6 Miss. Code. R. 4-9.19

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 6-4-9.19 - Application Process

Applicants must first contact the State regarding the submittal of an Emergency application. The initial contact should be by letter or fax and should address the following:

A. The problem (or threat) and the proposed solution
B. A cost estimate and documentation that reflects efforts to secure other funds was not successful
C. How the situation poses an imminent threat to the health and welfare of affected residents, and
D. Community's budget for previous two years.

If the condition meets the Emergency criteria and the applicant finds it preferable, pre-agreement costs can be negotiated with the local unit of government. No application may be submitted without prior approval. Applications will be considered in the order received until all funding is exhausted. Benefit to low- and moderate-income persons is the preferred national objective; however, it is possible to receive funding under the Urgent Needs national objective. Projects receiving Emergency funds must be closed out within twelve months of award receipt, or funds will be recaptured. Based on MDA's evaluation of the request, a letter may be issued inviting a CDBG Emergency application. The letter will state the amount of CDBG funds that may be requested. The local unit of government will be given 45 days to submit the application.

6 Miss. Code. R. 4-9.19

24 CFR 570.480-497