5 Miss. Code. R. 2-2-4.0

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 5-2-2-4.0 - Location;

A hearing shall be conducted at the offices of the Department or at an alternative location that is deemed suitable by and within the sole discretion of the Commissioner.

4.1; These Rules and Procedures are not intended to address all aspects of the hearing process. The Commissioner may determine that more specific procedural rules for the hearing of a matter are necessary and should be implemented to ensure the order, fairness and efficiency of the hearing. The Commissioner's authority provides the sole discretion to amend and/or supplement the hearing rules as deemed necessary and upon proper notice to all parties.
4.2; The "Rules of Evidence" used injudicial proceedings and any other rules of procedure or evidence that apply in other contexts may be considered informative for all matters before the Commissioner, however, all such rules are non-binding and any standards set forth therein are relaxed for all purposes of an administrative hearing conducted by the Commissioner.
4.3 Court Reporter; Each conference presided over by the Commissioner with all parties and/or their representatives may be transcribed for the Record with costs borne by the party requesting the Court Reporter's services. The Department shall procure the services of a competent and certified Court Reporter who shall transcribe everything done and said on the Record and shall keep and properly index all exhibits as directed by the Commissioner or the Hearing Counsel.
4.4 Deposit of Costs; The Commissioner may, in his/her sole discretion, require a deposit or other guaranty that the fees and costs of the service of process and, should the Commissioner determine that the costs of the hearing will outstrip the amount of the bond(s) maintained by a regulated entity on file with the Department, may require an additional security bond from the respondent(s).
4.5 Witnesses; Issuance of subpoenas by Commissioner; Upon proper written application of any party or its attorney, a subpoena may be issued by the Commissioner as follows:
4.5.1 Subpoenas Duces Tecum: At any time, no later than 14 days prior to hearing, at the instance of any party, the party or its attorney may make application for the issuance of a document subpoena directed to any non-party requesting documents that are or may be pertinent to the issues to be heard at the hearing of the matter. The issuance of a document subpoena is at the sole discretion of the Commissioner, and predicated upon a finding that the request sets forth as plainly as possible the documents that are sought and the purpose of the requested production. Absent extraordinary circumstances, a total of fifteen (15) separate document subpoenas is the maximum limit. Additional document subpoenas may issue only after a showing of extraordinary circumstances by the party making the requests.
4.5.2 Summons/Subpoena to appear in person; Rule 45 of the Mississippi Rules of Civil Procedure is considered instructive guidance to the parties, but it is not necessarily binding for the purposes of any matter before the Commissioner.
4.5.3 Enforcement by Commissioner; Unless otherwise prohibited by statute, the Commissioner shall have full authority to enforce any summons, subpoena or order that issues during the hearing process. The Commissioner may further request the Chancery Court in any county to assist with the enforcement of any such document.
4.5.4 Service of Process; All subpoenas, subpoenas duces tecum, summons or any other process issued in proceedings pending before the Commissioner shall extend to all parts of the state and may be served by any person authorized to serve process of courts of record in this state.
4.5.5 Costs Borne by Requestor; A process server shall be entitled to collect appropriate fees for such service as allowed in the courts of this state, with all such costs to be borne by the party requesting the service of process.
4.6 Depositions of Witnesses; In any hearing proceeding before the Commissioner, the Department or a party may request the issuance of a subpoena requiring an individual to be deposed upon a showing of good faith need to take the deponent's testimony under oath. If the Commissioner finds that a party's request is well-taken, that the requested deposition will not adversely affect the deponent and is not being requested for any improper purpose, he/she may issue a subpoena requiring the attendance of the deponent at a date and time certain. Any deponent is entitled to be paid an attendance fee and/or travel costs related to the deposition as allowed in Rule 45 of the Mississippi Rules of Civil Procedure. All costs shall be borne by requesting party.
4.6.1 Limit on Depositions; Unless there is an extraordinary need established by a clear and convincing showing, a party shall be granted no more than five (5) depositions. A deposition shall be limited to no more than eight (8) hours and shall be conducted at a location that is reasonably convenient to the deponent and properly noticed to all other parties. The Commissioner has sole discretion to expand or limit the scope, content, location, environment, manner and decorum of any deposition requested by any party. The Commissioner may refuse to allow any such request or revoke a previously issued summons if the Commissioner determines that such action is necessary to prevent cumulative, repetitive or duplicative testimony, to avoid unnecessary delay or obstruction, or to prevent the harassment or embarrassment of a witness. No party shall be entitled to depose or require testimony at a deposition or at the Hearing from the Commissioner (current or former), the Hearing Counsel, or the Department's attorney(s).
4.7 Attendance of Hearing; A witness may be summoned/subpoenaed to attend the Hearing in person for the purposes of giving live testimony before the Commissioner. A witness should be reimbursed for actual expenses incurred as a result of their attendance and the party requesting the issuance of the subpoena requiring attendance shall bear the cost of expenses such that the witness shall not incur losses as a result of compliance. A reasonable daily witness fee should also be provided to each subpoenaed witness, not to exceed the amount described in Rule 45 of the Mississippi Rules of Civil Procedure.
4.8 Exchange of Witness lists. Exhibits; The Commissioner has sole discretion to require the parties to provide and/or exchange lists of witnesses that are likely to or may be called to provide live testimony at the Hearing and may require the same for any or all exhibits that a party plans to use as affirmative evidence at the Hearing. Evidence that may be submitted solely for the purpose of impeachment or rebuttal may be excluded from this requirement.
4.9 Taking of Evidence; The Commissioner and Hearing Counsel shall maintain full control over the taking of any evidence at the hearing and may limit the number of witnesses to be called, the topics to be discussed, the documents entered and all other manner of evidence in order to maintain order, maximize administrative economy and prevent duplicative, irrelevant, superfluous or improper submissions.

