6 Miss. Code. R. 4-4.26

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 6-4-4.26 - Site Visit

Once an application has been received, a CSD Program Manager will contact the grant administrator and local unit of government to schedule a site visit. During the site visit, CSD staff will review the following:

A. Resolution authorizing the application submittal in the minute book
B. Documentation for matching funds
C. View the project area and site of improvements to document project need
D. In addition, the CSD staff will need a current employee roster from the benefitting business. The document must include each employee's name and date of hire. This will be the starting point to account for job creation. A company representative from the benefitting business and the local elected official with the applicant will sign an acknowledgement pertaining to job creation and should attend the site visit.

6 Miss. Code. R. 4-4.26

Miss. Code Ann. § 57-61-36 (Rev. 2014)
Adopted 7/26/2017