Current through January 14, 2025
100. The center of meters hereafter installed shall not be more than seven (7) feet nor less than four (4) feet from the ground or floor level except as modified below. 1. OUTDOOR METERS a. Where meters are installed outside, they shall be placed on the exterior of buildings or on poles owned or used by the utility in locations readily accessible to authorized utility representatives for meter reading, testing and maintenance and shall not be subject to severe vibration.b. Meters shall not be installed in locations where the meter readers or service men may inadvertently damage flower beds or shrubbery, or where it will be necessary for them to climb over fences or other obstructions to service the meters. Meters shall not be placed in locations where they may be accidentally damaged, such as on buildings where they will extend unguarded into alleys or driveways, or where they will cause inconvenience either to the customer or the utility's representative.2. INDOOR METERSa. Where meters are installed indoors, they shall be located on the first floor or in the basement where they will be readily accessible to authorized utility representatives for meter reading, testing and maintenance and shall not be subject to severe vibration or excessive dampness. Meters shall not be installed near belts or moving machinery that might endanger the safety of meter readers or service men.b. Meters shall not be located in basements where the only entrance is through a trap door. Meters shall not be placed on lattices, in coal bins, wood bins, sheds, attics, bedrooms, bathrooms, toilet rooms, restaurant kitchens, stairways, ventilating shafts, elevator shafts, furnace rooms (the latter at the discretion of the utilities), or in any place where the visits of the meter reader will cause inconvenience either to the customer or the meter reader.c. A utility may, at its option and at its expense, relocate meters, provided that relocations made necessary to prevent interference with a meter or the reading thereof, or a recurrence of discovered tampering, unauthorized diversion of service may be made at the expense of the customer.