction to Polymer Science I (994502)

Introduction to Polymer Science II (994503)

Advanced Topics in Polymer Science (994504)

Careers in Polymer Science (994505)

2 units of science (other than Biology I) may be awarded as a Requirement Met upon completion of the sequence of courses. No additional Carnegie units are awarded other than the 4 Carnegie units for the CTE course.

1 Science Credit


1 Advanced Elective Credit

Unmanned Aircraft Systems I (235100)

Unmanned Aircraft Systems II (235110)


Introduction to Unmanned Aerial Systems (235130)

Foundations of Unmanned Aerial Systems (235125)

Applications of Unmanned Aerial Systems (235120)

Advanced Unmanned Aerial Systems (235115)

1 unit of Technology may be awarded as a Requirement Met upon completion of the sequence of courses. No additional Carnegie units are awarded other than the 4 Carnegie units for the CTE course.

1 Technology Credit


1 Advanced Elective Credit


Instrumentation I (235050)

Instrumentation II (235051)


Fundamentals of Instrumentation (235060)

Application of Instrumentation (235061)

Theory of Instrumentation (235062)

Advanced Skills of Instrumentation (235063)

1 unit of Technology may be awarded as a Requirement Met upon completion of the sequence of courses. No additional Carnegie units are awarded other than the 4 Carnegie units for the CTE course.

1 Technology Credit


1 Advanced Elective Credit

Precision Machining I (993403)

Precision Machining II (993404)


Fundamentals of Precision Machining (993405)

Application of Precision Machining (993406)

Theory of Precision Machining (993407)

Advanced Skills of Precision Machining (993408)

1 unit of Technology may be awarded as a Requirement Met upon completion of the sequence of courses. No additional Carnegie units are awarded other than the 4 Carnegie units for the CTE course.

1 Technology Credit


1 Advanced Elective Credit

NOTE: Maximum of 2 units may be awarded as graduation requirements met for science.

Technology/Computer Science Credits

Technology Foundations (992307 & 110630) (No longer offered)

1 unit of Technology may be awarded as Requirement Met upon completion of the sequence of courses. No additional Carnegie units are awarded.

1 Technology Credit

ICT II (CTE: 000272) (Academic: 110620) (No longer offered after SY 2020-2021)

1 unit of Technology may be awarded as Requirement Met upon completion of the sequence of courses. No additional Carnegie units are awarded.

1 Technology Credit

STEM Applications (000273) (No longer offered)

1 unit of Technology may be awarded as Requirement Met upon completion of the sequence of courses. No additional Carnegie units are awarded.

1 Technology Credit

Cyber Foundations I (000284)

1 unit of Technology/Computer Science may be awarded as Requirement Met upon completion of the sequence of courses. No additional Carnegie units are awarded.

1 Technology Credit

Cyber Foundations II (000286)

1 unit of Technology/Computer Science may be awarded as Requirement Met upon completion of the sequence of courses. No additional Carnegie units are awarded.

1 Technology Credit

Exploring Computer Science (000283)

1 unit of Technology/Computer Science may be awarded as Requirement Met upon completion of the sequence of courses. No additional Carnegie units are awarded.

1 Technology Credit

Computer Science and Engineering (000287)

1 unit of Technology/Computer Science may be awarded as Requirement Met upon completion of the sequence of courses. No additional Carnegie units are awarded.

1 Technology Credit

E-Commerce (993460)

1 unit of Technology may be awarded as Requirement Met upon completion of the sequence of courses. No additional Carnegie units are awarded.

1 Technology Credit

Exploring Careers (990002) *

1 unit of Technology may be awarded as Requirement Met upon completion of the sequence of courses. No additional Carnegie units are awarded.

No CPC Credit

*Please check the latest SBE-approved guidelines for Exploring Careers, formerly Keystone, as the technology credit awarded for this course should end after the 2020-2021 school year.

Web and Programming Concepts (902147) Client-side Programming (902148) SQL Programming (902105) Python I (902110)

1 unit of Technology/Computer Science may be awarded as a Requirement Met upon completion of the sequence of courses. No additional Carnegie units are awarded other than the 4 Carnegie units for the CTE course.