Since the Hearing will not be limited to strict rules of evidence, the Commissioner may consider any evidence he/she finds to be highly probative and has a strong indicia of reliability. As the fact-finder for the Hearing, the Commissioner is empowered to assess credibility, weigh conflicting evidence and draw factual inferences from the testimony and exhibits introduced by the parties. Additionally, as the fact-finder, the Commissioner may reject the subject statements as implausible, properly countered by other evidence, or otherwise not compelling.

4.10 Taking Notice; The Commissioner may take official notice of any generally accepted information or technical or scientific matter within the fields of expertise within the purview of the Department and of any other fact which may be judicially noticed by the courts of this state. The parties must be informed of any information, matters or facts so noticed and must be given a reasonable opportunity, on request, to refute such information, matters or facts by evidence or by written or oral presentation of authorities, the manner of such refutation to be determined by the Commissioner or Hearing Counsel.
4.11 Time Limit on Hearing; The Commissioner has the discretion to limit the number of days allowed for the Hearing. Absent a showing of extraordinary circumstances, no hearing shall be conducted for more than 40 hours of testimony or argument. The Commissioner has discretion in the scheduling of the Hearing days and may require all parties to comply with further time restrictions. Limits may be uniformly placed on all parties and/or witnesses. An opportunity for cross-examination of any live witness shall be provided to the party opposite subject to above limitations.
4.12 Failure to Appear at Hearing-Default; If the respondents fail to appear at the scheduled time and place set for the Hearing, the Commissioner may adjourn the Hearing and may thereafter proceed with the determination and final ruling based solely on the submitted Record. Failure to attend and present all defenses to the Commissioner the Hearing shall constitute waiver of the party's ability to raise on appeal any issue that could have been raised during the Hearing Process.
4.13 Subsequent Submission of Further Written Legal Arguments/briefs; The Commissioner may direct a party to provide additional written submissions to complete or clarify legal or factual issues, following the conclusion of live Hearing. The submission of additional documents shall be only at the direction of the Commissioner and shall serve to postpone the "close" of the Hearing until after the parties' submissions are complete. Documents that are intended to rebut testimony may likewise be submitted after the conclusion of live testimony, if directed by the Commissioner. Nothing will be accepted for consideration or entered upon the Record after the end of the Hearing, unless it is expressly allowed or directed by the Commissioner.

5 Miss. Code. R. 2-2-4.0

Miss. Code Ann. §§ 81-18-1; 81-18-29; (effective date July 1, 2016)
Adopted 10/19/2018