5 Miss. Code. R. 4-3.2

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 5-4-3.2 - Requests for Opinions

Any person with a substantial interest in the subject matter may make a request to the DBCF for a declaratory opinion by following the specified procedures. The term 'substantial interest in the subject matter' as used in this chapter means: that a party is directly affected by the DBCF's administration of the laws within the DBCF's primary jurisdiction. The term 'primary jurisdiction of the Agency' as used in this chapter means the DBCF has a constitutional or statutory grant of authority in the subject matter at issue.

Correspondence should be submitted to the following address:

Mississippi Department of Banking and Consumer Finance

Post Office Box 12129

Jackson, MS 39236-2129

Phone (601) 321-6901

Additional public information regarding the DBCF and its supervised or regulated entities may be found at the DBCF website: www.dbcf.ms.gov.

5 Miss. Code. R. 4-3.2

Miss. Code Ann. § 25-43-2.105 (Rev. 2005)
Amended 9/21/2020