1 Technology Credit


1 Advanced Elective Credit


Acceptable Secondary Course Substitutions for Technology and/or Computer Science

Curriculum Name (Course Code)

Equivalent HS Graduaton Requirements Met

Media Arts

AP - 2-D Art and Design (500738)

1 unit of Technology or Art Credit

AP - 3-D Art and Design (500739)

1 unit of Technology or Art Credit

Media Arts - Animaton (Grade 9-12) (500162)

1 unit of Technology or Art Credit

Media Arts - Digital Sound Design (Grade 9-12) (500163)

1 unit of Technology or Art Credit

Media Arts - Graphic Arts and Web Design (Grade 9-12) (500169)

1 unit of Technology or Art Credit

Media Arts - Interactve & Game Design (Grade 9-12) (500167)

1 unit of Technology or Art Credit

Media Arts - Interdisciplinary Media Design (Grade 9-12) (500165)

1 unit of Technology or Art Credit

Media Arts - Introducton to Media Arts (Grade 9-12) (500160)

1 unit of Technology or Art Credit

Media Arts - Moving Image (Grade 9-12) (500161)

1 unit of Technology or Art Credit

Media Arts - Performance Design and Documentaton (Grade 9-12) (500170)

1 unit of Technology or Art Credit

Media Arts - Virtual Design (Grade 9-12) (500166)

1 unit of Technology or Art Credit

Theatre - High-Tech Video Producton (500522)

1 unit of Technology or Art Credit

Graphic Design I (070333)

1 unit of Technology or Art Credit

Graphic Design II (070334)

1 unit of Technology or Art Credit

DL - Web Page Design (110197)

1 unit of Technology or Art Credit

Broadcast Journalism (100104)

1 unit of Technology or Art Credit

Electronic Communicaton Producton I (Grades 10-12) (100191)

1 unit of Technology or Art Credit

Business Classes

E-Commerce (110735)

1 unit of Technology Credit

Informaton and Web Services

Introducton to Informaton Technology (110600)

1 unit of Technology Credit

Web Design (110705)

1 unit of Technology Credit

Web Design II (110706)

1 unit of Technology Credit

Web Design and Media Rich Content (110700)

1 unit of Technology Credit


Engineering II: Robotcs (450258)

1 unit of Technology Credit

PLTW: Engineering: Essentals (Academic) (561055)

1 unit of Technology Credit

PLTW: Engineering: Aerospace Engineering (Academic) (561017)

1 unit of Technology Credit

PLTW Engineering: Computer Integrated Manufacturing (Academic) (561019)

1 unit of Technology Credit

PLTW Engineering: Digital Electronics (Academic) (561022)

1 unit of Technology Credit

PLTW Engineering: Engineering Design and Development (Academic) (561021)

1 unit of Technology Credit

PLTW Engineering: Introducton to Engineering Design (Academic) (561024)

1 unit of Technology Credit

PLTW Engineering: Principles of Engineering (561023)

1 unit of Technology Credit

PLTW: Engineering: Aerospace Engineering (CTE) (561012)

1 unit of Technology Credit

All CS credits can count for a Technology credit

Curriculum Name (Course Code)

Equivalent HS Graduaton Requirements Met

AP Computer Science A (110141)

1 Unit of Computer Science Credit

Client - Side Programming (110138)

1 Unit of Computer Science Credit

AP Computer Science Principles (110145)

1 Unit of Computer Science Credit

Concepts in Programming and Web (110137)

1 Unit of Computer Science Credit

Concepts in SQL and Database (110136)

1 Unit of Computer Science Credit

Visual Basic Programming Language (110139)

1 Unit of Computer Science Credit

PLTW: Computer Science A (232070)

1 Unit of Computer Science Credit

PLTW: Computer Science Essentals (Academic) (561054)

1 Unit of Computer Science Credit

PLTW: Computer Science Principles (Academic) (232065)

1 Unit of Computer Science Credit

PLTW: Computer Science Essentals (561036)

1 Unit of Computer Science Credit

PLTW: Cybersecurity (232080)

1 Unit of Computer Science Credit

Computer Science and Engineering (000287)

1 Unit of Computer Science Credit

CSC 1113 Computer Concepts

1 Unit of Computer Science Credit

CSC 1123 Computer Applicatons I

1 Unit of Computer Science Credit

Miss. Code. tit. 7, pt. 163, APPENDICES, app 7-163-A

Adopted 1/18/2017
Amended 7/22/2018
Amended 5/12/2019
Amended 8/17/2020
Amended 1/18/2021
Amended 8/22/2021
Amended 11/22/2021
Amended 11/28/2021
Amended 9/19/2022
Amended 12/5/2022
Amended 6/27/2023
Amended 5/20/2024