Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 4-1-1.3 - Divisional Responsibilities(a) The duties of the Administrative Services Division include: responsibility for all personnel matters; processing of invoices, travel vouchers and purchase orders, as well as all activities related to procurement of equipment and supplies; billing of entities for services rendered; preparing and administering the agency's annual budget.(b) The Financial and Compliance Audit Division, the largest division in the agency, is divided into five sections: Education Audit Section, State Agency Audit Section, County Audit Section, Electronic Data Processing (EDP) Audit Section and Report Processing Section. This division is responsible for conducting and overseeing audits of public entities.(c) The Average Daily Attendance Division is responsible for monitoring school district compliance with the student information system requirements developed by the Mississippi Department of Education. In addition, it conducts public school fixed asset audits.(d) The Information Technologies Division is responsible for in-house design and installation of information systems. Its primary duty is to provide intra-agency technical support and training access related to the agency's information management activities.(e) The Investigative Division is responsible for the investigation of alleged or suspected violations of Mississippi law, including fraud and embezzlement, by public officials related to the purchase, sale or use of any supplies, services, equipment or other public property.(f) The Performance Audit Division conducts programmatic and performance audits and reviews to evaluate selected operations of government, making recommendations aimed at enhancing efficiency, effectiveness and economy in government. (j) The Property Division is responsible for maintaining a master inventory of fixed assets for state agencies and universities. It also conducts fixed asset audits for these public entities and for county governments as well.(h) The Technical Assistance Division is responsible for providing accounting and compliance assistance to state and local governments. It also conducts related training and is responsible for the design of uniform accounting systems for local governments.Miss. Code Ann. §§ 7-7-203, 7-7-211.