Project area and town wide surveys will be accepted. If using a survey to determine the low- and moderate-income benefit, it must have been conducted after April 1, 2008. Applicants using surveys to indicate population and income information must use the State approved Grant Survey Form provided by MDA and must include the signed Grant Survey Summary and Disclosure Form in the application. No other survey forms will be allowed unless the content is approved by MDA prior to the survey being taken. Surveys that do not meet the 80% response rate will not be accepted. Surveys must contain an adult household member signature or be initialed by the adult household member in order to be counted. Surveys will not be allowed/counted if they are not signed/initialed by the adult household member. If surveys were used for determining low- and moderate-income benefit, the application preparer is responsible for the surveys being correlated to a legible map and in proper order.
6 Miss. Code. R. 4-9.13