Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 6-4-1.4 - Eligible Projects Eligible projects financed with Mississippi Small Municipal and Limited Population County Grant Program funds must be publicly owned. All contracts and purchases must be made in accordance with normal bid and purchase laws of a municipality or county. Eligible projects include, but are not limited to: Eligible publicly owned projects according to program selection priorities include, but are not limited to
A. Priority 1: Economic development-related improvements to include water, sewer, street and drainage improvements for the benefit of site development, industrial parks, business districts, tourism destinations, and projects that improve the competitiveness of a community. B. Priority 2: Downtown improvements to include: sidewalks, lighting, facade improvements, beautification improvements (waste receptacles, stop signs, street signs, landscaping, awnings, etc.), and other downtown improvements as approved by MDA. C. Priority 3: Non-economic development related water, sewer, street and drainage improvements. D. Priority 4: Purchase, construction or rehabilitation of public buildings to include: town halls, libraries, police stations, fire stations, community centers, courthouses, other publicly owned buildings as approved by MDA. Miss. Code Ann. § 57-1-18 (Rev. 2008)