6 Miss. Code. R. 2-1.9

Current through January 14, 2025

In the event that an interested applicant does not meet the definition of "Eligible Grantee" contained in Rule 1.2 H., that status may be reviewed by MDA upon written request from the Community Foundation or the Consortium. If MDA determines that it cannot resolve the issue, it will assemble a panel consisting of one appointed representative of the Mississippi Attorney General, the Mississippi Secretary of State, and MDA, which shall review the matter and resolve it. Such review shall not be subject to further review, appeal or judicial review.

6 Miss. Code. R. 2-1.9

Senate Bill 2221, 2021 Regular Legislative Session; Senate Bill 3063, 2020 Regular Legislative Session; House Bill 1782, 2020 Regular Legislative Session.
Amended 8/1/2021