6 Miss. Code. R. 2-1.6

Current through January 14, 2025
A. Pursuant to the Community Foundations Act, Eligible Expenditures can continue to be reimbursed to Eligible Grantees until the Program expires on December 31, 2021 or until the Program funds are exhausted per the following appropriation limitations set for each category of Eligible Grantee:
1. Community Foundation Grants to Nonprofit Entities - For awards made before November 15, 2020, a Four Thousand Dollars ($4,000.00) maximum Grant per Nonprofit Entity. For awards made on or after November 15, 2020, a Twelve Thousand Dollars ($12,000.00) maximum Grant per Nonprofit Entity. However, no Nonprofit Entity can receive more than Twelve Thousand Dollars ($12,000.00) in aggregate for both periods. The total Program allocation per the Community Foundations Act is Four Million Dollars ($4,000,000.00).
2. Community Foundation Grants to Food Pantries - There is no maximum Grant per Food Pantry. The total Program allocation per the Community Foundations Act is Four Million Nine Hundred Thousand Dollars ($4,900,000.00).
3. North Mississippi Education Consortium Grants to Child Care Facilities - A total Program allocation of Three Million Nine Hundred Thousand Dollars ($3,900,000.00) with those funds to be distributed on an equitable basis among the Child Care Facilities of the entire State of Mississippi.
B. The Community Foundations Act provides that MDA shall distribute to the Community Foundations a pro rata share of Program funds based on the population served by the individual Community Foundation. Based upon the established service areas for the Community Foundations and the census data from the 2010 U.S. Census, the following awards will be made to each Community Foundation:

Community Foundation

Population Served

Pro Rata

Award from Nonprofit Fund

Award from Food Pantry Fund

The CREATE Foundation, Inc.





The Community Foundation of Northwest Mississippi, Inc.





The Community Foundation of Washington County





The Community Foundation for Mississippi



$ 1,227,137.01


The Community Foundation of East Mississippi, Inc.





The Greater Pinebelt Community Foundation





The Gulf Coast Community Foundation, Inc.



$ 650,738.91




$ 4,000,000.00


1. Notwithstanding the distributions shown above, any Community Foundation may make grants to any Food Pantry, regardless of whether the funds were designated for Food Pantries or Nonprofits.
2. Furthermore, any Community Foundation may transfer funds to another Community Foundation for the purpose of awarding grants to Food Pantries.
C. The Community Foundations Act provides that the funding to the Consortium shall be distributed to Child Care Facilities on an "equitable basis." MDA has determined that the most equitable basis for distribution is to evenly divide all Program funds in this allocation to all Child Care Facilities who agree to participate in the Program.
D. The Community Foundations Act provides that each Community Foundation may retain not more than one percent (1 %) of its total award from each fund for its administrative expenses related to the Program, plus an additional Twelve Thousand Dollars ($12,000.00) from the Nonprofit Fund and Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) from the Food Pantry Fund. Thus, the allocation for each Community Foundation's administrative expenses shall be calculated as 1% of the total award from each fund + $12,000.00 from the Nonprofit Fund + $5,000.00 from the Food Pantry Fund. The exact amount will be set forth in the Grant Agreement.
E. The Community Foundations Act, as amended, provides that the Consortium may retain not more than Ninety Thousand Dollars ($90,000.00) for its administrative expenses to the Program.
F. All Program and Grant funding caps established by the Community Foundations Act will be strictly enforced by MDA. If any caps are exceeded, regardless of the reason, MDA will seek to recapture any Program funds issued in excess of the cap from the Community Foundation or the Consortium which held the funds where the violation occurred.

6 Miss. Code. R. 2-1.6

Senate Bill 2221, 2021 Regular Legislative Session; Senate Bill 3063, 2020 Regular Legislative Session; House Bill 1782, 2020 Regular Legislative Session.
Amended 8/1/2021