Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 6-4-8.17 - Explanation of Rating FactorsA. Target Population: Applications that target two or more of the following populations will receive a maximum of 35 points. Applications that target only one population will be rated based on the scale below. In order to receive points, documentation that indicates the applicant's Target Population must be submitted. Applicants may submit marketing material, Articles of Incorporation, By-laws or some formal document containing the organization's Mission Statement or Purpose. (Applicants must also specifically identify which document contains the information and provide the page numbers). Local units of government must submit this information on behalf of the shelters they will be assisting with ESG funds. Category | Points |
Families | 30 |
Victims of Domestic Violence | 25 |
Veterans | 20 |
Others | 15 |
Children | 10 |
Elderly | 5 |
B. Program Design: Applicants will be rated on how their programs are designed to address the items listed below regarding their targeted population(s). In order to receive points the applicant must submit a formal copy of its Policies and Procedures document or Operational Manual describing these activities. Applicants must specifically identify which document contains the information and provide the page number. (i). The hard to reach homeless (outreach activities)(ii). The provision of supportive housing and ultimately permanent affordable housing(iii). The utilization of clients in the construction, renovation, maintenance or operation of the shelter facility pursuant to 24 CFR 576(b).(iv). The inclusion of at least one current or former homeless person serving in a policy-making capacity pursuant to 24 CFR 576(b). Criteria | Points |
Program design includes 4 Areas | 20 |
Program design includes 3 Areas | 5 |
Program design includes 2 Areas of less | 0 |
C. Applicant Capacity: (i). Applications will be awarded points based on the applicant's current ability to operate homeless programs. Applicants will be rated on their personnel's ability to perform administrative and operational functions. In order to receive points the applicant must submit a formal copy of its Policies and Procedures document or Operational Manual that describes the activities listed below. (Applicants must also specifically identify which document contains the information and provide the page number). (a) Client application process and procedures for intake(b) Client tracking system (what type of statistics does your organization obtain and maintain on your clients, i.e., income information, educational level, employment status, health information, household size, marital status, gender, age, average length of stay, chronic homelessness, substance abuse history, etc)(c) Client follow-up system (location and condition of client after leaving shelter)(d) Financial accounting system(e) Policy regarding the termination of assistance and grievance procedure pursuant to 24 CFR Part 576.56(a) (3). Applicants must have in place a policy that governs the termination of assistance provided by ESG funded activities to participants who violate program requirements. The policy must provide the procedure that governs the termination and grievance process. Criteria | Points |
Organization has standard operating procedures for all 5 Areas | 15 |
Organization has standard operating procedures for 4 Areas | 5 |
Organization as standard operating procedures for less than 4 Areas | 0 |
(ii). Applicant's ability to provide and/or coordinate supportive services for clients. In addition to providing overnight sleeping accommodations, applicants are encouraged to provide supportive services to clients either directly or through partnering with other entities. In order to receive points, marketing materials, Articles of Incorporation, By-laws containing Mission Statement or Purpose, Policies and Procedures document or Operational Manual, must be submitted for documentation. If services are provided by another entity, a copy of the Memorandum of Understanding or Agreement, or letter of support with these entities indicating the provision of services must be submitted. The Memorandum of Understanding or Agreement, or letter of support, must cover the grant Program Year period. Criteria | Points |
Job training related services are available | 5 |
Child care related services are available | 5 |
Counseling/Therapy services are available | 5 |
Medical related services are available | 5 |
Transportation services are available | 5 |
Budgeting/Financial Management Training services are available | 5 |
(iii). Applicant has previous experience administering a state or federal grant program. In order to receive points, applicants must identify the grant received and submit a copy of the grant award letter. Applicants will receive points based on the following: Criteria | Points |
Applicant has experience administering a grant program | 5 |
Applicant does not have experience administering a grant program | 0 |
D. Documented Need: Applicant sufficiently documents need for services proposed in application. Please include the following information (information must be based on a January through December calendar year): (i). Homeless statistical information for applicant's locale(ii). The overall number of individuals served for last year (for any services provided)(iii).The number of individuals from the applicant's specific target population served last year (for any services provided)(iv).The number of nights of sleeping accommodation services provided last year(v). The number of nights of sleeping accommodation services provided last year for individuals in the applicant's target population(vi).The average length of stay of clients last year(vii).The number of other shelters in applicant's locale(viii).The number of other shelters in applicant's locale that serve the same target population as the applicant(ix). Information regarding economic conditions in the applicant's locale(x). Information regarding the levels of entitlement assistance in the applicant's locale The above listed items must be addressed in the Documented Need Narrative for points to be awarded. Applicants may certainly include any additional information that they deem necessary. Criteria | Points |
Applicant clearly identifies need for proposed services | 20 |
Applicant does not clearly identify need for proposed services | 0 |
E. Community Coordination: Applicant will provide additional needed services for their clients from resources in the community. To receive points, applicants must provide a copy of the Memorandum of Understanding or Agreement, or letter of support with each activity indicating coordination and the provision of services. The Memorandum of Understanding of Agreement, or letter of support, must cover the grant Program Year period. Criteria | Points |
Applicant has 4 or more community resources | 25 |
Applicant has 3 community resources | 15 |
Applicant has 2 community resources | 5 |
Applicant has less than 2 community resources | 0 |