39 Miss. Code. R. 3-4-55

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 39-3-4-55
100. REQUIREMENTS All natural gas supplied by gas companies within the state shall be continuously odorized under the following conditions:
1. All gas served from any city or town distribution system
2. In all private residences, apartment houses, hotels, schools, churches or other public buildings served in any other way than through city or town distribution systems

It is not intended by these rules to require the odorization of gas used in natural gasoline extraction plants, carbon black plants, natural gas gathering lines or gas used in lease and field operations or in repressuring wells. Industrial customers served in any other way than through city or town distribution systems or where gas consumed by residential and commercial customers can be odorized without the necessity of odorizing gas to industrial consumers, the utility shall not be required to odorize the gas sold to industrial customers.

1. The malodorant agent to be introduced into natural gas shall indicate by distinctive odor the presence of gas when such gas is present in concentrations not greater than one per cent by volume. By this, it is meant that the gas shall be given an odor in concentrations of not more than one part gas to ninety-nine parts air by adding an agent that will vaporize, dissolve in or be so mixed with the gas as to produce an odor readily perceptible to normal overage olfactory senses of a person coming from fresh, ungasified air into an area where gas is present.
2. The malodorant agent in any concentration likely to be encountered shall be harmless and neither toxic nor nauseating. It shall be non-corrosive to steel, iron, brass, bronze, or leather and it shall be insoluble in water.
3. The products of combustion from the malodorant shall be such that they are neither toxic nor nauseating to a person breathing air containing them, and they shall also be such as not to corrode or be harmful to the normal materials with which they would come in contact in places where gas is burned.

39 Miss. Code. R. 3-4-55