40 Miss. Code. R. 2-1.13

Current through January 14, 2025
A. Regulations for Malmaison Wildlife Management Area in Grenada, Carroll, and Leflore Counties.







Oct. 1 through the Friday prior to Thanksgiving.

Antlerless deer and legal bucks.

Youth Deer

Saturday two weeks prior to opening day of Gun season through the Friday prior to Thanksgiving.

Antlerless deer and legal bucks.


Saturday prior to Thanksgiving through Dec. 1

Antlerless deer and legal bucks.

Primitive Weapon

Dec. 2 - Dec. 15

Antlerless deer and legal bucks.


Dec. 16 - Dec. 23

Antlerless deer and legal bucks.


Dec. 24 - until 47 days of regular gun hunting for entire deer season.

Antlerless deer and legal bucks.

Primitive Weapon

Day after the final day of Gun season - Jan. 31

Antlerless deer and legal bucks.


Last full weekend in March.


Apr. 1 - May 1


Sept. 24 - 30


Oct. 1 - Feb. 28

May 15 - June 1


Saturday nearest Oct. 15 - Feb. 28


July 1 - Sep. 30

Friday and Saturday nights only.


Oct. 1 - Feb. 28


Nov. 1 - Feb. 28



Whenever the opening date set above falls on a Sunday, the season shall begin on the preceding Saturday.

1. WMA USER PERMIT: All persons using this wildlife management area, except those exempt from purchasing an annual hunting or fishing license, must carry on their person an annual statewide Wildlife Management Area User Permit. This permit is required in addition to completing the daily visitor use permit or using the WMA Check-In App and any required license and may be purchased wherever licenses are sold.
2. BAG LIMITS: Same as statewide bag limits, except the bag limit on antlerless deer is one (1) per day. All harvested deer count towards statewide bag limits, unless otherwise stated.
3. DEER DATA COLLECTION: All deer harvested must be checked at the WMA headquarters and recorded on WMA Daily Use Permit Card or WMA Check-In App by the hunter who harvested them before leaving the WMA. If WMA personnel are not available to check the deer, the hunter is responsible for collecting and legibly recording ALL biological data (weight, antler measurement, and jawbone). Instructions and equipment will be provided.
4. LEGAL BUCKS: Legal bucks are those with an inside spread of at least 15 inches OR one main beam length of at least 18 inches. For hunters 15 years of age or younger any antlered buck is a legal buck.
5. DOG RESTRICTIONS: Deer hunting with dogs is prohibited. Small game hunting with dogs is allowed during any small game season. Hunting, running, or pursuing hogs with the use of dogs is prohibited.
6. LEGAL WEAPONS: Only centerfire rifles, shotguns with slugs, primitive weapons, and centerfire handguns may be used for deer hunting.
a. Waterfowl hunting closes at noon.
b. The Greentree Reservoir and the state-owned portion of the McIntyre Scatters:
i. Parking areas and boat ramps are closed 11/2 hours after sunset until 2 p.m.
ii. Access to these areas is prohibited prior to 4a.m.
iii. Waterfowl hunters must be out by 1 p.m.
iv. Hunters are allowed no more than 25 shotshells per person.
v. No boats or waterfowl hunting gear are permitted on the area, except in camping areas or roadways, later than 30 minutes after sunset.
vi. Hunting equipment, including but not limited to boats and decoys, may not be left unattended.
vii. All boat access in the Greentree Reservoir is prohibited during the two weeks before the opening day of regular waterfowl season. During the regular waterfowl hunting season boat access in the Greentree Reservoir is allowed from 4 a.m. until 1 p.m. daily.
viii. The WMA boundary lines in the McIntyre Scatters are marked. Lands adjacent to the WMA are privately-owned lands. Hunters are cautioned to stay on the WMA side of the posted boundary, and not trespass onto adjoining private lands. Crossing onto adjoining private lands, to include floating past the marked boundary lines in a boat or other floating hunting blind or apparatus, may subject the hunter to criminal liability for trespass. Additionally, placement of stands, blinds or other hunting positions/apparatus on or near the boundary line, may place the hunter within shotgun range of hunters on adjacent private property. Therefore, hunters should set their hunting positions a safe distance from the line. Additional signs or markers are near the boundary line and in close proximity to active hunting areas on the adjacent private lands, to make WMA hunters aware of those active sites. Stands, blinds, or other hunting positions should be placed so that the WMA hunter does not shoot across any boundary line and onto or over adjacent private property. All rules of safety and proper hunting etiquette shall be observed at all times. A violation of this provision may also subject the hunter to charges for a violation of these WMA hunting regulations, and possible loss of hunting privileges on this WMA, as provided in 40 Miss. Admin. Code, Part 2, Rule 1.1.E.
8. NO WAKE ZONES: No boat shall exceed idle speed when motoring through these areas.
a. The state-owned portion of the McIntyre Scatters.
b. In the greentree reservoir, from the boat ramp down the main channel to a point extending 700 yards from the boat ramp.
9. OFF-ROAD MOTORIZED VEHICLES/ATVs: ORVs/ATVs/Electric Bicycles are allowed on designated roads or trails for hunting and fishing access only. Off-road use of ORVs/ATVs/Electric Bicycles are allowed for retrieval of harvested deer or hogs. ORVs/ATVs/Electric Bicycles are only allowed on WMA levees for retrieval of harvested deer and hogs and for handicapped access. Additionally, electric bicycles may be ridden on marked foot-traffic trails only by users 65 years of age and older. They may not be ridden on any leveed roads or trails.
10. HORSES: Horseback riding is prohibited during WMA deer and turkey seasons. At all other times, horseback riding is restricted to roads open to motorized vehicles and designated ATV trails. Raccoon hunting from horses allowed during nighttime hours.
11. CAMPING: Camping is allowed in designated areas only. Camping is limited to 14 consecutive days. Camping equipment may not be left unattended for more than 24 hours. All camping equipment and garbage must be removed before final departure.

40 Miss. Code. R. 2-1.13

Miss. Code Ann. §§ 49-1-29, 49-4-4, and 49-5-13.
Updated April 2014
Amended 7/5/2015
Updated December 2015.
Amended 2/24/2016
Updated April 2016
Amended 6/26/2016
Updated April 2017
Amended 6/24/2017
Updated April 2018
Amended 7/7/2018
Amended 6/28/2019
Updated August 2019
Amended 10/28/2019
Amended 6/17/2020
Amended 6/17/2021
Amended 6/27/2022
Amended 6/26/2023
Amended 7/25/2024