6 Miss. Code. R. 4-8.1

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 6-4-8.1 - Program Overview

The Emergency Shelter Grants Program (ESG) is authorized by the Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act of 1988 as Amended. Under the Emergency Shelter Grants Program, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) allocates funds by formula grant among eligible states and units of general local government. States and units of local government may use the ESG funds for renovation, rehabilitation or conversion of buildings for use as emergency shelters for the homeless, for the payment of operation and maintenance expenses, for the provision of essential services to homeless clients, and for homeless prevention activities. The program is designed to be the first step in a continuum of assistance to enable homeless individuals and families to move toward independent living as well as to prevent homelessness. The State of Mississippi proposes in the 2011 Emergency Shelter Grants Program to use the funds for operation and maintenance expenses. ESG funds will be distributed statewide to eligible local units of government and non-profit organizations that operate homeless shelters. Recaptured or De-obligated ESG funds may be used to supplement State Administration, to supplement existing projects which may require additional funds, to fund other eligible applicants, or to fund ESG eligible activities.

6 Miss. Code. R. 4-8.1

42 U.S.C. 11301